I remember when they had a bear statue of Grant & Stonewall Jackson shaking hands & c’mon those two never met. And apparently half of Bear nation fought for slavery.
I now remember that there were a couple more pages, including a trip to a Mt. Rushmore allegory that included a bear resembling Lincoln. But still pretty quiet on what exactly was being fought over!
to be fair this is properly about how it's bad that Papa Bear is racist against pandas, and it's good for there to be different sorts of people in life
Wasn't it the original authors' son who stated using their characters to proselytize? I remember getting what I thought was a regular Berenstain Bears book as a gift for one of my kids but read through it and it was basically like the old "Archie comics for Jesus," if you've ever seen those.
Now that I think of it, I may have had that one. That one and "In His Steps," along with a few of the Archie ones. I didn't really remember much about them exactly but looking at this, there was some messed up stuff in there: https://comicsalliance.com/archie-christian-comics/
*Papa Bear's
But as they say, each kid rebels in their own way.