Ronald Reagan set in motion the travails we are now experiencing. Without the damage he caused we wouldn't have ended up with a Dick-tator. I will forever despise him. Did he know that how he weakened us would bring us to collude with Russians? It doesn't matter. It did.
While all of those votes are infuriating, I genuinely do not understand why Israel would be on that side of the vote. Is it really as simple as Russia wants to annex Ukraine, and Israel wants to Annex the West Bank?
I realize Trump has almost unlimited immunity but him basically making us an Axis of Evil has to fall into some special kind of ‘we can impeach him & kick him out of fucking office for this traitorous bullshit that even Benedict Arnold wouldn’t do’ thing, right? Right?!
Israel sided with the country that persecuted
its Jewish population over a country that is fighting similar aggressive violence? It’s almost like they’re trying to make the rest of the world hate them.
Where is the press conference with all the former presidents, vice presidents, military leaders, democratic leaders, etc standing up to condemn this fascist gop and their leader?! Make it loud and clear Americans are not aligned with these traitors.
Totally disgusting but completely expected from Trump, who let’s be honest has been a Russian shill since he went to Moscow in 1987. I never thought the US would ever be allied with the Russians who have been engaged in a covert war against the west for all of Putin’s reign.
Ronald Reagan is spinning in his grave.
I hate what SCOTUS did to us
its Jewish population over a country that is fighting similar aggressive violence? It’s almost like they’re trying to make the rest of the world hate them.
To think of the sacrifices that the Greatest Generation made and here we are today 😡😭😭
I always wondered what a real-life game of "Risk" would look like . . .
We have long memories and hold to grudges longer then your country history?