I love this question. I think hundreds of years from now they will consider all of the time from 1000 CE through the 21st century as the Dark ages. I don’t think the dark ages ever ended, but the modern age has just been gradually emerging and we aren’t fully there yet.
A combination of the Dark Ages, the Beubonic Plague, and the Ice Age all wrapped into one action-packed, chaotic, dystopian black hole, condensed into anhedonic despair with the appeal of a giant unadulterated shit sandwich laced with radiation.
To maintain sanity, I live in a parallel universe.
Not the universe that contains tens of millions of Americans who enthusiastically voted for a violent, lying, felon whose only real promise was destruction and suffering.
Era of bewilderment?
A Tale of Two Cities, Dickens.
You know, like where we are at now.
Hello, ca. 1257!
Age of Dumbfuckery.
B. Endarkenment
There is no C
- Ray Wylie Hubbard
Not the universe that contains tens of millions of Americans who enthusiastically voted for a violent, lying, felon whose only real promise was destruction and suffering.
But I like Age of the Fuckery better.