On Friday, lawyers for Griffin laid out their case for retroactively disqualifying 65,000 ballots, disenfranchising tens of thousands of registered voters and overturning the election results and Riggs’s victory. https://www.democracydocket.com/news-alerts/the-right-to-vote-is-not-absolute-gop-bid-to-steal-north-carolina-supreme-court-election-heard-by-court-of-appeals/
Repugs are all about throwing out votes...wait a minute isn't one of the complaints that x number of people didn't vote in this past Presidential election?
Makes you wonder if that's true.
People fought and died for the rights we have to vote.
Any attempts to limit or take away that right is infuriating for me personally. Anyone who isn’t at least upset by this isn’t someone I want to know.
This is lost on so many women who support all this nonsense.
From 1870 to 1920 blacks were allowed to vote, but women weren’t, that is astonishing.
Literacy tests were tricky enough to exclude almost all
It wasn't until 1965 voting rights act that these tests were abolished, and all people could vote (almost) unencumbered
Stop this steal.
This dudes church and religion are evil of this is what they produce. Grooming for hatred and lies.
Faith is the willing suspension of critical thinking.
Religion is the embrace of the delusion of faith.
May reason rule.
Praise Bob!
The fascist oligarchs have taken control of America. Time to hit the streets and fight back. Do it fast. Don't let the trump regime consolidate power
Why not simply declare the winners with Stephen Miller’s choice of vote totals?
Why bother with elections at all?
I’m absolutely disgusted. NCGOP are a bunch of thieves, liars, and CRY BABIES.
When even gerrymandering the hell outta districts doesn’t work, resort to outright cheating.
Like the Uvalde police department.
Exhausting bunch of screaming children, they can go outside.
The billionaires in collaboration with the republican&democratic party. Will do this to all of us Peasants. Rich straight people of course will help. We need to make them afraid. There's over 346 million Americans. We can wipe out our problem. Urban guerella style.
When that sinks in, what is the solution?
I’m fairly positive that he has pissed off *so* many people, including Republicans, at this point he’d lose by a landslide
This is such a waste of time and tax dollars
Plus I’d love to see that smirk wiped off his face it utter crushing defeat
I don't recall Democrats doing that.
Fucking despicable.
I guess we're gonna have to build a new one from the ground up
Got the self righteous Mike Johnson look going on.
Fuck this country if that’s where we are. Fuck it.
Emergency Alert!
Interim SSA administrator
Threatens to Shut Down
If Elon and DOGE have to
Follow Judge order!
Call your elected representatives now!
#SSAShutDown #SSA #USDemocracy
DC Dems, where are you?
a *grown ass man* whining and demanding he get the prize even tho he lost the race
and FNC - they started so much of the gerrymandering/suppression and voting rights act violations that are now an epidemic
Hey you, don't help them to bury, the liiiight. Don't give in, without a fight.
We’re waiting, and we’re waiting 😮💨🙄
It’s bully politics. That’s how this pathetic human-being won the WH.
I guess a good part of the US voters or politicians have not learned this yet.
This is their go to modus operandi .
Many voters are veterans overseas etc
That tells me the fix was in.
We no longer have free and fair elections. MAGA can NOT win w/ free & fair elections.
Why? Because their policies are inherently unfavorable to working class.
Fuck that pussy bitch!