Like celebrating the first babies born in the new year, what's the first book you read this year?
A very unique book to say the least.
Now on to Every Arc Bends Its Radian, Sergio de la Pava.
Pamela Harriman's Astonishing Life of Power, Seduction, and Intrigue by Sonia Purnell.
From Churchill to Gorbachev to Clinton and beyond, her intelligence and influence were unmatched. What a remarkable woman.
I'm intrigued!
Mr Donald J Trump, sir. 🍊
I’m about 60% of the way through The Books of Jacob so it’ll be a while before I finish my second.
It was a moment.
Have you read Rhys’ other works? I came to WSS after reading her 4 interwar novels. She’s become a favorite author of mine, and I appreciated WSS all the more for entering it having familiarity of Rhys authorial voice
You run into funny things with other readers on public transport - like a secret society.
Excellent non-fiction! Highly recommend for the pace, accessible history writing, and several sneaky GenX pop culture references.
When it comes to detective novels, he deserves a seat at the top table along with Chandler and Hammett. But yeah, he can be dark.
Outstanding! Great way to start the year. Sets the bar high for the rest of the books I’ll read this year.
not new but new to me
First book fully read this year was Bad Dreams and Other Stories by Tessa Hadley from 2017.
(Unfortunetly in french)