For years I was inoculated from ads with streaming subscriptions and YouTube Premium, but they’ve bled back through on Amazon Prime. I feel like I’m having an alien experience, I didn’t realise how strange advertisements were. Do these work? They feel like licking a battery
Option 2: Just torrent the good shows on any particular platform, now that everything is so fragmented and user-hostile.
That is not even from Viz.
Total recall springs to mind, but I know that wasn't the worst.
Or.. black mirror have an exact episode on this.
You bought extendible keychain lanyard type things around COVID (in my case to attach an antimicrobial glove to) and now you have to get all the office supplies suggested.
Which I thought was interesting because I'm in Pennsylvania.
It’s a less inflammatory spinoff of the game where my daughter and I point out that when my wife watches “The Good Wife” all the ads target menopausal women.
I feel like Ed would get a major kick out of Louis Rossman's content, and why blocking ads is ethically good. Both of them produce correct and cathartic monologues about tech...
Youtube's are the worst - interrupting you to show you an ad they've showed you 8 times in the last 20 minutes, for some service you now hate so much you'd burn the CEO alive if you had the chance.
When I need something, I look it up, compare, go get it
Also, cancel prime 😉
Good job, guys!
Why are you trying SO HARD to convince me to buy your products? Are they not good enough to sell themselves? Do you just have more advertising money than your competitors?
All you gotta do is look up and compare stats and you'll always find something better for less money
I never had any reason to think about it but the author of ublock has said (in a thread on here I think?) that that was the case
can't argue with results though
* Live event content such as sports will continue to include advertising.
I curated them from my world, like you, and when Prime shoved them back it was the thing that tipped me over into canceling Prime.
I didn't start watching hulu for YEARS because of their ad policy-an old skool Yaya, told my kid nO wAy was I paying for ads to still pop up. Then hulu was the cheapest ad free🤷🏼♀️& Bobs 🍔 24/7❤️
Maybe not as much on everyone, but your brain is always influenced by what it processes, even a little bit. That's why this stuff gets repeated so much: to establish patterns.
Which gives me an idea about foulling LLMs...
And they work, subconsciously, which is a bummer.
Anyways, if you use the promo code 666 at Domino's they'll give you 10% off and add ghost peppers to your pizza!
We went with streaming to avoid them.
Less about convincing you and more about being the brand you subconsciously trust because you’re so familiar with their name that you choose them when given the option
I boycotted that evil empire about a decade ago.
Bezos is utter scum, same as the Muskrat and Zuckerberg , give em nowt.
This may be the push that finally gets me to buy my own laptop…
Hopefully they *eventually* pass the bill banning them but I honestly doubt it’ll happen. Especially with the amount of corruption in that industry
It's also weird that every time - EVERY time - they say "do not take DRUG if you are allergic to DRUG" I have thoughts about it, like "couldn't that apply to everything - like, do not pet gibbons if you are allergic to gibbons?
Why don't the food ads tell us not to eat burgers if we're allergic to burgers?
I'm lowering my a1c
My internet poisoned brain is gonna be screaming “taint rot” if I see a fourniers gangrene patient irl now
I can only assume they’re trying to get ppl to switch because biological meds (and the like) cost anywhere from $10,000 to $50,000 per shot (every 4-6 weeks).
My poor husband 😂
And no; they don't work at all. Internet ads are worth a tiny fraction of their nominal cost. When the ad rate drops to be in line with value, everything ends.
You Don't Get It BOTH WAYS!!!
Ads themselves are worse than they used to be
Targeted ads create the most oppressive atmosphere. The internet wrongly profiled me as a guy who might like gambling and I basically only get online casino ads. Billions spent on data to make me want to stop watching YouTube
It's also stereotyping the fuck out of people! you're X age, male, and live in a zip code that is roughly Y income? Congrats! Here are all the assumptions we have about you!
They loved the liberty liberty liberty song, too.
They also sing the BK have it your way song and scream “you rule!”
Meanwhile, my wife sees a wrapper on the floor and wants whatever it was for.
Potato, potahto.
Trying to find two hotdogs and a pail to win $100 is fun. Putting up with grueling conditions trying to win $50k cause it's your last shot at saving your house is dystopian.
"iT aLl CoMeS dOwN tO ThIs"
Is, “our customers are idiots, you should be one too,” a winning message?
I don't even wanna know what the internet actually looks like, I refuse
No ads.
1) drug ads make me want to never be DXed with anything responsive to medical treatment &
2) some things should not have 30sec ads for broadcast. Just should not.
For streaming, I will always pay extra to not see ads. The DVR was always well worth it as soon as they became a thing.
For the 1st time in a decade, I'm contemplating sailing the high seas again.
The Matthew McConaughey AI ones make me cringe with secondhand embarrassment 😱
So now we pay for access to content but unless you spend the most money, you're still subject to fucking ads