Musk talking about fraud while running Tesla, Twitter, and Dogecoin schemes is like a bank robber warning you about pickpockets. Bro, you are the crime.
We have just, once more, proven to the world that we can't be trusted because Trump is an idiot and appointed assholes to the Cabinet who were then approved by scaredy cats.
You have reached the White House.
Thank you for your call.
Please press 1 for secret defense plans.
Press 2 for bribery opportunities
Press 3 to leave Trump ass kissing comments
Press 4 to buy Trump sneakers
Press 5 to sell your soul to the devil
The people who voted for them were not concerned with keeping America safe. They wanted a bully who would hurt the people that they dislike. They got exactly what they wanted & appear to be very happy with it.
If they were more skillful they could carry out more of their evil plans. Elon and his DOGEBag team, the crew on this Signal call, Trump himself, et al. Just a mess of evil clowns lacking in clue.
Let's finally learn - They couldn't care less about our national security! Dump proved that when he was hoarding and sharing Top Secret+ documents that he kept in the bathroom of his rest home.
I'm sure we've all had one or two drinks too many and then gone to work and revealed state secrets to reporters on group chats that put servicemen's lives at risk.
This is simple: For me, for anyone. If you are afraid of what you say or do, don't say or do it. If you feel strongly, have the guts to do it publicly in front of yourself, your peers and your God.
This is the same hypocrisy they use for law, God, their families, their society.
That's how I feel about organized religion. I don't need someone to tell me to be a good person. They are the party of religion, backed by religion and the coup is sponsored by religion.
But what I've said, is IF I believed in God, I would be arrogant to think I mattered. What I do, how I change where we are going and what I can do, matters. If the waves are big, we still have to push through. It is not God to make us better, it is we who make us better.
I have met, and been around people who feel a need for religion. But these people guide their lives by caring, nurturing, responsibility and faith.
I discuss this repeatedly. I am neither religious, a "Christian," or any other organized faith.
and is it any wonder why others wish to share other alliances. Seriously, what's sacred...what's safe? Why share. What he's doing is alienating Americans from the world as each day passes. Think other significant players don't notice? Who in hell would share anything with these bandits?
And yet: USA 1, Houthis 0, Fake News Journos -1. We are under no threat from piss-poor Houthis. "No one was texting war plans!" Punto. Whatever you heard was a lie from a Russia, Russia, Russia hoax Fake News Journalist. America 1, Houthis 0, Fake News -1!
Pete's absolutely correct, Trump administration will not keep America safe. But, that's intentional. Trump & the oligarchs want control & power. It is simply far easier to rule over ashes than to lead the US.
When will those in the USA sworn to defend the country "against enemies both foreign and domestic" realise that the biggest threat to their nation is the felon in the Whitehouse and his cohort of thieves? FOTUS is not interested in keeping the country safe, he just wants to subjugate it to his whims
"Our fuckups are at the very highest level possible, very powerful. No one knows more about fuckups than I do. A lot of people say I am the King of Fuckups, except the fake news. Their ratings are tanking, I think they'll disappear. Radical left lunatics are destroying the country."
Rookies in control. What is even more dangerous is they think their huge egos is all they need. Dep. of Defense is usually lead by high level experienced diplomats with high level military experience. Hegseth has none of these qualities. He is just a yes man, like giving a hand grenade to a toddler.
The biggest fuck up was obviously Obama , Biden and Trump creating the biggest humanitarian crisis in modern history, in an attempt to install Al-quada and Isis as the leaders of Yemen.
Obama, Trump and Biden committed war crimes in Yemen that were so bad in the United Nations declared it the biggest humanitarian crisis in modern history. So many babies starved to death, in an attempt to install ISIS qnd Al-quada.
Wow. I can't imagine Mayor Pete saying fuckup, but I'm totally here for it! 😂
Because he hires nothing but the best most intelligent people to Ruin his business for him.
Believe him (or else) he will be your king whether you like it or not.
Stand Up! It is long past time for him to go.
If Hogbreath isn't accountable, no one is accountable and anyone can send secret information however they please. No consequences means no consequences.
I’ll wait. Bet, nothing will happen. He was confirmed by a handful of Dems, too. They knew what they were getting. They👏don’t 👏care👏. We are on our own.
If Hogbreath isn't accountable, no one is accountable and anyone can send secret information however they please. No consequences means no consequences.
Their intention was never to keep America safe… it was to steal the SS funds and traffic migrants while killing off the masses through illness and/poverty then becoming fear based rulers of the ashes…. They want to break the spirit of people into compliance for emperor orange turd
Just realize this will pass in a day or two. For there will be another "Fuck up" to focus on. Please don't forget this, People children, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, cousins, uncles, aunts, neighbors, friends etc.... Life is in the hands of an Ignorant, dangerous, Non-caring POS.
The next fuckup was Trump saying in a cabinet meeting that he has been activated and telling the media that members of his cabinet are under Russian influence #Krasnov
They are lucky they accidentally included a journalist with integrity. 'Could have been so much worse. No one left to hold them to account. These incidents are just going to get worse. And what is happening with the tornado victims from last week? I don't see anything about aid. No accountability.
It’s frustrating when someone in a position of power tries to distance themselves from responsibility, especially when it’s clear they should be held accountable.
A stark reminder that the Ukrainians should share absolutely nothing sensitive with U.S. counterparts. The American chain of command is compromised in every way.
Of course, in this instance, Hegseth took a page from trump's playbook. Instead of admitting a mistake was made, Hegseth accuses the Atlantic's editor-in-in-chief of peddling hoaxes and then calls him disgraceful and discredited. By the way, I read that Mike Waltz added the name. 😉😉
I do not think their aim is to "keep people of America safe"
Maybe keep the people of America despondant, terrified, helpless - whilst they put the final touches to what is left of social efficacy?
Has anybody accidentally texted the wrong person? Just about everybody, right? Not realizing this would happen in the first place was the biggest fuck up.
But this will never happen to Hegseth. Trump's friends have a separate justice system that only works for them. Hegseth might get a slap on the hand, but I don't see anything coming from this. We live in an oligarchic kakistocracy
Most of Trump's cabinet belongs in prison. Do we have anyone with the balls to take this on? Doubtful. Just a bunch of greedy white guys who will steal anything we let them have.
So Hilary Clinton couldn't be President because she had emails on a private server but this ass hat and his group of deplorables are fit to run the government. Give a break, I wouldn't trust any of them to run a lemonade stand, that in includes apartheid ketamene boy.
U.S. National Security Morons Roster. Greatest Clear & Present Danger in America's History. Another banner for Trump! These idiots just discredited America's security measures and reliability to keep anything a secret. They should all be arrested and fired! MAGA IS AN EMBARRASSMENT!
Elon lets Donnie-boy make small decisions like who will head our military because Elon doesn't give a fk about national sucurity, but mostly he tells tRump what to do and say every day. If Donnie is a good boy and does what Elon tells him, Donnie can golf on the weekends. My take.
True...but will there be any actual consequences?! Doubt it considering historically Trump and these GOP goons can do pretty much whatever they want and the most they have to worry about is some bad press that they could give a fuck about anyway.
MSM is forced to take the low ground and defend a creepy journalist who arguably violated ethical standards, maybe committed a crime by reporting on a private chat he was never intended to be part of, and published.. what? A bunch of dudes grumbling about European freeloading? That’s the “scandal”?
The most censored information leak about pending military operations (Navy & Air Force flyers) that HegSex fucked up by texting it to JG, instead of JD Vance? Hmm, drinking on the job?
HegSex is putting the USA lives at stake & giving the Houthi the targets that America's after.
I don't think conservative, Republican voters are interested at all in trying to keep America safe. They're rather more interested in trying to burn it all down, sell it for scrap to Mr. Putin, Mr. Xi, people like that. They hate democracy, the US Constitution, the USA.
They are preparing the United States by weakening it so that Russia can walk right in and take us over. Wake up people. It’s not that difficult to figure out.
DOGEd” is an interesting term to describe that chaotic, damaging process. It seems like it captures a sense of corruption, disregard for rules, and a complete breakdown of what should be a functioning institution or asset.
We have just, once more, proven to the world that we can't be trusted because Trump is an idiot and appointed assholes to the Cabinet who were then approved by scaredy cats.
Thank you for your call.
Please press 1 for secret defense plans.
Press 2 for bribery opportunities
Press 3 to leave Trump ass kissing comments
Press 4 to buy Trump sneakers
Press 5 to sell your soul to the devil
What's next? Hegseth accidentally sends plans for the invasion of Greenland to his local liquor store?
I also imagine they're response will be something like "Hold my beer."
I'm sure we've all had one or two drinks too many and then gone to work and revealed state secrets to reporters on group chats that put servicemen's lives at risk.
This was a royal blunder.
This is the same hypocrisy they use for law, God, their families, their society.
I discuss this repeatedly. I am neither religious, a "Christian," or any other organized faith.
They want tear it all down and burn what they can’t loot.
What are they saying now?
Just crickets. 🦗
The biggest fuck up was obviously Obama , Biden and Trump creating the biggest humanitarian crisis in modern history, in an attempt to install Al-quada and Isis as the leaders of Yemen.
You fo not sound like a serious person right now!
Obama, Trump and Biden committed war crimes in Yemen that were so bad in the United Nations declared it the biggest humanitarian crisis in modern history. So many babies starved to death, in an attempt to install ISIS qnd Al-quada.
Believe him (or else) he will be your king whether you like it or not.
Stand Up! It is long past time for him to go.
What could go wrong?
Trump and Putin wanted to make America vulnerable and weak.
I can't imagine where America will be in 4 years.
I’m hoping fewer people take that bait this time. Sigh.
I'm sure there are many ways we can hold them accountable!
Someone should do something is the common refrain.
Which is where burning cars comes in. That is where we are at. Things need to burn.
Starting with a muskrat.
Maybe keep the people of America despondant, terrified, helpless - whilst they put the final touches to what is left of social efficacy?
So where do we go from here?
There are ignorant, domestic terrorists in the WH!
Who is running this country?
Not surprised.
Because that would be fuckup-edly awesome!’
a similar case leaking classified on Discord
resulted in a prison sentence
not just firing, PRISON
HegSex is putting the USA lives at stake & giving the Houthi the targets that America's after.
Fire HegSex! 🥃
I mean, look at Sec Of HHS for example.
Tammy Duckworth was even more on point "all of these people should be fired."
J'ai mon ostie de voyage, calisse
NOT care.
What part of this is making a coup worse than a coup?