Some folks are going to try to make it illegal to wear a mask in New York this year. With COVID still raging, millions dealing with Long Covid (including me), and the stage being set for bird flu or another virus to become the next pandemic, I'll be speaking out against this deeply misguided effort.
I'm sorry you've gotten harassed. That's awful.
I'm wearing my mask.
Fk them!
But having tourists call the mayors office and tourism office and say you can’t visit if they ban masks is always appreciated.
UA doesn't have that right either.
I don't want to oversimplify, but it really is about power to them. These are demos of power, not so much a result of a coherent philosophy.
Their identity (groomed by conservative media) is to oppose what they think liberals care about.
Liberals care about Ukraine, abortion, and covid mitigation, so they oppose them.
That’s the reaction in reactionary politics, and why reactionary movements become monstrous.
It could end up with his supporters deciding he was a liberal all along. That’s how they broke their cultlike attachment to George W Bush.
As an immunocompromised person that’s already disabled, I’ve been in quarantine for almost 5y even WITH masking available, bc one-way often isn’t enough for me.
It’s obvious that this is for eugenicist purposes and social control, among other reasons
If I have to start saving for bail I will.
The plurality of voters in this country apparently forgot about Donald Trump's corrupt mishandling of the coronavirus. With him about to return to office, here's a series of posts to remind them.
Reactionary bullshit as always with these useless idiots.