Greg is an especially heinous little nazi on fox news. He occasionally plays punk music or wears a misfits shirt to seem more like a normal person or to appear "for the people". Hope he gets trampled by horses.
This photo showing what our government is doing makes me ill. People who were rounded up and denied due process. Shaved and humiliated and surrounded by masked vigilantes like they are not even considered human.
If I could reach through the TV I’d slap his face. He should be charged with lying and trying to incite violence. Human garbage. Time to take out that trash. Boycott Fox everywhere possible
All I can think about when i listen to these propagandist (very rarely) is, there are people (his base) that this is the ONLY way they learn anything. They take all of this bull as fact. I still say, when they stop getting government financial support, then many of them will begin to wake up.
Another guy in a position to influence who just doesn’t understand. No wonder the deplorables are deplorable. The people they listen to are deplorable.
Republicans are scared little bitches. They're also 100% responsible for fascism in America along with their donors and their voters. Lame stream media made sure fascism came to America wrapped in a McDonald's wrapper holding a Diet Coke can
I’m thinking if you’re telling a Supreme Court justice to shut the hell up, apparently someone, somewhere in your life really hurt you; we need to find them and get you kids back together.
It’s like the outrage usually felt by men who were forced to marry the first girl they fucked and be responsible adults before they’ve received their HS diploma while watching their classmates spend the next decade living it up before having to settle down.
Roberts seems to have figured out that once Trump decides to completely ignore the judiciary Supreme Court judges become a liability that need to be eliminated.
Many warned about this happening. Trump sits in the WH thinking he has absolute immunity now, regardless of the tiny fencing off Roberts put in for SCOTUS review and oversight. I’m glad Chief Justice Roberts is alive to experience the situation he deliberately created and enabled over years.
When courts fall, elections become theater, & power cements itself, and resistance turns from a right to a risk. Authoritarianism slowly suffocates freedoms, tightens, silences, & crushes until obedience is all that remains. Fight early, or kneel forever.
I think We’ve entered the Leninist phase of the coup—where the goal is the total annihilation of the administrative state, paving the way for an unchecked autocracy to seize control. The system isn’t just being dismantled—it’s being obliterated to ensure no return to democratic governance.
Most Americans don’t grasp the gravity of our moment. They don’t see the fall of democracy as a real threat. It’s something foreign and the idea of the U.S. collapsing into authoritarianism seems unthinkable.
Resistance comes in many forms, and each person must decide their role. Protests, spreading information, and calls for general strikes are already underway. You can also track Canada and the EU’s tariff lists and adjust your spending to boycott companies complicit in this agenda. Every action counts
Well, the states still have a lot of power so each state may be on their own. Also, what would happen if the agencies that are housed in DC move to blue state temporarily and then eventually the red state too? The national guard could help protect them?
Must be nice for greg to use his first amendment against a supreme court judge and not worry about consequences.
HEY!? wasn't that a right we were all supposed to have? Not just for some ugly old privileged white dude who probably has a stock pile of Viagra in his bathroom. Anger makes man soft 🤭😊
Robert’s is trying to restrain shitler because he realizes too late that he is going to get replaced too but it’s too late to put that vicious genie back in the bottle
So this guy, whoever he is, (I've never watched lying Fox) says Trump is the President and protects millions? He is not president. This election was rigged and stolen by El0n, his little Doge hackers, Starlink and Putin, and he's protecting NO ONE!
Even if it wasn’t rigged, could you imagine if Biden had said he didn’t have the time to open his little pocket book and make sure he was doing things right? They’re such hypocrites.
You should be extremely happy you don’t know who this guy is. He is one of the biggest titty babies there are. Falls right in line with Jesse Waters. If you don’t know him, you are very blessed.
A Republican friend recommended this guy to me a few months ago BEFORE the donnie appointment. I'd never heard of him, but recorded a show. Watched it. Nope; not for me. THEN donnie appointed him, and I KNEW what he was.
It's Greg Guttfeld. Right up there with prickfest Jesse Waters. They both talk in this highly smarmy voice. But repubs never think ahead-the president has full immunity does he/she? What happens when dems get the title? Trump is such a broken man he can't take the slightest critique.
What's an uncouth, classless, useless bunch of meat sacks Maga morons are. They are like grunting, rutting pigs in the mud and it's embarrassing to say I live here
Theyre waiting for their payday. Their wiring for the check to clear with a promise of more on the way. That's all they care about. In giving trump immunity they've made themselves damn near irrelevant. They just don't know it yet.
roberts sawed off his own branch (figuratively & literally). i actually wonder if scotus will stand up for itself to keep itself moot, or wander off into the wilds like congress did
i mean we're screwed either way, neither outcome saves us; we get to do that ourselves
This is a betrayal of OUR US Democracy. And the fact the GOP are promoting & defending these out and out indefensible felonious actions in Washington DC is an insult (& threat) to every American.
Maybe he and some of his fellow justices will finally understand that giving up their power as an equal government branch leaves them completely vulnerable to the consequences of dictatorship ‼️‼️
I never heard of Greg Gutfeld until today. What a piece of amoeba dung he is. In the UK he would have been fired from the network for statements like that.
The SCOTUS is not gonna like this type of trash talk. In my experience with Judges and courts (limited compared to lawyers yet extensive compared to general public), Judges do not take well to talk like this. They can get punitive. Might help us.
I'm not into censoring media yet - this is propaganda, not media. I think we're also seeing how effective things like the Fairness Doctrine were nad it's time to modernized and re-introduce those types of laws.
Would you like a do over? Because you need one. What I'd like to see is instead of you being an ass, you;d reach more people with: FD was a policy est b y the FCC, not a law, although often confused. Propaganda is protected speech, like it or not. And explain your perspective instead of bashing.
My aunt's the same way. She taught me really young that sometimes, you just can't save someone from stupid no matter how hard you try to reason with them.
She’s so old and stuck in her ways at this point it would be like talking to a wall plus there’s no use in getting her upset with me so I just try not bringing up politics.
Conspiracy theorists have made a lot of progress from “germany didn’t lose WWi” to now bombarding unsuspecting audiences with this stuff on youtube and fox
That’s horrible. And facts won’t even get through to them anymore. I could watch FOX all day and would just laugh at the non-sense and hate on there because I can easily tell it’s all propaganda. I just don’t understand how other people can’t see that as well.
@Rep Richard Dangler— We have groups for that! Women get together in our Facebook Chat and rage and then calm each other down and find projects not do.
My brother, too. Between Fox & working with right wingers at the arsenal. Shit, he even started using straight up pesticides in his formerly all organic garden. I cut him off, no contact. How a man with 3 daughters, 3 granddaughters could vote for tRump is beyond me.
Sadly, my Dad has also succumbed to the cult thanks to Fox. The resistance should be absolutely flooding that network with the truth. Why isn’t it happening?!
I'm finally watching The Brainwashing of My Dad on youtube. It explains a lot. I'm also reading Attack From Within by Barbara McQuade about how disinformation is destroying our country.
The angry man talk radio to Fox News Pipeline of the 90s took my wonderful father from me. I'm so glad he died before 2016 or our relationship would have ended. They hacked his brain. Fear is the best tool to manipulate people with.
My dad is "dead". Bill O'reilly dissolved him in a vat of hatred and lies and whoever he was before that is entirely gone- he's a semi-sentient Faux News propaganda piece now. Hurts to have lost my dad but I saw it coming since we first talked politics.
Both of my parents died before the red menace took office but they always were tuned into FOX whenever I visited in the early oughts and their thinking had altered. They were always republicans but didn’t vote for Bush. A steady diet of FOX left them critical of Obama
Fox News has destroyed a generation of people, maybe more. My mom, an aunt, and MIL don't know how to tell fact & opinion, & are totally brainrotted on this stuff.
The ANGER, even after winning, is mind-blowing.
Held hostage by the idea that they are always under attack, always the persecuted, etc.
I’m convinced they did a mass hypnotism experiment. Repetition of words like radical left, lunatic, crooked, mandate, deranged, demented, “all 7 swing states,”… certain trigger words activate the one remaining brain cell these people have. And brother, that brain cell is hangin’ on by a thread!
100% We know there are people that exist whose entire job is to get into peoples’ minds - for example, the advertising industry. There’s no way they didn’t use any of those tricks on something this huge!
In the 90s+ I was in the church/Fox News bubble. Its difficult to get out. When church has become the center of life, fox news is the only news 'allowed'. Its pure brainwashing. Anyone can. I'm glad to have escaped the cult. They scare the hell out of me now.
Without question. Somewhere here on Blsky someone was talking about the Clinton scandals and how benign these seem now. I commented the difference is Fox News.
Per ChatGPT they cover 70% of the US population. Supposedly the FCC is supposed to limit any ownership to 39%. Although it also says it is 185 stations. Probably doesn’t count the ones that it doesn’t own but only operates.
He has a whole lot of company but he certainly owns the maga eyeballs.The world of shit message fox spins just churns and turns daily and has poisoned the U.S and others.The script the hosts spin are designed exclusively for their demo. Angry old folks, racist haters, and let’s face it low info ppl.
Agree. When this christofascist nightmare is over (months, years, or decades from now - I don’t know), sane people need to address how to deal with the disinformation machine called Fox News.
Rupert Murdoch has successfully fulfilled Nikita Khrushchev's prediction "We will take America without firing a shot. We do not need to invade the US. We will destroy you from within" (1956) with a disinformation campaign of far right ideology in the form of Fox "News".
Murdoch lies to folks on Fox, but notice with investors and the Wall Street Journal, he posts more truths. Like Biden’s economy the envy of the world, and how tariffs are tanking the economy. He plays both sides. Eat the rich!
Oh I see. Now they are discrediting ANY judges so as to refute the fact that their denying the judicial branch powers is political. They want to look “neutral.”
In a 2009 interview, Gutfeld explained that he started to experience a change in his political thinking while he was attending college:
"I became a conservative by being around liberals, and I became a libertarian by being around conservatives."
"You realize that there's something distinctly in common between the two groups, the left and the right; the worst part of each of them is the moralizing."
When they accidentally round up one of Gutfield’s friends or relatives to El Salvador or Gitmo, he might actually care about due process then but maybe not because these people only care about themselves.
When Dems are back in power, they should apply the precedent of dismantling VOA for “radical propaganda” to revoke Fox News’s license. What goes around, comes around.
Bring back the fairness doctrine for all media & require truth in political speech! I am deathly tired of hearing outright lies from elected office holders who receive tax payer funded salaries!
SCOTUS has permitted this to occur. The question is will they get a spine and stand up for the American people and defend the US Constitution? WILL THEY??!!
Doubt Roberts, who gave that lowlife conman felon unbridled power, cares much about us, but rather about the power of the judicial branch -- & his own butt. Almost glad he's reaping what he sowed. Another ex. of FAFO.
I think democracy in USA has to take Fox News and regulate them to entertainment and not news. And stop acting like they are protected under the first amendment. You can’t radicalize ppl with fake news and say your legit news. We have to start with fighting this type of radicalization.
Paragon of legal acumen and morality, Greg Gutfeld telling the Chief Justice of The United Stars Supreme Court to “STFU”. This is right wing state media directly confronting the head of our judiciary. The USA is being permanently fucked by rich white, racist oligarchs.
After listening to yet another plastic bimbo Barbie on this, I’ve had enough of this- I LIVE IN COLORADO- WE DID NOT NOR DID WE EVER HAVE VENEZUELAN GANGS HERE. That was a lie pre-election by a slumlord who didn’t want to fix up an apartment complex so he blamed gang activity and just like the “dog
/cats being eaten in Springfield”- it’s a racist lie used in this bs round up of political enemies. No matter how much they are fact checked, the lie continues
I live in Indiana, for active I know 5 and I know too many veterans to count. My grandpa was the only military person I knew personally who was a democrat.
I’m aware that indiana is deep red, but it’s also true that military people largely vote red regardless of what state they are from. Clearly it’s not 100% but when commanders are being replaced by MAGA sycophants and most of the lower ranks agree, the others will be at a huge disadvantage.
My dad was career army. Army doc. Wounded Christmas Day in World War II when his ship was sunk in the Pacific. Served in Vietnam. Born and raised in the deep south. He was a Democrat. I’m very proud of him for that. The oath is to the constitution not to the president. he is spinning in his grave
I happen to know MANY, as I served 22 years. But we doctors and medical staff are a much more liberal and progressive group. No such thing as maga when I retired 30 years ago. It’s a different culture today. Easy for a large % of military you know to be maga/trump voter these days.
That’s true. The military must follow the constitution. They swear to do that and if the president is breaking the law or anyone else that makes demands upon them, they do not have to follow that?
They’re supposed to follow the constitution but I don’t think a lot of them actually understand that the president can do something unconstitutional. Like they think anything he orders them to do is their constitutional duty. If they all understood they would already be up in arms, in my opinion.
I live in AZ & we have Mark Kelly as our senator. He was a very respected military officer & I think he’s pretty ticked off that he was called a traitor & seems to be stepping up vocally. Maybe he’ll be selected to replace Schumer at some point. I don’t think the military likes Hegseth much?
Veterans and military families are not a monolithic voting bloc, they are a large and diverse demographic. My father was career military and a lifelong progressive Democrat.
I don’t think most of them would say no to Trump even if they disagree. MAGA all think he is a genius and they just can’t understand what he’s doing and how it will help because it’s so smart and complex. I just don’t see MAGA soldiers disobeying orders but hopefully I’m wrong.
Maga is not feeling any repercussions.. in order for them to change their opinions they need to feel it.. deporting innocent immigrants is not any concern to them.. Ukraine, concern.. shallow group with big voices
I know but they’re basically replacing anyone who would oppose them with sycophants. Without leadership from their commanders it would be pretty hard for active soldiers to organize against anything on a large scale.
The Conservative-Liberal percentages in the US military break down approximately half and half, and have for the decades that I have been paying attention to this data.
The military is currently in the "Caine Mutiny" situation. If they move too soon, they're the mutineers. If they move too late, the ship is already sinking. The top brass - the ones who swore an oath to the Constitution - will have to put their life on the lines when they make the decision.
Ever heard the term “speak it into existence”? That works both ways. Keep speaking this, and it may happen. Speak what you desire—unless you want these Nazi-like individuals to reign 12 years.
"They" =
Christian nationalists: they believe he'll live forever;
White supremacists: don't care how long he lives;
Project 2025ers: want Thiel (I mean Vance);
GOP only voters: hope he dies tomorrow but will adamantly support whoever is next.
Oligarchs-are-us want Vance (controlled by Theil)
At 2 years plus one day, he might take a severance package from Vance's backers. Vance could then, in theory, run twice and (again hypothetically) be President for 10 years minus a day.
No one with common sense wants to see this continue for the American people. I hope people have had enough of the nonsense and won’t fall for it again.
Now FOX is complicit in treason and supporting unconstitutional actions. SHUT DOWN FOX. Arrest Tom Homan for treason, and while you're at it, Edward Martin, and Pam Bondi. They are Anti American. Get Trump out of the WH. By any means necessary. We're on the road to nowhere.
I'll be watching Chief Justice Roberts next SC decision involving donnie very closely. Roberts was giving donnie. some friendly advice. Now he's been told to fuck off by one of donnie's recent appointment flunkies. Hmmm...
That’s right. But what did he expect from a man who has attacked our justice system relentlessly for decades? “First they came for the black female district attorneys, and SCOTUS did not speak up.
Sad that any supposed serious network sustains selfish pricks like the totally unserious Gutfeld. Watched a few minutes of his and a few Fox piles of crap shows and had to turn the channel very quickly.
See, I think the CJ is telling him that following process will get him what he wants in a more permanent fashion. CJ is saying "let us do our job and we will rule in your favour."
This video of the Venezuelan prisoners having their heads shaven and imprisoned without due process is so like the Jews put into concentration camps. Stephen Miller's interview on Fox was so insane the other day that it chilled me to the bone. Miller is truely evil and behind this horrible crime.
Why did they put on a BIG public performance and then hide their faces ?? It’s a classic Trump Reality Show. If it was legit, Trump would be plastering their facts, names and crimes on Truth Social daily. What are they hiding ??? 🤷♀️
I barely heard what FOX commentators were saying because I was just sickened and appalled by what I was seeing in the video. It was disgusting and vile to see human beings treated that way because of what this administration is doing. I am so ashamed of our lack of humanity. What have we become?
Have you seen that prison? It is absolutely an internment camp. And apparently (don’t know quite how to confirm this) they require the prisoners to work (at what and where?) so this may also be a forced labor camp.
Exactly. Gutfeld also says something like "Trump doesnt have the luxury to follow proper procedures" ignoring the procedures are the f*cking BILL OF RIGHTS and CONSTITUTION!!!
This isnt that fricking hard to understand but Fox needs to lie so acts like it has nothing to do with rights being taken
Stephen Miller is a racist and every other ist. You can tell by looking at him he has been stuffed in a few lockers. He has a bit of power and look at him go. If anyone walked up to him and said boo he would cower. This is the energy the whole MAGA crowd gives off.
A right wing-nut senator from Minnesota who introduced a bill to make “Trump Derangement Syndrome” legally a mental disorder was just arrested for soliciting a minor- Guttfeld could probably take up the reins there.
But, don't point the finger at the rich folks flaunting loopholes in immigration law to exploit cheap labor. Uihlein, Resnik, Musk, Trump...
The H1B visas lower American workers' wages. But that isn't who they're deporting. Not yet, at least.
It’s amazing how all these fox anchors and politicians get on TV and transform into these fake tough guys they need to stop it no one is buying this Bull shit.
Unfortunately at least 20 percent of America wants FOX to think for them and spin the truth that they don’t have the intelligence to spin themselves. It is better than admitting they were wrong.
As soon as I see there 401K's crash and don't have anymore Medicaid they will switch. They're not smart but if they can't pay for their groceries they're going to bitch.
Fox has so 'strongly' called those sent to Salvadorian gulags "Terrorist", w/o evidence to support that. Once some of these ppl are released, why wouldn't they have cause to sue?
I'm not sure Greg Gutfeld ever had a mother, but whoever raised him should have nipped this nastiness in the bud with a nice soap mouth rinse. No time like the present to start.
How stupid must a Fox News viewer be to conflate demanding the rule of law and due process with being “on the wrong side” of immigration? I guess the answer to that is, “very stupid.”
They think it’s totally obvious that the Venezuelans are bad guys and therefore they do not deserve due process. If you’re against this, you’re supportive of violent criminals roaming our streets and you’re a terrible American, Etc.
Oh, they're very stupid. They gulp the RW pundit poo like it's the "elixir of the god's." There is not a critical thinking brain cell in the whole lot of them.
I'm convinced that if we called them lawless, disease spreading vermin since 2008 when they had their racist freak-out over Obama they would have calmed down.
But Democrats rewarded every crazy demand with 'I'll meet you the middle' and now were completely lost in a right wing dictatorship.
Even during the Obama era freak out it wasn’t blatant since trump. There was still the thinnest of facades. Hence the whole birther thing. Trump took the mask off. Suddenly the gop was actively marketing openly to white nationalism
I see your point... But my memory of them calling Obama a secret Muslim terrorist and Nigerian agent sent here to spread Ebola and take over Texas with Operation Jade helm is just about as fucking whacky as anything they say now.
Shit, I'm so old I remember when Republicans used to tell me there was absolutely no scientific evidence smoking causes cancer, and that the whole thing was liberal propaganda.
These folks don't learn. The lies change, the people don't.
"Operation Jade Helm" which doesn't exist, and never existed, was talked about 24/7 on Fox back then. So was the 'secret Muslim' stuff. They would interview Texans who were going to fight the army.
We don't disagree in any substantive way, but maybe I was watching more Fox back then.
Roberts didn't really "rebuke trump"... he just reminded trump to use the appeal process. We all know now that an appeal to SCOTUS means trump will be allowed to do whatever he wants. Thanks in no small part to Roberts giving trump blanket immunity.
Interesting argument from the fix legal expert, in all his mocking immaturity, that Trump can break rules to protect America from violent criminals. Didn’t Trump just have an Connor McGreggor in the White House? 🤔
We are in this position because of lies spread by conspiracy theorists, racists, bigots and nationalists who weaponize religious freedom to attack innocent communities. You need to divest. Stop giving #meta #airbnb #X #tesla #musk #maga #prime #amazon #uber
Fox preaches hate and animosity against all Americans. No one is safe…and we have the president and hate-filled culture to prove it. Regrettably, I’ve become just like them.
I despise Trump & my anger gets the best of me. I scream at the TV; I can’t stand Trump supporters; & I swear so much now, I almost don’t speak English. And I haven’t been successful in getting it under control. However, thinking of them as confused babies may help. I appreciate the outreach.
I’m convinced responding to their deranged hate with hate isn’t going to get us where we al want to go. But cussing is definitely called for in these times!
This language being used by Maga conservatives that he is the “executive leader of our federal government” is ridiculous. Why isn’t there more pushback against that! He’s the head of the executive branch. That’s it.
Yeah, he’s only touting that BS because Trump is doing illegal & immoral (racist, homophobic, misogynistic, etc) things this ahole thinks is great. 😡😡😡😡
All these authoritarian lovers who think T***P has absolute powers need to ask themselves how they would feel when a person they don’t worship is in charge.
They idolize his insanity because they think it will stay this way forever. Millions will do our best to see that it doesn’t.
I couldn’t finish. Why is it always democrats fault? It’s rhetoric like this that disables our ability to have bipartisan bills. We had a border bill. Trump torpedoed it. I hate people. I’m going to live in the woods.
Will never understand how idiots like Gutfeld, Waters, Hannity and others on Foxaganda have captured the right wing masses. Guess they read the political climate and the writer's and producers come up with the most extreme, grievance driven content. It's self perpetuating and a statement re viewers.
I tell ya.
All I can think about?
Is… This is what Jesus would do with Brown Humans.
Only monsters do this but it is OUR president.
The question is: why do Republicans love it so much?
Can you read♥️💔🤍 my story and donate a small amount?
I apologize for reaching out this way
JOIN THE PROTEST SATURDAY, APRIL 5. Click the link and find a protest near you or organize one.
How ‘bout we don’t give them free bandwidth?!?
When courts fall, elections become theater, & power cements itself, and resistance turns from a right to a risk. Authoritarianism slowly suffocates freedoms, tightens, silences, & crushes until obedience is all that remains. Fight early, or kneel forever.
Most Americans don’t grasp the gravity of our moment. They don’t see the fall of democracy as a real threat. It’s something foreign and the idea of the U.S. collapsing into authoritarianism seems unthinkable.
Level of honesty, integrity, morals and patriotism? Zero
HEY!? wasn't that a right we were all supposed to have? Not just for some ugly old privileged white dude who probably has a stock pile of Viagra in his bathroom. Anger makes man soft 🤭😊
There’s a lot of competition out there.
i mean we're screwed either way, neither outcome saves us; we get to do that ourselves
Propaganda is protected speech. What you want is no First Amendment. That’s a shitty desire. Do better.
We desperately need the Fairness Doctrine back. Been saying this for a decade.
Foot up the ass becomes a reality, not just a saying.
The ANGER, even after winning, is mind-blowing.
Held hostage by the idea that they are always under attack, always the persecuted, etc.
They're never going to vote rationally. They're in a cult and cult members don't change.
81 million voted for Biden. 75 million voted for Harris. Let's get the 6 million back.
MAGA/Fox viewers can all go to hell.
"I became a conservative by being around liberals, and I became a libertarian by being around conservatives."
I don’t give a fuck what he thinks about anything. Have a nice day, Greg
He doesn't realize, if this keeps going, he could be on a similar flight one day. That is, if he offends the orange one.
This must happen.
They need to hear very clearly from the people that they cannot just throw away 250 years of democracy.
Just two weeks ago Herr Trump was thanking Roberts and telling him "I won't forget".
Yeah--he forgot now.
BTW who the fuck watches Greg Gutfield? What is his knowledge/expertise besides failing in comedy
Preztard in Chief!
When is the US military going to figure out what a "Domestic Enemy" is and what to do about it?
And what state do you live in?
Not 100% but large majority.
They run Fox News on every hospital, clinic, & other TV all over the world on military bases.
That is amazing!
I must be prejudiced.
Nuremberg, exactly.
PS. I won’t and don’t really feel sorry for them.
Christian nationalists: they believe he'll live forever;
White supremacists: don't care how long he lives;
Project 2025ers: want Thiel (I mean Vance);
GOP only voters: hope he dies tomorrow but will adamantly support whoever is next.
Oligarchs-are-us want Vance (controlled by Theil)
Vance is next, but no one likes his mascara.
anything less than complete fealty and obedience to rump is treason to these people
the same people who scream "constitution" when a dem says or does something they dont like
He was about ready to explode.
A real psycho.
This isnt that fricking hard to understand but Fox needs to lie so acts like it has nothing to do with rights being taken
They are all deplorable.
But, don't point the finger at the rich folks flaunting loopholes in immigration law to exploit cheap labor. Uihlein, Resnik, Musk, Trump...
The H1B visas lower American workers' wages. But that isn't who they're deporting. Not yet, at least.
Roberts going to cry again about disrespecting the courts when it comes from the right.
Probably not.
But Democrats rewarded every crazy demand with 'I'll meet you the middle' and now were completely lost in a right wing dictatorship.
No more.
The GOP never forgave the United States or the Constitution for allowing a black man in the White House.
They're just more open about it.
These folks don't learn. The lies change, the people don't.
We don't disagree in any substantive way, but maybe I was watching more Fox back then.
Team felon
And Musk ripped back the shower curtain
Splat on the face of the constitution
I like it.
Has a bit of a ring to it!
Like a ding- a-ling.
Is Gutfeld okay if we remove due process for him?
They idolize his insanity because they think it will stay this way forever. Millions will do our best to see that it doesn’t.
And of course Greg Gutfeld is what counts as a legal expert at Fox.
Because Trump wants to be an autocrat, FOX will undoubtedly become a cheerleader for autocracy.