Does he mean the destruction of the constitution, attacks on the rule of law, threats to freedom of expression, attacks on the judiciary, decimation of checks and balances, installation of an unelected oligarch to run the country, etc. agreed.
Yup, they should have been organized. One after another, get up, get thrown out. It would have completely stymied the whole State of the Union address. Such a simple and effective act of civil disobedience.
Don't forget how he won by a landslide that gave him a mandate from the people, how he won the swing states, and now he won the popular vote by a HUGE margin and how he has done more in 8 weeks than most presidents do in 4 or even 8 years! He's a damn genius!
How many times has he said "nobody has ever seen anything like it" or words to that effect? We must live in the most novel era of all time.
I think he may have LIED a little bit at the start and end.
Then he LIED bigly between start & end.
'Nobody ever heard such a stream of LIES ! '
There !
That is what he does, he embellishes with words and phrases that addd nothing to what he is saying so that he says a lot of words but says nothing at all. He's been doing it for 10yrs.
well, the Orange Jenius IS probably the first actual Russian asset to occupy the Oval Office. Trump has already tried to overthrow the govt once & now has a SECOND chance to try it all over again. He's just being disingenuous about the context.
Just a reflection of how he feels inside - like the smallest, absolutely most insignificant being that ever walked the planet. Everything he says is an attempt to distance himself from that fact in the most extreme manner
He is not a smart man. He does not read. He has never surrounded himself with really smart people.
Because of those reasons, his language skills do not advance.
He has a limited vocabulary and needs to use familiar phrases.
His diminished cognitive abilities force him to cling to the familiar
Everything he does is unprecedented in the worst way. “Nobody’s ever seen a bigger dump than the one I took on the U.S. Constitution…nobody thought it could be done…nobody could believe it.” 😒
We do live in the most novel era of all time, and “nobody has ever seen anything like it in the history of our country”. Everything out of Trumps mouth is always of an unprecedented nature. The “greatest” this or that or whatever. He really has a very limited vocabulary for a “genius”.
I turn off the radio/tv/my consciousness whenever he starts "speaking " if you can call it that. He's a windup toy capable of repeating the same 15 or 20 phrases over and over. No offense to windup toys.
Interesting …I’m sure he thinks so since he’s never picked up a history book and his ideas are retreads the 1850s and 1930s. Quick: someone write “let them eat cake” in his next tweet. See how THAT goes down.
The biggest, the best, the smartest, the richest, etc “the world has ever seen.” I get so sick of his repetitive bullshit. Expand your vocabulary, you disgusting lump of feces.
It's a placeholder for him, like adding "think of it" to the end of a point he just made. It allows the next sentence to hit him, oh so gradually, so he can actually manage to say it.
It's just that as his bran shrinks, he's left with less and less vocabulary and at this point the "Like no one has ever seen before" verbal structure, always a fave with Trump, is one of the few descriptors he has left.
It's like that other word that became used so prolifically last time he was in office: unprecedented. Had hoped it died, but legacy media is resurrecting it.
His vocabulary is just so bad. I think he only has about a couple of hundred words in his repertoire. And he just keeps repeating the same thing over and over.
I think what gets me the most is the sheer level of groveling by Republicans. Sooner or later one of them is going to lose control and flash a Nazi salute.
Every time Trump says, “Nobody’s ever seen anything like it…”
I always wonder … what world does he live in?
What makes HIM think that
has ever seen, or experienced, or questioned, or considered, any of the things Trump is apparently astonished by?
Trump is to the world economy as Helene was to North Carolina, to world peace as Katrina was to New Orleans and to the United States Government infrastructure as the 1900 Texas hurricane was to Galveston. It’s a horrific trifecta of “I’ve never seen ANYTHING like this”
Narcissistic trait-he believes he is the most amazing human being ever. He has to believe that because it keeps his emptiness and impotent rage at bay.
His vocabulary is pitifully inadequate, his repetitious hyperbole is all he can summon to complete a sentence when he gets confused. He is scattered & depends on his word salad. He absolutely believes he can fool all of the people all of the time. He is certain he is adorable & clever. 🤮
He only speaks in superlatives. His grammar and language skills stopped in 3rd grade. Would lovvvveeee to see his transcripts from Wharton. Guarantee daddy Fred paid for his grades.
When a narcissist says, no one’s seen it before, or no one ever knew, etc. it just means he never saw it or knew of it. For a narcissist, only what he is aware of exists. Anything new to him, began when he noticed it. Narcissistic personality disorder is a real thing.
Yes, his elocution is sophomoric at best. But come on, let's focus on what he is DOING. Lying through his teeth... Appointing --and getting consent from the Senate -- the most despicable "cabinet" ever. Anti science, anti law and order (yes, actually)...
“Man of few words”… well, yes he is, but he keeps using them over & over & over again.
“A lot of people are saying”, “They came to me & said Sir…”, “Believe me”,
“Nobody knows more about… than me”
& your example
“nobody’s seen anything like it”. His limited vocabulary aligns with his limited IQ.
Republicans, don’t cower to the traitor Trump. History will judge you not just by what you do, but by what you fail to stand up to. Honor your love and respect for this country—speak out.
Trump is great better than George Washington.Republicans great that they made new Constitution: No Bill of Rights! No pesky amendments... not efficient. No tax for billionaires even on chewing gum. Super gold card! Whoopee. New Bill: Bill of Shut up if you you don't have a $5M Gold card...
If you look at it a certain way it's kind of Zen, never the same river twice, etc. But the way he uses it is stupid and repetitive, almost like he's trying to show that, yes, the exact same thing can recur, over and over.
He understands the benefit of 'stupid' and uses it with notable expertise to serve both himself and those who, like him define said 'stupid. He's got talent.
Well I'm sure it was a pretty novel era living through the bubonic plague / Black Death in Europe during the 1300s.
Yet I'm still debating Trump or the plague is worse.
but I bet you heard "people are saying" a lot...
and then there are his pet superlatives like "tremendous" and "fantastic"
One. By. One.
Disrupt. Good trouble. NOW.
This shit would make the worst dictators in history blush and cringe.
My god, the cringe.
So yeah. Just that one.
I think he may have LIED a little bit at the start and end.
Then he LIED bigly between start & end.
'Nobody ever heard such a stream of LIES ! '
There !
Because of those reasons, his language skills do not advance.
He has a limited vocabulary and needs to use familiar phrases.
His diminished cognitive abilities force him to cling to the familiar
Did he mention that it’s the biggest drop in the S&P for a President’s first six weeks … ever?
That's his fav.
That’s his gig.
This is just a formal rally for him.
His speeches are horrible!
I really miss Obama’s amazing oratory skills!
So sick of that schtick.
I always wonder … what world does he live in?
What makes HIM think that
has ever seen, or experienced, or questioned, or considered, any of the things Trump is apparently astonished by?
Though some Iranians, North Koreans, Tibetan, Cubans, and Syrians may have a bone to pick.
“A lot of people are saying”, “They came to me & said Sir…”, “Believe me”,
“Nobody knows more about… than me”
& your example
“nobody’s seen anything like it”. His limited vocabulary aligns with his limited IQ.
That IS something "nobody has ever seen the likes of"
A damn ass is what he is!
BUT! she still understands Nazi’s are bad and Trump is scum.
Yet I'm still debating Trump or the plague is worse.
A toss up.
"I said a word - groceries - and nobody's said it before."
Oh wait... yes I can. Has he said anything that wasn't about him?