The repubs billed the speech as Renewal of the American Dream but instead it was a renewal of DJT's blame-everybody-but himself b.s. --Biden, Obama & Hilary of course. If his speech reflects the American Dream we're in a nightmare.
The lies. The madness. The neo-Nazis cheering him on while most Dems sat there or raised a paddle.
He went after Social Security, which to me is a clear indication he is planning to eliminate mid-term elections in two years. This is officially a dictatorship.
You're a better person than I. I didn't watch and it took about 90 seconds of analysis this AM before I turned it off. My mental and physical health are suffering. I'm in protection mode now.
My husband and I are watching videos of Disney World. I can't deal with this. I'll read about it, so I don't have to hear Trump's voice or see his hideous face.
If they had even a shred of a concept of a plan and any unity at all they would have done so when they removed the black guy. They have NOTHING to offer us.
This is the WORST reality show I've ever seen. That said, when he moves to fire the legislators, what will I win, since I predicted that a few weeks ago?
Republicans, don’t cower to the traitor Trump. History will judge you not just by what you do, but by what you fail to stand up to. Honor your love and respect for this country—speak out.
I watched High Potential. Even though I watched each episode three times. Absolutely no amount of money could get me to watch that twit and the Democrats just sitting there like fools. They should have stayed home .
I’m feeling the shock and horror I felt when I watched Biden debate trump. I’m watching the Democrats weak response and, except for Al Green, I’m thinking “We are fucked.”
I heard they kicked Rep Greene out, yet when twit MTG did something in 2022, of course the Dems wanted to be politically correct and didn’t kick out her sorry butt. Well what did it get them? They will never learn, and that’s their biggest problem. time to get pissed!!
Is the anyone who is going to take him seriously because of this speech? I didn’t watch but read the transcript. He’s doing a lot of things like nobody else because it’s our golden age.
I’m glad I posted dog pics under your other thread, and in someone else’s instead of watching. I count on reliable folks like you to give me the highlights! I just didn’t have the stomach for it tonight and I used to cover the Hill. That’s saying something!
Live from New York, it’s me dissociating 🥳
It is a reality show that's violent, terrifying and disgusting every minute of every hour of every day since June 16, 2015, with a bad fake tan.
More Elsa and Bella, please!
Abc before the SNL fans come at me, my comment is mostly sarcastic.
He went after Social Security, which to me is a clear indication he is planning to eliminate mid-term elections in two years. This is officially a dictatorship.
they are lies.,
Check out the timing — The tariffs against Canada and Mexico was timed so as to maximize TV coverage in advance of the joint congressional address.
In order understand what’s going on, study Television Instead of arguing policy.
Total fiction that’s over the top buffoonery
"There's never been anything like it."
Blah blah blah
They won't be able to see who's doing it, and it will drive the Republicans insane.
Regardless we appreciate you, Joyce, and know you will let us know what the truth is.