Dumbass? I asked my parents how I was born one day. They said I grew under the smartass bush. Not born, but hatched. My therapist gets paid $200/hr to deal with this shit.
We've got a big briar patch in our old goat pen, any advice for removing it? Just cut it down or treat it? Or both? We're probably going to either plant a new garden or raise more goats. I'll hang up and listen!
Unfortunately we don't have any goats at the moment. I just want to clear the pen so we can figure out what to do with it. Still have another 2ish acres to work with.
From what I hear of goats, they will eat everything but what you want them to eat, and then they will also eat what you want them to eat. Goats are fascinating creatures.
Just sort of nodding his head like, ‘Wow, I’m good at this! I’ll plant a garden of love-lies-bleeding in the ashes.” (Amaranthus caudatus, it’s so so pretty!!)
The berries color is very distinct. My brother in law finds beautyberries in the wild and makes jelly from them. It’s really good. They are used for many things. Google them.
Hangman I had every faith in your word but in the future could you please tag your images with alt text because a lot of folks on here won't reskeet images without alt text, especially #gardening folks I imagine
Those look beautiful Bay Bay and did you think I was kidding? I told you I would keep commenting. I'm just trying to get you to think about this idea. Remember what I said about joining the Hurt Syndicate. I think it would really benefit you to have them on your side.
I’ve got one in my yard and it’s lovely! It survived three separate weed whackings when it was tiny and has grown to a medium size, I’m hoping next year it will be big enough to try to make jam from the berries.
They have them around my parents' retirement home, and it's pretty funny -- all summer they're mad about these scruffy scrawny discolored forsythia-looking things, then in the fall the crazy purple berries appear and all is forgotten.
Are you gardening to attract specific animals? That would be pretty rad if you were an avid bird watcher, or had trail cams set up to see cool animals.
Hello, I am Shaima from Gaza.🇵🇸 I need your help if you can, because of the high prices. This requires an amount to buy winter clothes, food, and cleaning supplies. We need $400 to get the supplies. I want a small donation of $25. Can you afford that? I am really sorry.https://gofund.me/7203d043
regionally native vines that host and feed pollinators such as swallowtails, monarchs, and native bees
Also, please give this a perusal.
Show us the wonders of your garden.
Thanks for sharing this.
What kind of birds?
Those look beautiful Bay Bay and did you think I was kidding? I told you I would keep commenting. I'm just trying to get you to think about this idea. Remember what I said about joining the Hurt Syndicate. I think it would really benefit you to have them on your side.
More of this content, please!
And man, the colors are super vibrant on those!
Those look lovely.
Very bitter to humans raw but can be turned into a jelly
Birds seem to really like it though
Bet they'd make good dyes
Probably toxic to eat like so many cool looking berries... maybe with some processing it could be safe though 🤔
We believed that you would do this & dang we appreciate every single thing you post.
Even the insult 😂😂😂🐴🐎🦄.