Zuckerberg urges Trump to stop the EU from fining US tech companies..I guess no one saw that coming
I would bail from all his crap but I don't use most of his shite.
Time to delete all Meta accounts.
Vestager had been running a shakedown operation, and now we actually have real reasons to need EU power, it’s hard to claim the moral high ground.
He is trump’s hero!
Free speech is OK if responsibility goes hand in hand.
Not weaponised for clickbait.
47% of his tweets or retweets were about uk govt.
BBC found most of them were lies!
EU should just ban it
#Facebook was responsible for Trump 2016, he should be fined and convicted for allowing spread of lies that enabled Trump win.
They don't.
If you own major US tech stocks so much of their valuation is tied directly to outside of the US revenue.
Be careful!
Also Zuckerberg if he wants to trade in Europe needs to follow our rules otherwise just bugger off would be no loss.
Americans who believe we can tell the world what they're going to do are totally living in Trump's fantasy world.
They don't need us nearly as bad as we need them, as we are about to find out.
And not another watch model according to other news that has been circulating on social media.