Please do not let Walgreens and CVS mislead you or your family members or neighbors about this! They are the biggest part of the federal bridge (free shots for uninsured people) program, but the rollout’s logistics have been a little scattered and you may get pushback.
Please do not let Walgreens and CVS mislead you or your family members or neighbors about this! They are the biggest part of the federal bridge (free shots for uninsured people) program, but the rollout’s logistics have been a little scattered and you may get pushback.
Reposted from
PSA: the CDC has a program that pays for your COVID vaccine if your insurer won't. The guy at CVS told me that my insurer had not added the new vaccine to its formulary yet, so I'd need to pay $190. I told him about this program, showed him the website, and paid nothing. 🤗
Don’t get old, unless it means living longer, of course.
Call the hotline here if you have trouble:
CDC Bridge Program reference:
I have blocked
that hardon
who was in
your replies
and who
seems to think
it's still
Forgive me
it was delicious
so sweet
and so cold
I've had the main series of two + two boosters (all Moderna) but the most recent was over a year ago. I'm looking at and it's wildly unclear about this.
(Basically, I'm concerned that they'll say "Yes, this is good to have, but you're not 'high risk' because you've had four shots so we're not going to pay for it.)
If the official communication doesn't explicitly say the government will pay for it - and it doesn't - then just being told we "should" do something for our heath is historically a way of saying "...but you're on your own for paying."