Of course, he’s not a traitor. The traitors are the ones gutting our systems, using the Russia playbook, lining their own pockets with our tax dollars, bowing to thugs and dictators.
If Elon Musk calls you a traitor, you are doing something right. He’s the biggest POS next to Chump. Fuck him!
Yeah well we didn't think a south African nazi was going to be given unlimited power in the government. That's what we get for assuming that laws, or integrity, mean anything.
Extremists scream so incessantly about “free speech” and supposed oppression by a “deep state” that one has to consider whether a lawsuit will do more harm than good. Most of the time it is more prudent to respond effectively or hope comments die quickly than to amplify them through legal action.
Yeah, but can you stop him from destroying the social security administration? Or get HIV drugs to Africa? And when he starts a war with Canada, what will you do?
When Elon recommends cuts to veteran services or bashes people who serve, we have to remember who it’s coming from. Elon left South Africa at 17 - avoiding serving in their military.
This furthers my point. The reason Elon was able to dodge being drafted by the country he was born and raised in is because of one thing - privilege. Instead of being self aware/humble about that privilege, he’s deplorable enough to bash those who serve/served.
The general issue most people have with draft dodgers, especially ones who go on to slander veterans, is it's an extreme example of a rich person buying their way out of something a poor person equally as much doesn't want to do. It's incredibly inequality and you should be ashamed for doing it.
At the same time you have to understand there is NO FUCKING WAY I would have wanted to serve with Trump, an of his fucking kids or Elon Musk. So they can stay away.
Cutting my (or anyone's) VA benefits and talking shit of those who served is completely unacceptable though.
Elon also went after USAID because they supported the elections that overturned apartheid policies, which led to his father losing a small amount of land and wealth that he'd gained through those policies. It's all petty, selfish, and gives no thought to our national interest.
Especially from a South African immigrant billionaire here for the tax breaks, and eventually, all the treason he could dream of. I’m sensing some astronaut envy.
Someone who never served anything other than their own greed and ego calling a war veteran, astronaut, and elected representative who has dedicated their life to serving others, a traitor, not is not credible, and is likely themselves the traitor.
Musk calling any citizen a traitor is rich; but to call an actual American hero who is blue representing a red state is beyond tone deaf.
We need to stop billionaires from existing at this point. Their value is obsolete and a burden to us all.
Elon will have his comeuppance someday for his poor choice of words. Great leaders don't have like poorly disciplined children in front of adults on the world stage. He is not indispensable to companies and eventually they will understand their future is more limited with him at the helm versus not.
Elon Musk is an out of control drug addict. The fact that this foreigner who support apartheid is STILL even on American soil is absolutely atrocious. I spend everyday feeling completely baffled as to how all of this is STILL occurring. What’s it going to take!?
🔥 ELON MUSK CALLED A WAR HERO A TRAITOR?! 👀 Mark Kelly risked his life for America – and THIS is how Musk treats him?! DISGUSTING. The man who flew in space and fought for this country deserves respect – not smears from a billionaire parasite! 💀💥👊🔥
they want to throw that word at quite a few of us, up to half the population maybe? maybe more as some of their followers decide that this was a bad mistake. but there is power in the numbers of traitors.
elon is a traitor. trump is a traitor. maga enablers are traitors. maga voters are traitors. republicans are traitors. all of them are anti-american kremlin stooges
Elon —Illegal Immigrant, Russian Operative, Purposefully Destroying Americans, America’s Democracy, Dismantling U.S. Democratic Institutions, Breached- Personal, National And International Security Intelligence—With TRUMP/GOPS HELP!!
Trump supporters are psychotic to begin with, and he got them so riled up at that idiotic Bumpkin Rally before he told them to march to the Capitol that I have no doubt they would have killed Pelosi or Pence had they been able to. They probably routinely smear feces in their own homes. Trash. 🤮
None of us that served ever thought we’d have the likes of these infidels in our government. We served HONORABLY and end up with this DISHONORABLE garbage and far too many that are too stupid to see it.
And the bugger who called Sen. Kelly a traitor is a bigoted, greedy bugger who wasn’t even born an American, just bought his “US citizenship”! And he supports another true traitor to everything that heretofore has been decent in and about our country!
Senator Mark Kelly is a HERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He's a rich drug addict who's a nobody who's trying to act like he's somebody.
It's not working Elon, you're still a drug addict, & a nobody.
Your money isn't buying you respect, it's just showing people what a pathetic loser you are, & everyone knows how you acquired your illegitimate wealth.
When you have somebody in the White House, that is not smarter than a fifth grader, you have to expect anything! I’ve never been so ashamed of a president in my life!
It’s because he’s the traitor, sir! Let’s put him away! Let’s put them all away for a very long time. Ty 4your service and commitment to your country and Constitution! Do we still have a Constitution???
Meanwhile this asshole from South Africa, never defended our country once is going around ripping people jobs, civil rights and programs designed to help American people.
Perhaps he means you are a traitor to Russia because clearly Elon is a Russia asset. He and DT are the real fucking traitors.
He left to avoid mandatory military service in South Africa, so by any reasonable definition he is a draft dodger. There may not have been an active conflict, but the service was still a requirement. He wasn't even smart enough to make up something stupid like bone spurs.
You're so wrong on this. He's an irredeemable pos and that wasn't likely the reason he truly left SA, but if it were it would have been the closest to a decent thing he's done in his life
😂😂 ironically, that’s why Felon 47’s grandfather left Germany, what was kicked out of Germany, which ever it was. Sort of like Leon’s Nazi grandparents being kicked out of Canada. Nobody wants them. How did they end up here?
To your first point, I think on some level, everyone should know who that spoiled man-child actually is.
I tend to think that most of the current US Oligarchy needs the boycott and call out treatment. The damage that the tech CEOs have done in the last decade is massive.
100% elmo is a charlatan who was gifted a silver spoon from birth.
All corporations, people running them, at the end of the day are bastards profiting off our misery while destroying the planet.
Fun fact abt the bone spurs: turns out the daughters of the Dr who gave the diagnosis came forward and said their dad only did so as a favor to Trumps father
I was thinking class traitor. Elon can't fathom people with money and/or power not being on his side. It's obvious it's not a traitor to country, Elon does not believe in allegiance to nations not this one or any other it's just transactional.
Yet, here we are! Heroes are cowards, bravery is cowardice, loyalty is treason, peaceful protest is illegal. What new upside down idiocy will we hear from the demented King Thrump or his minions today?
Let’s remember that musk like trump were draft dodgers. On the other hand Kelly was an American hero who fought and continues to fight for his country.
I got a text message yesterday from Mark regarding this. It is how sad to think that someone who says they're an American in a democratic country would stigmatize someone for their choice.
By an immigrant of South Africa, who comes to the United States via Canada! Wannabe Dictator/Traitor Trump calls him a patriot… Laugh my fucking ass off at the stupidity of people who suck that garbage up.
The operative word in the sentence is 'think' - that's an issue with Musk/Trump/GOP Cult. They do not 'think' - they shoot from the hip thinking they're the smartest people in the room....
Time to enforce the rule of law against these traitors. Especially the people unelected runt South African who only knows how to buy companies and trash them. Musk never invented anything, but takes credit anyway.
Um, how about calling him a traitor in return, especially since he is one.
Movie: 'The Untouchables'
Sean Connery to Kevin Costner:
If they bring a knife to a fight, u bring a gun.
If they send one of yours to the hospital, u send one of theirs to the morgue.
He should have finished that statement with, "Especially a socially awkward, robber baron, welfare queen, Nazi who came to the US illegally and proceeded to buy a president after amassing a fortune on other people's ideas and inventions."
Musk and Trump are just a like, big pussies when it comes to country. They stand for nothing but themselves. Those reason alone disqualified both for being in the position they are in. Has fair as I'm concerned, they should never be allowed to breath the same air has Kelly.
And from an immigrant from Africa, the same place Trump accused Obama from being from which was not true but since he's black I guess it make a difference.
Mark Kelly was a Navy combat veteran & a 4-time astronaut. Musk is so full of himself, he doesn’t stop to think about how truly loved & respected Mark Kelly is. Military vets don’t like their heroes disrespected. Musk would be wise to shut his stupid mouth.
Nazis have usually got their comeuppance, unlike the Confederates, or the Russians, both of whom have played the long game and ultimately, with the fall of America, have won their respective wars, rather belatedly.
The fact that an illegal immigrant fraudster unelected co-president has not been removed & deported is the abominable aberration of cowardly politicians. Shameful, despicable & deplorable. That Senators aren't calling for this ketamine nut's resignation is further proof of how far they've fallen.
1. How did Musk become a person of note? He is officially NO-ONE (he's just a guy who spent $270M to become the de facto president of the USA, nothing else)
2. Does the nonsense spewed forth from The Orange Saviour and his cabal of suckholes even warrant a response? We know whose side MAGATs are on
This man is an existential threat to queer people. Can we please STOP dressing him up in rainbows and sub-standard drag. We don't wnat him in our "club"! By all means use as many swastikas and Hitler mustaches as you want. But cut out the queer drag - it's insulting to queer people.
I’m sorry friend…I know it doesn’t help but I’m sorry some people just don’t think. If it doesn’t affect them they can’t understand the harm. We really need to fix this in our societies. 🙏
Being called a Traitor by someone like Elon Musk is either one of two things: completely meaningless given his obvious allegiance to Fascism & obscene wealth, or, and perhaps for that same reason, a badge of honor!
Musk talks a lot of shit but I'd love to see him back it up. Money won't help his a** in a man-to-man fight. Kelly would send him to Mars without a rocket. I know some of you will say, "what a violent thought." I answer with, "it sure is." ☺️
Like old bone spurs fElon is a "man" baby. A coward at heart. He joined forces with felon trump to allow him access to the departments who were investigating him. Shuts them down and has all docs shredded
But it’s crooked Cadet Bone Spurs, Putin’s biggest fan and Nazi Musk little slave who sold America for
Lots of $$$$, that’s calling you a traitor. Consider the source sir. The entire world hates him and knows Trump is a petty little pathological, liar 🤥 so who cares? He alwsys talks out his 🫏!
Cant take to heart whatever comes out of that rats mouth, Elona (tRumpys wife) is a South African con girl who has never done anything good for anyone but herself.
Ironic that the guy who's got his nose in putin's ass would suggest anyone else is a traitor. And kelly's commitment and performance as a patriot is way, way beyond anything musk has done in the United States.
@krassenstein.bsky.social are any investors out there willing to short sell Musk and Trump companies? You know like the billionaires tried to do GameStop bad but millions of tiny investors saved it.
Ho but it is only worse - the billionaire who is slapping everyone just for thinking he owns us just because of his money is even a worse person! The drug addict who speaks directly to Putin is the threat to America!
If Elon Musk calls you a traitor, you are doing something right. He’s the biggest POS next to Chump. Fuck him!
Do you not have defamation laws in the US?
FFS, calling someone a traitor in a very public forum surely must have consequences 🤔
Just like I'm glad Donny Bonespurs didn't go to Vietnam as "Lt. Trump" would have gotten people killed. But probably not himself.
(Seriously. 🤮)
Cutting my (or anyone's) VA benefits and talking shit of those who served is completely unacceptable though.
Presidents Elon and trump have let Ukrainians die in the last 2 weeks for political theater
Leave our country alone, Skum.
The satellites go into orbit, they're useless on the ground.
Someone who never served anything other than their own greed and ego calling a war veteran, astronaut, and elected representative who has dedicated their life to serving others, a traitor, not is not credible, and is likely themselves the traitor.
We need to stop billionaires from existing at this point. Their value is obsolete and a burden to us all.
Next time try telling him to fuck himself
Let's all stop him! Boycott his companies and products like the plague.
That's why they had to move to South Africa.
Think that Nazi Salute was a joke Now?
“Ketamine abuse can lead to various side effects, including disorientation, hallucinations, and feelings of detachment from reality.”
Sums it up nicely
at least im hoping it was their own feces
shit artists so to speak.
a sad commentary of u.s.a. ppl
fox news really did a number on your country.
land of the free, home of the mental defectives
he is the undesirable send him back, or arrest him for criminal trespass and espionage
We have your back
Thank you and your wife for all you do
Worse in many ways to 9/11 hijackers. He’s hijacked entirety of US Government
Does anyone feel like we are back in highschool and the rich kids bully the poor(at least in my high school many decades ago did)?🤔💔🤬
Screw these sociopaths.
He is a vile aberration.
The one calling this guy a traitor, is the actual traitor. Ironically he's a traitor to ALL THREE countries he's a citizen of!
Kelley on the other hand, isn't one.
It's not working Elon, you're still a drug addict, & a nobody.
Your money isn't buying you respect, it's just showing people what a pathetic loser you are, & everyone knows how you acquired your illegitimate wealth.
Perhaps he means you are a traitor to Russia because clearly Elon is a Russia asset. He and DT are the real fucking traitors.
"ever defended our country"... defended our country from what exactly?
Try thinking beyond rockets and bombs look at subversive destruction. It’s very effective..
"dumb us down with the destruction of our education system"
This has been happening for decades to the most vulnerable people in our "society".
The democrats are responsible for the current state of affairs. They haven't & can't stop the GOP.
2. Everyone needs to double down on boycotting his companies & calling him a fucking loser.
I tend to think that most of the current US Oligarchy needs the boycott and call out treatment. The damage that the tech CEOs have done in the last decade is massive.
All corporations, people running them, at the end of the day are bastards profiting off our misery while destroying the planet.
He thinks the only way to be a good citizen is to pick up a weapon and go killing in a foreign country
Thank you Senator Mark Kelly for your Service and your amazing work as a US Senator!
Time to enforce the rule of law against these traitors. Especially the people unelected runt South African who only knows how to buy companies and trash them. Musk never invented anything, but takes credit anyway.
No wonder he and Trump are buddies.
Movie: 'The Untouchables'
Sean Connery to Kevin Costner:
If they bring a knife to a fight, u bring a gun.
If they send one of yours to the hospital, u send one of theirs to the morgue.
MAGA must Lie, Cheat and Steal! Abortion. Guns. Equality. End Christian nationalism!Maga is the CONFEDERACY!!
2. Does the nonsense spewed forth from The Orange Saviour and his cabal of suckholes even warrant a response? We know whose side MAGATs are on
Musk is like a 4yr old who has says the same a things over and over when having a tantrum.
He can take his jerk ass back to south Africa!
Lots of $$$$, that’s calling you a traitor. Consider the source sir. The entire world hates him and knows Trump is a petty little pathological, liar 🤥 so who cares? He alwsys talks out his 🫏!
What say, immigrant?
Also, consider the Source.
And BTW the Italians are not impressed with wanna be dictator Musk.