the republic might be crumbling but if the present Democratic caucus believed they were about to get primaried out of existence they’d probably be moving a bit quicker, just saying
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It’s tough because I’m all out of carrots. If they lose their primaries yay. If they win their primaries I won’t vote for them because I know their character.
I mean, I guess?
but I feel like ppl usually just say shit like this to make themselves feel more powerful
like, we literaly gave control of every branch of govt to gop cuz ppl couldn't be bothered to vote but they're gonna show up 2 yrs from now to vote for some rando that prob isn't poular?
Seriously would love to see someone announce a primary against He’s bound and determined to be bipartisan and “reasonable” while the fed workforce he represents gets gutted.
Pretty sure Pelosi's husband almost killed \ Mitch McConnell SIL at bottom of resovoir \ Hunter 🍆 everywhere are part and parcel of mob tactic bribe \ threats used to get our government apparatus by the billionaire Bond villains.👹👹👹
If Congress is going to be completely useless (and under Trump, irrelevant) I say we call for all of them to go. No need to pay their salaries, govt efficiency and all. Trump would support and maybe THAT would scare them into defending their constitutional powers. What are we paying them for?
but I feel like ppl usually just say shit like this to make themselves feel more powerful
like, we literaly gave control of every branch of govt to gop cuz ppl couldn't be bothered to vote but they're gonna show up 2 yrs from now to vote for some rando that prob isn't poular?
I personally think the North should remember forever.*
*I've never seen Game of Thrones. Did I do that reference corectly?