I haven’t had the chance to play too much yet, but yeah I saw u can develop for it. We got it as a company gift 😃. This is how @jeffbcross.bsky.social tries to increase our productivity 😅
Not sure if you bought the dock but its def worth it if you wanna play on a bigger screen. I’m also trying to get `pupdate` to start using `ungh` so no one need a GitHub token to update things anymore… 🤞
Its not absurd, I’m the absurd one with multiple working handhelds and consoles. Still love my n64 and dreamcast even though I have a switch. I’ll leave the rest of the consoles unnamed because once i list them, i realize the absurdity of my situation 😅
Between the death of the Saturn, Sega Japan’s business antics at the time, and Sony’s PS2 announcement, it did not get the time it should have had. Sega also had the chance to adapt DVD but went with the GD-rom instead.
I’ve got pocketsync going (nice software) for the cores, but the actual bios is copyrighted and I can only find very suspect places that will probably give my Mac a disease
This device is probably my favorite gaming thing I've ever purchased next to my Steam Deck. I have all my old cartridges from my childhood and it plays them flawlessly on that gorgeous screen.
Don’t you dare tell me how good it is or else it will end up next to the playdate on the shelf of cool toys that I never have enough time for 😅 (it looks great, not gonna lie)
It's a beauty! I was so tempted to buy one, but I no longer have any of my GB carts, so I'd need to build the library back up. I do oddly still have a working original Game Boy in the attic, no idea when I lost the games. 😅
Yeh @remysharp.com did a wonder job on it for me a couple of years back. It's really great but the anxiety of not knowing how much battery was left made me very reticent to play it properly, which is why the analogue was purchased 😅
I grabbed one of the glow in the dark pockets a while back and after completing Zelda, obvs, I got stuck into Chrono Trigger. It’s amazing once you get used to it
I’ve got the @modretro.bsky.social on preorder 👀👀
I get it though, Nintendo probably sent Mario to execute them
I’m gonna work through them all because they were my all time favourites as a kid.
(he also 3D printed a neat dock too)
Praise be to the people who are so skilled at replacing cartridge batteries. Keeping history alive!
First you kill the rabbit
Then you kill the bat
Then you kill the man
Enjoy the game!