as a Christian who tries to follow the teachings and example of Jesus... yeah, in many situations this is correct, especially in our interactions with other people.
There are plenty of atheists on the other side too lol, the online atheist movement of the early 00's was a MAJOR breeding ground for what eventually became the alt right
I remember sort of the opposite. The whole "atheism plus" thing where many of them tried to make it a privilege repenting affair before the whole thing ate itself.
I noticed while finding compatible guys to date. The ones that agreed with my view of humanity and medicare for all, environment, etc were mostly atheists. I had the same reaction "huh?".
Locally we are seeing this. A local Christian group is trying to get a women’s shelter built. The local maga conservatives are fighting hard to prevent it. Nationalists are the worst that humanity has to offer.
My ultra-religious Christian dad once told me “you need to get right with God” then in the same breath said how much he loves and supports Trump.
So yeah, Christianity is bullsh*t.
Yeah it's weird watching the christian folk hate on the ST when you know they've never read any of the ST's "commandments". Reading them they seem fairly reasonable 🤔😂
I have an issue here as an atheist, Jesus said himself “I come not to change the old laws”, he’s talking about the Old Testament, you know, that endorses killing gay people and slavery. If he didn’t think either was ok he had 30 odd years to make sure we all heard about it…
As an atheist I disagree that you need to worship Yahweh to be a good person, that He is the only way to salvation, that hell is a good idea, and that preparation for the future is useless.
That's not the point of the image. It's not worship, its literally just saying Jesus' teachings go against American Christian-nationalist values. I'm not religious either but the Bible has some heat in it you should give it a read.
Feed and give your all to the poor, live lowly and deliberately, love thy neighbor (not the love the sinner, hate the sin shit)
Ignore the Old Testament’s laws because that’s the old covenant with blood sacrifice and selling people into sex slavery etc etc
Yeah, I guess this cat's a Nazi- but you know what? I didn't know that when I posted it. And now, I do know that about the guy. And so do about another seven thousand people. At some point, origin melts and only intent remains.
Can we NOT use fucking Stonetoss comics ever at all? The guy is a literal fucking nazi and the biggest bigot around. I don't care if they're edited, I don't want to see that shitheel's art at all.
The problem is that he is actively masquerading as "Not a nazi" and these edits are indirectly giving him exposure to people who do not have all the knowledge of the guys past as an unironic hitler supporter (who now is just better at hiding it)
To outsiders, the context of WHY we edit, is missing.
Exactly. "Childish" as it might be, there's a reason 'Hitler Has Only Got One Ball' has stuck around so long.
Dictators/racists/hatemongers want us to call them evil and hurtful. That's their aim.
They don't want us to laugh and make jokes about how pathetic they are.
I'm in favor of leftist/progressive edits of stonetoss. It will not make up for right-wingers stealing "redpilled" from the trans community, but it's something.
True, even though I was originally inclined to reply "there is no Matrix Resurrections movie". Still, this change of direction is dwarfed compared to the cultural impact of the original trilogy.
Yeah.. yet.. it was, has that Nitshe-an flavor already, and red pill was imemdiately grabbed (heh) by voluntary incels of that time. Who, (is that surprise?) grew up 20 years later into group for far right. The surface message was perceived as "all current reality is false, destroy it".
There are plenty of capitalist atheists, as there were atheist Nazis. I know some who would be pulling for Jesus’ teachings, but their not a monolith— just like Christians are not a monolith. Unfortunately, the ones with power are the ones who ignore Jesus‘s teachings.
The original artist is a giga fascist. Please disrespect him by doing your own illustrations to prove your point. The shittier the drawings the better.
thats a pretty poor example of a meme if thats what you're going for. would have been a lot more productive if you just did a doodle of the meme that you're telling this guy not to use.
Likely Jesus did not exist at all, but this is a cute sentiment. Jesus is a New Testament sophistication, a brilliant device to swell the donating ranks of Christianity by allowing sin - otherwise they were always decapitating their sinful constituents. The “teachings” are sometimes a trap.
As a stand in for all the many who were crucified by the roman empire for standing against their tyranny under the banner of Love. Yea I'd say in effect he existed. It wasn't until the "fall" of the Empire and rise of the Roman Catholic Church that the cross was used to coopt their "religion".
You don't, though. Your statement just sounded completely ignorant. It'd be like someone telling me that Jupiter is their favorite comet. I wouldn't even know where to begin in explaining how wrong they were.
To start, I'm not sure you understand the relationship between the New and Old Testament.
Again, you're so unknowledgable about this, I wouldn't even know where to begin.
Do enough research to understand what's wrong with the statement "Jesus is a New Testament sophistication, a brilliant device to swell the donating ranks of Christianity by allowing sin" and we'll talk.
Jesus does not allow Sin, He teaches to strive to be Sinless, and, seeing as Man is Man and Sin is inherent to his Being, He offers a path to forgiveness, but forgiveness is not allowance. If your parents forgive you for breaking a vase, you aren't suddenly allowed to break vases
Context is key. You cannot grow a following if you are always smiting your followers for not following, unless you provide a totem that permits rule bending in the doctrine. Enter Jesus, a reincarnation of Saoshyant from Zoroastrianism, among many others. It’s a fallacy, history shows.
your premise is the one that holds a fallacy, there are no religions that have the philosophy that Sin is absolute and unforgiveable, it goes against the whole premise of free will if the only afterlife is Hades, youre describing a religion that cannot exist. Its a logical fallacy.
lol. Actually, it’s kind of the other way around. You can’t prove a negative, which you just demonstrated by giving the answer — without realizing. You can’t prove 4+4≠7. You have to give the positive. Meaning… I can’t prove Jesus doesn’t exist. He just doesn’t until you prove he does.
You are certainly delusional dude. You are a very sick individual. 4 + 4= 8 it always has been it always will be. Who ever taught you it's not lied to you. There is no other solution that it equals. You are very much a disturbed person.
Your second half is a fair scholarly approach, but there's abundant historical evidence and records Jesus the person existed. To claim he didn't is straight up misinformation.
I did say it’s unlikely. But I would love to see the historical evidence that proves his existence. I’d be down for that. I’ve seen a lot of biased “findings” that I am reasonably skeptical of. Cheers!
Congratulations on accidentally stumbling on the point. We atheists don't care about the Magic Sky Daddy's "teachings." So, when we team up with Christians, to stop Trumpeters. It means that the MAGAts really done fucked up.
This is very reductive, there are leftist christian nationalist movements, look at Irish Nationalism, a predominantly leftist movement with deep roots in Catholicism.
Greed and lack of empathy have always existed.
Capitalism only for a few hundred years, during which this economic system has generated untold prosperity and enabled the lives of billions of people.
Is there a single democracy that is not based on a mixed economy including 'capitalism'?
My personal theory is that the Rapture happened a relatively short time after the death of Jesus. This explains the general quality of the Christians we have left and the state of the world.
The dark ages was the time when the Catholic church replaced the old order of the Roman empire throughout Europe. So yes, the church has been an evil force in the world since forever.
But the world absolutely turned inside out sometime around 2012, too.
And now I'm sad because I hadn't thought of him in a while and so just learned that he died earlier this year. RIP to a true shit-stirrer and rabble-rouser.
The guy is Stonetoss or something. He routinely makes horribly Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, Islamaphobic, Transphobic, Antisemitic, etc comics. Leftists then rightfully steal those comics and turn them into wholesome comics like this, because fμck Stonetoss. 😅
Ah yes, the "capitalism" that stands alongside Republican "socialism" i.e. bull shit pseudoeconomics that has nothing to do with actual economic theory or definitions.
Well why not? As far as I'm concerned none of the christian values I grew up with required the faith to learn. Rather, treating people well, "live and let live", care for the needy - those spring purely from empathy of the human condition. Rather religion is often at odds with those I find.
I think that is part of the problem. A lot of athiests are not opposed to the teachings and morals of jesus, just the people using religion to hurt people
Heh, I think about the hyprocracy in the church sometimes, as my mother has always been very devout. I think she is one of the few truely "good" people going there, and does believe, and I never mock or try to tell her otherwise. Shes one solid lady.
That might be the most on spot assessment of pro-Trump Christians. There was an article a while past that had pastors saying that some people in their congregations who thought the Sermon on the Mount was too "woke".
It's not a religious, or even cultural war, those are just distractions.
The real war is a secular class war between the 1%, who will never, ever have enough, and the rest of us trying to lives normal lives in the pursuit of happiness.
I don’t necessarily agree with his teachings about forgiveness. He basically said that you should submit to someone who is mistreating you rather than fight back, and that people should abandon their families and possessions to be his disciples.
In a podcast with Douglas Murray and Jonathan Pageau, Peterson stated that God is the "ultimate fictional character" which is "at the top of the hierarchy of attention and action".[165] from Wikipedia
Peterson has some weird ideas of reality - he has a mindset of things being real for narrative purposes - there's a video of him arguing dragons are real for similar reasons. Following Christ, makes you a Christian, not believing he's a real figure.
Sad and pathetic.
So yeah, Christianity is bullsh*t.
In other words, if you disagree with them or don't obey them, you're "not right with god."
To say they have a god complex only complicates things, but whatever they believe is god.
Fuckin weird ass timeline we live in
Ignore the Old Testament’s laws because that’s the old covenant with blood sacrifice and selling people into sex slavery etc etc
Atheists and other non-religious people are far better at "being christian" than any "christians" who attend church.
People of God don't sell the gospel.
Fake ministers ALL know Malachi 3 is telling THEM to return the money.
Matthew 19 12 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️ says God prefers same-sex marriage
Jesus and Elijah both returned as women & will marry each other
Time is almost up for the bigots, fake ministers, & Trumpers
Jesus is antifa.
The devil isn't in the ToW, it's still in the details.
We take what is theirs, we take all the power out of it, then we rub it in their stupid faces.
The world *would* be better without the original, but we can't delete it, so we tear it up and use its corpse.
To outsiders, the context of WHY we edit, is missing.
The dictators cannot use fear to control if you take the fear out of their propaganda.
Dictators/racists/hatemongers want us to call them evil and hurtful. That's their aim.
They don't want us to laugh and make jokes about how pathetic they are.
A tantrum thrown by a bunch of spoiled kids in Plato's cave.
Go my kirbo
To start, I'm not sure you understand the relationship between the New and Old Testament.
Again, you're so unknowledgable about this, I wouldn't even know where to begin.
Do enough research to understand what's wrong with the statement "Jesus is a New Testament sophistication, a brilliant device to swell the donating ranks of Christianity by allowing sin" and we'll talk.
4 + 4 = ••••+••••= •••••••• = 8
You are just making yourself look stupid
Jesus exists dummy
Capitalism only for a few hundred years, during which this economic system has generated untold prosperity and enabled the lives of billions of people.
Is there a single democracy that is not based on a mixed economy including 'capitalism'?
Only assholes and atheists are left.
But, my theory is that the church was broken sometime prior to the first Council of Nicaea in 325 AD.
But the world absolutely turned inside out sometime around 2012, too.
Stonetoss is not correct, ever.
I think that’s how most people drive, or used to drive before the cellphone age.
Do you think that bit about serving God and Mammon is there by accident?
They had to make up Jesus Christ to soft pedal the Old Testament.
Hell, the medieval Cathars even condemned the Old Testament as the "work of the Devil" And they were pacifists.
Act justly? No.
Love mercy? No.
Walk humbly with our God? No.
It’s not even Old Testament.
Also like the profile pic, Richard D. James Album for life.
It's not a religious, or even cultural war, those are just distractions.
The real war is a secular class war between the 1%, who will never, ever have enough, and the rest of us trying to lives normal lives in the pursuit of happiness.
The 1% parasites are killing us.
1. dont deny jesus the person is a historical figure that existed.
2. agree with his teachings of love and forgiveness
it's the church and the for profit state that i got beef with.
He also hates figs, apparently.,navigate%20within%20these%20confined%20quarters.
The Church certainly doesn't meet that criteria.