Newsletter: Google has deposed Prabhakar Raghavan, the Man Who Killed Google Search, in a desperate move to reverse a years-long decline in revenue growth, product stagnation, and a categorical failure to make any impact with their AI products.
You can be proud.
Which makes me wonder if actual hard-hitting journalism - not the fawning sycophancy of the tech press - could actually change things.
I would not be worried about existing products. Only future ones, if at all.
But so much damage has been done. And I don't see most people returning to searching the free-and-open-Internet now they're all on five mega-platforms.
(Say one thing for them, android was a genius move which probably bought them 10 years)
thanks for your ongoing efforts Ed
Sounds like there's a similar explanation to the mess with search.
Lmao, even
Honestly they should revert to whatever they had going on back when everything worked. They had good products! That were genuinely useful! They could do that again!
No wait, it's changing.
Nononono go back this is the wrong direction.
Oh I think I can see where this is going and it's not great.
Yep. It's dry. And somehow a plausible color of green has turned to 💩
Seems like a good decision to me
AI-free google
I use DuckDuck but if i want to see what Google looked like in the before time, i use the udm-14 bookmark
to any Google search and voila