If this mayor truly cared about the citizens he represents, he’d call out Trump by name. You can’t claim to care while supporting the very person making threats and putting lives at risk.
I mean… there really IS a problem with an armed gang in Aurora, Colorado, threatening law-abiding citizens: the Aurora Police Department. They really punch above their weight when it comes to killing unarmed people of color!
Here, let me rewrite it for him:
"Donald Trump is a lying sack of shit who will say anything to get elected, no matter who he hurts. His Nazi rhetoric is unAmerican and just the sort of thing we fought against in WW2. You shouldn't vote for him, or anyone who supports him."
I’d be curious if he ever believed Seattle was “completely taken over” by BLM protestors in 2020, when the CHOP/CHAZ took up three blocks of Capitol Hill, and where I took my 12yo son to participate and have a nice picnic lunch.
The entire goal of the large orange is to make sure News and social media are flooded with the ridiculous things he says so Harris message does not get through. So far he’s doing a fantastic job with a lot of help from those among us that cannot get over our large orange obsession
Notice he didn't mention anything about a history of gun violence, like say, some crazy motherfucker who thought he was the joker shooting up a Batman movie. Gun violence? Never in Aurora!
I think all the speakers should have been sent to any one of a hundred jobsites in Aurora ( I live less than a mile from the Goofy Resort this mess took place) and look at all the "immigrants" and non-English speakers building this community.. demonizing and racism is all they have now
How long will it take for him to be labeled a RINO and have to deal with death threats? Hasn't he learned that you're not allowed to contradict the dear leader?
"...a year of code enforcement proceedings with the property, as well as complaints from tenants to the city related to pests, black mold and a lack of heat and hot water"
"Donald Trump is a lying sack of shit who will say anything to get elected, no matter who he hurts. His Nazi rhetoric is unAmerican and just the sort of thing we fought against in WW2. You shouldn't vote for him, or anyone who supports him."
And yes, I DO blame Republicans. Coffman's mild fact checking only serves to insulate him from Democratic reproach.
But knowing Republicans HAVE to actually say out loud "Trump's racism is wrong"
Republicans when Trump badmouths their cities: Well this fucking sucks. What the fuck.
"...a year of code enforcement proceedings with the property, as well as complaints from tenants to the city related to pests, black mold and a lack of heat and hot water"