Genuinely smart people realize true "intelligence" isn't measured by an IQ test. There are many factors in considering intelligence, including EQ, experience, knowledge, imagination, resilience, adaptability, and work name a few.
Like yeah, I believed in IQ until like my seniorish year of high school/up until a freshman year psych class dealt with it. This man graduated from Yale, is 40 years old and Vice President…like
I had an uncle who was legitimately a genius (invented [tech redacted] for the Navy, saw an atom bomb test). He never mentioned it. Never cared. Then again he was Jewish.
unless you have serious executive function issues you should have some achievements in life to point to how smart you are that aren't a test you took in elementary school.
Anyone with an ounce of self-awareness & dignity, even if they’re not the smartest person, understands that it’s socially cringe to talk about IQ outside of a purely educational / definitional context.
Same. My IQ on paper is great, which bolsters my argument when I say it’s a garbage metric. If the actual number comes out of my mouth, you’re gonna hear me trashing the whole concept.
lol, I’ve talked about my scores bc have taken several for various purposes and have gotten an interestingly broad range of scores based, I assume, on different test types/approaches. I use my own experience to argue that IQ tests are basically meaningless. 😜
Eg, I’m dyslexic and bomb tests that are heavy on rotate-shapes-in-your-head, but language and logic I’m aces at, so I get high scores on tests that are heavy on one or the other of those. So depending which test you ask, I’m either below average or an amazing superstar. What a joke.
This can usually be extended to anyone with a username referencing their intelligence. If someone's name references Reason, logic, pragmatism, or rational, strap in for some long-winded nonsense.
Quite aside from everything else, I feel like if you are A Genuinely Smart Person and want to brag, you usually have some kind of more serious accomplishment to boast about.
If I want to pull intellectual rank, I just start telling stories about doing archival research in the Balkans.
Also, as someone with a high-ish IQ, the value of experience is really underrated by people focusing on IQ. I have absolutely learned a ton of stuff from people who had a lower IQ number than I did.
And that’s normal and good!Exclusively focusing on IQ is weird as hell because it is disconnected from anything that has real life effects. Intelligence needs to be used for things to be real, and just staring at a good number doesn’t mean anything in the real world.
I got tested as a wicked smaht kid in elementary school, and literally the only time it ever comes up in conversation is when I (frequently) do something abjectly dumb as a "Yup, those tests mean nothing" to my kids.
It's an instant tipoff that you are talking to an eejit.
Except for me, of course. I *positively revel* in telling people I've only ever taken one IQ test and my score was 90. Which isn't even ambulatory.
I heard a story about an IQ test where some of the questions you had to know about ships.
Strange all the inland kids did badly.
Read it on the internet. Could be half true, could be rubbish.
And even he was focused on the "why" of it, not "that" he was clever. (And shortly afterwards went insane.)
That was freaking hilarious.
The best part was when dad got angry because he thought everyone knew he was the funniest. (He is not, and hasn’t been since we learned to talk.)
If you need to talk about it, and often, you're probably not even trying to convince others as much as you're trying to convince yourself.
If I want to pull intellectual rank, I just start telling stories about doing archival research in the Balkans.
Except for me, of course. I *positively revel* in telling people I've only ever taken one IQ test and my score was 90. Which isn't even ambulatory.
(Assuming the test was worth a damn in the first place.)
(Example: An IQ test that assumed that the test-takers were familiar with the rules of tennis.)
Strange all the inland kids did badly.
Read it on the internet. Could be half true, could be rubbish.