Nope! That happened a few years later, I think. (The house he's saying goodbye to isn't even Wayne Manor, it's his parents' holiday home. Bob Haney's Brave and the Bold stories are a wonderfully weird thing, and so much fun.)
Bob Haney has what you might call a “passing relationship” to writing fleshed out characters but he knows how to keep shit moving and hold your attention and it’s great (his teen titans with Nick Cardy is a wonder)
LOL I always thought this was the one critical elements of Batman's character that he never actually deals with his trauma because the whole ridiculous premise relies on that
I remember reading about a British comic that ended or lost the rights to reprint Spider-Man... so in the last issue they just changed the dialogue and wrapped up the whole Spider-Man story.
Hush: "Did somebody say my name?"
Batman: "Wait.... who are y---- n-n-no... no! Noooooo!!!!"
Bruce: (suddenly something inside breaks again) Mmnn ( drops to knees)