Canada knows that with our money being funneled into crypto, the recession we're about to have (if not a full blown depression), the situation with our former allies & enemies means that the dollar is going to tank (probably) & they want to get their $ while they can.
Canada sells the bond's they possess for cheaper than what the current US Treasury needs to sell to fund the government, then US Treasury is forced to pay a higher interest rate to buyers of new bonds or they won't buy them.
It won't be an immediate effect, but it will increase interest rates.
Let's play this out. It's like the stock market if it crashes Russia buys bonds for pennies on the dollar. Exactly what Russia wanted more control of the US.
it never was about the money, it's about the control, look at how much he's kissing Putin's ass. He's literally handing the US over on a silver platter for free.
A default on US Debt would be catastrophic but not only for the US but the whole world.
If the GDP decreases year over year, then America would be in trouble.
That means less people around the world buying American goods and services.
What Trump is doing right now is "not" trying to improve America's wealth, he is actively trying to diminish wealth, which in turn makes America a target for China and Russia.
Better learn Mandarin or Russian because it might be too late.
We are going to war with the rest of the world...
Canada is the first of soon to be many that will divest of everything from the US government. Tyrants don’t feel they have to pay their debts. And Trump has been a tyrant for decades. Canada divests today. The EU members will start especially to free up cash for Ukraine.
I support Canada. They’re being bullied and abused by an American “PRESIDENT” who was bought by Billionaires, Corporations & Foreign Adversaries to make $ for them. He & GOP are willing to lie & steal from American people to financially benefit themselves. How shameful! They need Reap what they sow💯
Trump has no idea how the economy works. No wonder his dad had to bail him out financially, this totally explains his multiple bankruptcies and his dependence on Russian money.
Carney was governor of 2 national banks, managed the Brexit finances & protected Canada from the 2008 economic crisis. I think he knows more about fixing economies than Trump does right now.
I’m not super poor, but have been. I agree with you on this, but wish it didn’t take many people suffering-not that we treat those without means/differently abled/elders great by any stretch of the imagination even in good times.
a) this is a long haul game; b) you don't do everything you can at once, you bring it in and watch for reactions, then reset; c) if your opponent (e.g. Trump) acts impulsively, then they will trip up and like Aikido, you help them where they are going, which is to the ground. Carney knows what to do
This is exactly what I've been telling my partner. I'm poor, too. I realize that the only way to fix this goddamn country is to collapse it. Will I suffer? Most certainly. Will people finally wake up? I sure as fuck hope so.
100 agree, when people finally can't afford food or housing and living in the streets and woods and people are dying at a fast rate of speed maybe the people in the US will have had enough to fight against this Dictator. A lot of people will do nothing until they have nothing.
you wont suffer any more than if we don't. You are going to suffer under a regime that wants to replace taxes with tariffs. This is a tax increase on the working class and poor. A tax cut for the rich. It is a totally regressive tax scheme and it is Trump's stated intent.
Do you think Trump wants a war? He likes to brag he can end wars (albeit by forcing the weaker country to capitulate)there would be zero support for a war with Canada.
Yes. If SCOTUS doesn't side with him when it matters, then at the very least, going to war and then declaring martial law would be his path to remaining in power beyond his term.
Wow! About $374.4 Billion, or, about 5% of Americas dept. It would be interesting to know if the new Canadian PM, an economic and banking Guru, had a little something to do with this?
Due to 47's repeated annexation threats against Canada, (several more today, March 11), I believe that this is representative of transitioning from the previous mode of "Elbows Up" into the next phase, which is referred to as "Gloves Off".
Looking forward to Donny's 2AM social media rant ALL CAPS
Us guys have to work on the dickheads and male fuckwits, there's much to do. What about the sisterhood pulling these women into line? How do you get them to drop the dark side or doing an Eva Braun?
She doesn't care. Who knows what orders will come through for people illegally showing they critically think. Pretty common in dictatorships. If some people in NKorea have a brain, they're not showing it
We'll make America rich again?! We're the wealthiest nation that has ever been! It's just that our wealth is being hoarded by the same people who will continue to hoard whatever comes in via tariffs.
I know... I was going to say, I don't listen... Some of the MSNBC anchors have said they listen to his yacking, hers... So we don't have to... Thank God!
Can't stand to listen to him!
His 90 min speech to the 2 chambers.. Was the least watched ever!
She KNOWS THAT. It's the only people still listening. I mean if your retirement has halved im a week and you're still listening to a guy telling you that "you're gonna be soooo rich you won't believe it, just look that way quickly I need to steal some other shit, thank you.." Then you're dumb as F.
For her to accuse Doug Ford of ill will toward American citizens was pretty rich. They are the ones who had better learn respect for other countries and their own FFS
Are you pyrotechnics expert? Time to set off an exploitative charge of confetti every time Dt makes a Blunder . Each confetti charge will have a hidden message redeemable to you head note writer and to add their own humor or forethought message on next blunder Class B mortar shot of height
How sad that Americans feel compelled to support actions that will affect ourselves as well as other countries. We support whatever action that Canada must do in order to deal with the trump madness! Trump is betraying us in order to serve his master, Putin. This must be stopped immediately!
Canada is quite literally playing a game of wit, and Trump has come unarmed. All he has is bluster and a quickly failing economy. He will fold. Stay strong!
I’m not making fun of Canadians - to be clear. Because I’m not xenophobic, and Canadians are better than Americans (it’s science). The ‘aboot’ is super subtle to my American ears.
We don’t say aboot but I know what you’re after. The vowels are a bit pinched. It’s almost impossible to spell. Now you have to explain how you all came up with Mawve when it’s obviously Mouve ( rhymes with rove.)
It may not matter. Have you seen our stock market? The crash is directly related to this tariff fuckery, and one way or another, the bleeding will have to stop. Americans don’t give a fuck about their democracy, but don’t get funny with the money.
“non pieces of shit” is kind of the problem. They felt like they had to get in line or be targeted by the vindictive orange baby. There was no courage to be found, because when it comes down to it, it’s all about money. On a happier note, all those billionaires are getting absolutely destroyed RN.
He double downs so he can stretch himself across the finish line every time
A guarantee as usual where he acknowledges it w/an executive order
Unless he’s told resigning is honorable & removed to where John Hinkley was given a place to stay until he was not a threat to Reagan I guess thinking
That’s the pervasive theory, but I just can’t see that working. Americans love their money above all else - democracy, health and welfare, kids - all take a backseat to the accumulation of wealth. I think the pushback would hobble their efforts. I hope so, at least.
Yeah, that may be the plan - at the very least to suspend the 2026 elections. But money rules all in the US, and he’s just made 1.5 trillion of it evaporate. Americans don’t give a shit about their democracy, but don’t get funny with their money.
I watched a documentary on Trump and literally one of the most important things to him is WINNING, and he would definitely destroy his own country to obtain that win
Yeah, I just can’t imagine the US entering the second Great Depression for that win. At some point, the bleeding will have to stop. Either by pressure from within his own party, or someone convincing him that he has in fact already ‘won’ with some sort of Canadian non-concession he can put on FOX.
Hell, you might be able to convince him to do it if you flatter him enough! "Sir, the tar will literally takes pounds off you on camera! And feathers are all the rage with young, hot, MAGAt women!" He might jump in a tar bath after that.
I mean, maybe? It just seems odd that 1.5+ trillion has just evaporated because of this fuckery, and a lot of the billionaires that supported him are getting absolutely destroyed. Also, I’m a little skeptical of Trump’s ability to play 4-D chess, with having the intellect of a raccoon on meth.
He is a narcissist. They cannot admit they are wrong. Since he doesn't care about the US or the American people, he only cares about himself, he doesn't mind destroying the economy or the whole country. What he is doing to Canada right now is pure revenge. As far from statesmanship as one can get.
Agreed. I just don’t know how many shit sandwiches his sycophants are willing to eat. A second great depression? I just can’t image that. But who knows. The GOP has the power to pump the breaks, but they’re all deathly afraid of facing the MAGA wrath.
Oh absolutely. I think going all the way back to Bush Sr., there are maybe 20% real hard right folks that consistently subscribe to whatever fascist bullshit is happening in the US. The rest of “MAGA” are just hapless simps getting taken for a ride.
I keep hearing that, and it would absolutely appear to be the case, but I question the back-tracking when shit blows up in his face. Why would he shrink from those previous tariffs if he was just out to derail the economy? He may just be a man with the mind of a cognitively impaired raccoon.
If it is in fact purposeful, I’d agree that it will be an attempt to usher in stage 4 fascism. Maybe a nod to the economic turmoil in 1933 Germany? I just don’t think it’ll be successful. We have to think that, right?
Yeah, I think he’ll shrink from this pretty quickly actually - especially if the markets keep collapsing. He's erased 1.5 trillion dollars since this new tariffs were implemented.
I agree. The man has little to lose, he's ransacking the country as we speak, but he will not hesitate to destroy what little you or I have. He does not care and anyone who thinks he does, well, trump sells watches they may want to invest in. Don't need a watch, well here is a bible or a coin or..
I mean, destroying the economy IS his plan. He is doing it intentionally so the ultra-wealthy elite can buy up all the remains. Things make a lot more sense when you realize that the impending recession IS the plan.
I’m not an economist, so my bandwidth on the matter is limited, but it would now appear that those very billionaires are eating shit sandwiches. I know, their wealth is infinite, but it just seems counterintuitive that they would wipe out literally trillions of dollars of their own wealth.
They don't keep all their wealth in the market. It will just take the peoples retirements and middle of the road wealth. Their stocks will climb eventually. He put the US for sale on the world market. It's basically a giant hedge fund.
Right? Listen to Trump talk. He has the intellect and sensibility of a raccoon on meth. Don’t get flustered by the stupid, stay focused, and exploit his many weaknesses.
IDK shit, but he’s an absolute no-account coward, and he folds under pushback every time. I’m assuming this time will be no different. Just look at how’s he’s wavered on the tariffs since he took office.
Yet we all know how Trump sees weakness, he only respects powerful men. The man we voted in said he would stand up to Trump. Except took back what he said he was going to do & retreated with his tail between his knees.
it's a downward spiral and nothing but replacing the president with someone whom the markets trust could stop it. (not fix it, just stop it). Fixing it would require joe biden-levels of economic savvy during years.
There isn't a mechanism to replace a president until the next election, is there? Treason wouldn't stick, for example. Mental unfitness, whilst obvious to many outside the US is not so obvious to many in the US (eg the MAGAs , and those (36%?) that couldn't be bothered to vote to keep out a madman).
lol you guys really say "we have 100 million fools who thought it would be okay to just let trump rule over them and not even vote to keep him from it", like it was perfectly plausible lol do americans, so obssessed with billions, even know how many a million are anymore? 100 million?! lol
Canada's not the enemy he expected.
He's not smart enough to get ahead of it.
He's too busy being angry to plan, navigate, and institute the important issues that will make America great again.
Sadly, I doubt we'll see that happen in his term.
As an American I hope more follow this! This is the end all be all. MARGIN CALL BITCHES. Canada is on their gangsta shit and I’m here for it. They are kind af until you piss them off! They are pissed! Let’s go! #gladtheynotlikeus
It's 2025. There will be a new Prime Minister soon who is a world class economist in charge here.
We'll be good as long as he wins his seat in our upcoming election
Exactly. It's based on a misunderstanding of the Canadian decision and the possible consequences. There's nothing new about Canada issuing dollar denominated debt and it will have no direct effect on the market price of US government debt.
Trump thinks he mastered Monolpoly and has started trying Risk. I bet he plays alone cause nobody wants to play with tamper throwing babies , _____________ , or cheaters. You fill it in. I can’t even write it.
I don't think Trump understands this. He has no knowledge of economics, international negotiations, history, mathematics, science, English, grammar, geography, or, for that matter, anything else we all learned during our elementary education!
You're right, all he knows is real estate and he ain't too good at that, how many times has he been bankrupt? He has no idea of statesmanship, diplomacy, decency, fairness, humanity - he can barely read FFS!
I’m concerned that his wrecking our economy and burning every diplomatic bridge will spur the world to abandon the USD for international trade. We will become a poor squalid place. Wait we are except for 800 people.
Canada is not in deep shite.
Grow a pair and be British.
Resolve will win this trade war. Soon all Tariffs in the US will come to roost. Frump is going to cost America dearly.
According to U.S. Treasury, between Mar.'23 and Mar.'24, China sold off $100B in U.S. Treasuries, on top of $300B it had already sold off over past decade. ( Oct 21,'24)
China cut holdings of US Treasury bonds to $759B in Dec.'24. ( Feb 19, '25)
Is this what you are referring to? Correct me if I am wrong but this plan was announced in April 2024 in the budget speech and documents. Nothing Trump related BTW.
This story is more or less the definition of actual "fake news". A storm whipped up over a misinterpretation/misrepresentation (take your pick) of something based on part of a related fact.
Canada should tone down the rhetoric and be cautious in its response. Do not sink to Trump's level. You do not want to get the American people offside.
This story that everyone is responding to is wrong. Go see my comment at the top. Nothing unusual going on and it has nothing to do with Trump. It was announced in the 2024 budget in Canada.
TBH what should we do, just go down on our knees and say thank you sir for berating, threatening and belittling our country. Consider if the shoe was on the other foot, would your countrymen tone down the rhetoric? Not darn likely.
A lot of us know, and didn't vote for this administration. However, I don't blame Canada for standing up for themselves. Go off, Canada. We fucked around.
Exactly. He is powerless to annex Canada. That's why a less- than-volatile response from Canada might be more effective, and dignified as a response to Trump's bullying tactics.
Trump started a fight with a loving peaceful neighbor, a fight he will not win!! Do whatever you need to do to protect your country and it's people. However there are some of us will suffer as a result, but in war there are casualties, tRump did this to us!!
You know your governments really screwed up when its citizens start pushing for the other side of the border to succeed and sacrificing their own comfort, but not for their own country. 🤷🏻♀️
Trump is getting caught up to by his US hubris.
If the Canada, EU & Japan unloads their bonds the US is toast. The dollar is dead.
The US was a great nation only because it had global support from rich countries.
That support is rapidly evaporating.
Canada, I am proud of you. I can't help but feel sorry for our American friends. How many people are suffering and will die because of Trump. Amnerica get a life and get all your butts into the streets and demonstrate.
Watching a country crash and burn while living in it and watching everybody go about their everyday life, like nothing's wrong, is one of the most insane things that is happening in the world today. How are they so blind? Why are so many of my fellow Americans so dumb?
My children and I have a plan, if we're ready, when things go bad. Talking to other people, they look at you like you're insane, they don't understand or they don't care.
We have a plan too. I have gotten about 50lbs of rice and about the same of dried beans, about 30 lg cand of tuna, a Life Straw water pitcher with 4 years of filters, and about 20 rolls of aluminum foil (before the tariffs on aluminum starts) & the freezer is full
A lot of us will. Some always have. Cruelty is the point. This regime will strip all the resources it can, destroy everything it can, leave bodies in its wake, just like covid, then move on to the next acquisition. They want us dead. Thats the goal. If they can get other ppl to do it, even better.
Like I have been saying.. they are going to crash the dollar.. if that happens they get their banana republic.. The wealthiest come out on top.. and the rest of us will be hoping for bread lines.
I'm hoping Canada will take pity on is ordinary Americans. Or at the very least let the country know, loudly and frequently, that this is because of trump.
I don't blame them, trump started this war. He and his buddies made billions on sell off of stock market while the average person lost money. The a rotten SOB
.I get the feeling that Canada is going to do Trump in. Trump thinks he's powerful enough to own them and they are going to own him. Even though it will probably affect me and everyone else in the USA, I support them in cutting him down to size. Evil is Evil and Trump is the poster boy for Evil.
dRump is a bully, tyrant, not that smart..
Only here lately have Zelenskyy, Canada 🇨🇦, Europe, Mexico 🇲🇽 talked back, pushed back... Dang glad
Now we the People must do our part to save ourselves now before it's toooo late!
Yes! Because we will Endure. It's what we do. We adjust and adapt. We are the United States of America and we WILL Endure if it is for the Right Reason. And THIS is the Right Reason. Nobody should have to be bullied by a thug. If Canada knocks that chip off his shoulder, I will celebrate them.
Remember, our new prime minister (hopefully after the next election as well) is a former investment banker with Goldman Sacks, has a doctorate in economics from Oxford and was the head of the central bank for two G7 countries.
As a Canadian, it's the worse feeling. Most of us have friends, family or associates in the States. Without question we will first support our Country, but it hurts to know that doing it will cause hurt to our Southern friends.
It doesn't need to be this way.
You have more USA support than you can imagine. Do what you have to do without guilt. We get it. You didn't ask for this bully to attack your existence. In the end, you will have helped us free ourselves of this lunatic. What's right is right. Period.
You got that right. Sometimes I feel like our party is abandoning us. Either that or they need to hire a PR expert to show them how to communicate and fight in a more effective way. They've always been terrible at it.
What needs to be done needs to be done. A majority of us intelligent Americans understand what will happen when our Canadian brothers to the north make their economic moves.
You're right, it doesn't need to be this way. The billionaires don't care how many millions of lives this affects as long as they get what they want, but they are going to see this country isn't a business you can just run into the ground. We have the resolve to make things right again.
As an American, I don't wish any harm to our friends in Canada and our friends in Mexico. I'm sorry the worst of us have caused this to happen. And as much as it sucks I completely understand that you guys have to protect yourselves. I thought we were better than this. And we aren't.
NO THEY AREN'T! This started through someone on twitter and Reddit not understanding economics :) they are issuing a global bond tied to the US dollar, not selling US treasury bonds, this is not harmful and something they do every year or so (last in April 2024)
If the world disengages from the US dollar, the USA is going to suffer a great deal of pain, inflation being just one. Americans can help by paying off any debt you have.
I advocated that the UK sell US debt we own. UK is fourth largest owner of debt America owes money to. Thankfully, Chancellor Gordon Brown paid off America for the last of the WWII debt we owed you and then started buying up yours in gilts and bonds.
Canada isn't playing USA! You have pissed off them off no end and if you allow Orange Felon and his cabal to persist in this trade war cluster f*** then youre going to lose more than you can afford too.
The rest of the world understands exactly what the implications are of a US president beholden and bending the knee for a Russian dictator. It's a shame that some people here are too fucking stupid to heed multiple warnings and a dress rehearsal for this bullshit.
The 47th president of the United States is treating Canada 🇨🇦 & Ukraine 🇺🇦 (& MAGAs as well) like an abusive partner.
An abuser will try to gaslight & tell the abused that They Prompted the abuse. That you Made Them hurt you & that the abuse is for your own good.
Watching this is sickening 💔
Financial pain... They should understand..
744,000 seniors are in nursing homes on medicaid... How will these people be cared for... Where will they go?
40% Of births on medicaid... Of course we're against abortion so more babies.. Lordy!
It is time for ALL Americans to join our Veterans on March 14 for a nationwide march/protest in D.C., every state capitol, & cities, street corners & overpasses near you.
We swore our oaths to the Constitution, not a fascist dictator.
March 14 is π day!
Don't forget to bring a pie.
March 14 is also Albert Einstein birth day and surely he would support an anti-fascists march. He helped nuclear power against them.
Well this is how people react to bullies-they want to get back at them. We should make it so he personally would take the fall. Can you think of a way?
Your headline is inaccurate. Canada wants to issue bonds denominated in US dollars, which will do nothing but further increase Canadian dependence on US dollars. Other nations issue USD denominated debt, however it is not advisable to owe someone money denominated in a currency you don't control.
I keep seeing this headline and I think it’s being wildly misinterpreted. Canada has filed to issue US Currency global bonds. So they will be selling CAD bonds denoted in US currency. Canada is not cashing in the US Treasury bonds they hold. BIG difference.
From my source, a political science and finance degree source. This has nothing to do with Trump or hurting the US economy. Canada does this all the time in all different currencies. It’s a way for the gov’t to raise money from investors.
You are right that it is being misinterpreted. The falling interest rates in the US is because of the uncertainty created by the game of chicken Rump is playing with the tariffs.
The "Star-Spangled Banner" was set to the tune of a British drinking song called "To Anacreon in Heaven" and the lyrics express patriotism and hope, reflecting on the American flag flying over Fort McHenry during the War of 1812, and it's a symbol of American resilience and national triumph.
Your resistance does help and can assist his followers in figuring out the errors of their ways. Trust me I'm doing everything I can here, while his idiot base gives our freedom away
He's taking it way... IE
TSA union, free speech, rule of law, reproductive rights, gender rights, Ukrainian 🇺🇦 freedom..
A long list...
While over seeing a technology coup!
Why should US citizens take Trump down? 77 million elected him! This is a repeat of the 1930s, only Canadian citizen Fuhrer Musk will have access to nukes. Is Canada going to sit back and be the next Poland? Which country will the US Nazis take first? Just sit back, relax & wait for the US! /s
Sort of? The largest part of the debt the US government owes is to the people of the USA. Basically the reason why they are trying to get rid of Social Security is because they have "borrowed" so much of it.
But yeah we do owe a lot to both private bodies, and other governments.
Oh, don’t worry. We already are. We’re outspending the US. I know Germany on by itself has done a complete 180 which the Americans have tried for 80 years to prevent. I bet there’s a lot of American politicians sweating right now
Just be careful, you also have some shady politicians to worry about. When and if we come out of this it will be a different world and I hope we can salvage our relationships with our European allies.
As an American, I really want to see every country call in their debts with America. Trump and his "we're the strongest and toughest and nobody's fair to us" whiny 2nd grade bully bullshit needs a multi-armed beatdown.
As a candidate, Trump promised an economic “boom like no other.” But eight weeks into his presidency, he is refusing to rule out a recession — a striking change in tone for a man who rode economic dissatisfaction to the White House.
Not only are we in debt to other nations - we are so far in debt that us taxpayers are literally just paying the interest each year - not the principal.
Because then the American public would realize that our tax dollars are actually going to pay the interest on that debt - not the principle. And then we would realize how much we are being used.
Hint: the gold standard was removed so America wouldn't 'have to' pay debts it kept creating with imaginary money and realized the money wasn't imaginary yet
Oh, rightio. Love to know the plan AWC! Good to prepare in advance by asking MAGA to reveal the secrets. That way, when it does happen, and the invasion is in the works for planning (if you can call it that), the more we know, the more we can plan for your actions. Sane countries have contingencies.
We do have a lot of great people but sadly we also have a lot of maga idiots who elected the current leadership. The thought of maga suffering as much or more than the rest of us for their stupidity is one way I sleep easy at night.
I would bet that the new bond idea is his. I am becoming so excited abt the possibilities of having someone with so much experience with finance as our leader.
I am Canadian with family and friends in most states - Just remember, we as Canadians do not hate our American neighbours <3 It's all about the Orange man and his henchmen with "the plan" Now it's all about #speaksoftlyandcarryabighockeystick #elbowsup #cdnstrongandfree
I am honestly hoping for a Great Depression 2 at this point. I want the economy to be so fucking terrible that Trump is the only person that can be blamed for it getting fucked.
Trumps crew plans to to default on government debt. Debt owned in the form of bonds. I don’t blame them. Japan, China and all who hold this debt in the form of bonds should sell.
He's messing with "Elbows Up" country and he will live to regret it! I love my country but I do not love this criminal administration! I'm rooting for Canada!
It feels so odd to route against the USA. I hate our current government with a passion, but the devaluing of our currency only helps the ultra wealthy who have vast amounts of borrowing debt. Until that is we become a failed State. Everything we have worked for and saved, worthless.
Yup and that is why the prevailing opinion all over the world is that trump is intentionally tanking the US economy. Besides he doesn't give a damn about the US citizens.
That’s the biggest debt that is owed. That’s when the banks will take over our bank accounts. This fool just doesn’t understand or care. Just take your orange ass to Russia.
If the U.S. can't pay those bills, then it defaults on the national debt. This is where catastrophe strikes. Economists say consequences of a default on the national debt could include higher interest rates, a stock market crash, a recession and massive job losses.
I am getting ready to get some R&R in Mexico, and as I did in his first disaster is wear my Canadian hat the whole trip. Sorry Canada - most of us hate him too!
The least Trump can do is make it a criminal offense to own any car that is not a Tesla. Arrested on the spot. Whole freeways cordoned off and drivers picked off 1by1. Come on Trump, at least make some of your EOs hilarious and Monty Python. You've descended to that level, so follow through.
I never thought I would see the day when our government would side with Russia… or that our president would be so very reckless and irresponsible with American lives.
Many families will forever be negatively impacted by this insane regime!
I think that is more than interest rates. We rely on bond sales to keep the country running. If Canada, EU and say China start unloading bonds. That would stop our days of cheap deficit spending. Trump tax cuts get a lot more expensive, it just all spirals down the drain so fast.
I bet TFG tries to allow Russia to buy US Bonds to prop up our debt. He is already talking about lifting sanctions and setting tariffs (on Russian goods). That will require the banks to open for Russian business allowing them to buy/sell military parts and weapons, and to sell drugs and more.
If I don’t laugh I will cry, my adult children are going to face even more difficulties trying to buy a home. Or a car or anything else for that matter.
Every country should do whatever it can to help crash the US economy under Trump. Let the MAGAs see how inept he is. Trump bills himself as the ONLY ONE who can fix anything, then alienates the world against us and him!
While I agree with you, the reality is so many people rely on the health insurance their job provides. Robbing people of their health insurance is worse than losing their job for so many in this country.
It is the sad truth and a reason we don't see as much protesting as we should.
Yes the Hindsight president
His foresighted blunders of mass confusion in chaos and skewering talents from previous days he tested out in grade school, high school , college
Constant refinement
Head masters saying ole Dt
He’ll grow out of it or into a role all will say how did he get a pass?
One could even wish for coordination between Europe, Canada, Mexico and China when it comes to this trade war. That would be powerful.
It won't be an immediate effect, but it will increase interest rates.
Trump has tanked that in less than a month.
-from Canada.
Elbows up!
If the GDP decreases year over year, then America would be in trouble.
That means less people around the world buying American goods and services.
Better learn Mandarin or Russian because it might be too late.
We are going to war with the rest of the world...
Trump is a bad business.
I'm super poor and will suffer a lot!!! This is what needs to happen, though. The ends justifies the means!
400+ million firearms in civilian hands.
Looking forward to Donny's 2AM social media rant ALL CAPS
I guess she's selfish, too.
Sorry just wondering what's in there cuz it sure ain't knowledge.
Can't stand to listen to him!
His 90 min speech to the 2 chambers.. Was the least watched ever!
she's exclusively talking to Trump's MAGA base
she does not care about the reaction from non-Trump voters
He screwed farmers badd last time, taxpayers had to cover the 16 billion bailout for his tariffs then..
He needs his beauty rest so his demented mind can function!
But he's got whisperers in his ears who are extremely evil
But no one was ever there to even try and stop him.
Can foreign investments like U.S. bonds be nationalized?
Either scenario will more than tank investments and markets.
Hope I’m wrong. Am I?
That's Aussies.
Gawd almighty we have a beautiful country.
A guarantee as usual where he acknowledges it w/an executive order
Unless he’s told resigning is honorable & removed to where John Hinkley was given a place to stay until he was not a threat to Reagan I guess thinking
Do something productive…
The guillotines need sharpening.
Defeatism is on the side of the fascists!
it's a downward spiral and nothing but replacing the president with someone whom the markets trust could stop it. (not fix it, just stop it). Fixing it would require joe biden-levels of economic savvy during years.
He's not smart enough to get ahead of it.
He's too busy being angry to plan, navigate, and institute the important issues that will make America great again.
Sadly, I doubt we'll see that happen in his term.
We'll be good as long as he wins his seat in our upcoming election
Trump thinks he does, but how could he be that under educated
Canada's playing 3-dimensional chess to Trump's checkers.
He can't even drive a car!
It is not much more than a statement and an erratic financial decision.
The interest rates won't rise.
But there's no checks and balances so he'll get away with whatever he wants. Americans will allow him
How far behind Canada
Is China?
Those bonds are vital
To our economy.
Trump is at the wheel
And we’re on the road
To national bankruptcy
Grow a pair and be British.
Resolve will win this trade war. Soon all Tariffs in the US will come to roost. Frump is going to cost America dearly.
I am an American. Discussing American problems.
China cut holdings of US Treasury bonds to $759B in Dec.'24. ( Feb 19, '25)
He's a bully and has gotten his rotten way most of his life with out accountability!
Gotta fight back!
Canada has every right to use every tool to win the war.
Drumph shouldn't declare a war he isn't ready to fight. Nations can't bully other nations.
They have to stay savey..
If the Canada, EU & Japan unloads their bonds the US is toast. The dollar is dead.
The US was a great nation only because it had global support from rich countries.
That support is rapidly evaporating.
Only here lately have Zelenskyy, Canada 🇨🇦, Europe, Mexico 🇲🇽 talked back, pushed back... Dang glad
Now we the People must do our part to save ourselves now before it's toooo late!
It doesn't need to be this way.
Who would have ever thought we are where we are?
He's ruthless and cruel, bully.. 😈
We have a bona fide bank robber and conman
Messing everything up!
I fixed it for you. You're welcome.
Disaster on a world wide scale.
An abuser will try to gaslight & tell the abused that They Prompted the abuse. That you Made Them hurt you & that the abuse is for your own good.
Watching this is sickening 💔
744,000 seniors are in nursing homes on medicaid... How will these people be cared for... Where will they go?
40% Of births on medicaid... Of course we're against abortion so more babies.. Lordy!
Stay calm. Keep fighting.
It is time for ALL Americans to join our Veterans on March 14 for a nationwide march/protest in D.C., every state capitol, & cities, street corners & overpasses near you.
We swore our oaths to the Constitution, not a fascist dictator.
Please march for him as well.
We march.
We blackout techbroligarchy corps.
We speakout.
We prepare.
We swore our oaths to the Constitution not a dictator.
No quit, no quarter, 24/7.
Don't forget to bring a pie.
March 14 is also Albert Einstein birth day and surely he would support an anti-fascists march. He helped nuclear power against them.
I will be in Olympia, WA.
Over today and agree that it js being wildly misinterpreted. Thanks for post this clarification for people.
True North, Strong and Free
Trump wants to FA but not FO. Let’s make him FO.
I’ll manage my suffering here in the U.S. as long as the world hold this jackhole accountable.
And, sadly, I’m not Canadian.
But sure wish I was.
I keep saying “the Province of Vermont” has a sublime ring to it
TSA union, free speech, rule of law, reproductive rights, gender rights, Ukrainian 🇺🇦 freedom..
A long list...
While over seeing a technology coup!
T will bring up annexing them again am sure.😁
But yeah we do owe a lot to both private bodies, and other governments.
Will make real Americans proud!!!
Hint: the gold standard was removed so America wouldn't 'have to' pay debts it kept creating with imaginary money and realized the money wasn't imaginary yet
Gonna be wild 🤣🤣😐
I think he's the right man at the right time
I will happily shoulder the burden of making it up to you the rest of my life if we survive this fascist coup.
Please keep making these moves, and push for the world to join in.
We can follow MAGA disinformation rhetorical patterns to Australia, Europe, and even you all to an extent.
Can anyone guess what will happen if they decide to call that in?
Truly depressing.
I'm Australian, and my greatest hope at this point is that Australia finds other trade partners. trump is far too unreliable
China is the largest *foreign* holder.
TESLA Fire sale, anyone?
Did I say that out loud?
It's all going to come apart!!
do it. DO IT. do it. DO IT.
DO IT. do it. DO IT.
do it. DO IT. do it.
DO IT. do it. DO IT. do it.
The only way “they” will learn is to directly feel pain. Sadly, so will we — but I’d rather get it over with as swiftly as possible. So, BRING IT ON!
Many families will forever be negatively impacted by this insane regime!
Didn't fkin think so.
He saved our Economy during 2008 recession
I think he may be the only human to ever head two central banks.
It is the sad truth and a reason we don't see as much protesting as we should.
His foresighted blunders of mass confusion in chaos and skewering talents from previous days he tested out in grade school, high school , college
Constant refinement
Head masters saying ole Dt
He’ll grow out of it or into a role all will say how did he get a pass?
To eat their lunch.🇨🇦😎