I'm not sure what I did as far as the cat is concerned, but I did take the like count from 666 to 667, so hopefully I've earned a little redemption... ;-)
The cat doesn't believe in free will either. It's looking at me admiringly and asking me to help it catch more feathers. I'm trying to tell it that we've structured our environment such that we don't need to kill birds, but the cat is insisting on a genocide.
The cat isn't the one judging people who believe in free will.
The people who understand the absurdity of the Western anti-epistemological ontology and all of its implied genocide are judging capitalists for their complicity.
“I ran out of gas. I... I had a flat tire. I didn’t have enough money for cab fare. My tux didn’t come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from out of town. Someone stole my car. There was an earthquake. A terrible flood. Locusts! IT WASN’T MY FAULT!”
I got a kink in my back today and I don’t know why or how but I am clearly being punished for something. Breathing? Laughing? Evil thoughts about Satan? Anyway, now a cat is judging me for not knowing why.
The expression on that cat's face says it's judging me for failing to share my food with it. That's distinctly the, "you're eating something yummy and I want it," stare.
The entire Sims 4 catalog is a stellar example
Fuck EA.
We do that as well, without free will.
The people who understand the absurdity of the Western anti-epistemological ontology and all of its implied genocide are judging capitalists for their complicity.
I felt being weighed and measured and being found... wanting.
And I accept your judgment, beautiful kitty.
“Whaur’s oor dinnurs, Ma?”
*preemptively ducks for cover*
I got a kink in my back today and I don’t know why or how but I am clearly being punished for something. Breathing? Laughing? Evil thoughts about Satan? Anyway, now a cat is judging me for not knowing why.
Not that that will stop them, of course. 🙃