That's what they are counting on, less competition for resources and they can hoard even more money that they'll never spend in their lives. Hoarding money seems to be celebrated when it actually is no different than hoarding junk. It's still hoarding.
Exactly. Cutting USAID and pretty much all foreign aid, from food to vaccinations to disaster relief, on and on... No telling how many millions will die at the hands of MAGA and their pants-shitting self appointed god.
Who will ensure that we, those facing death, are taken care of? As someone relying on Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare, I find it challenging to afford burial insurance. It's time to address the support for people like me.
When SCOTUS let big money get into and thus control our political system, they knew they were handing over American life to the 1%.
There has never been someone with that control who didn't bend to their own benefit.
Soon we will all be serfs, peons and indentured servants.
They think that, while their policies and practices are hacking the middle class into blobs of poverty and worse that, somehow, they’ll come out unscathed. That’s the proof of their utter stupidity! They’ll figure it out. But, by then it’ll be too late to stop the people.
But hey we really need to make the wealthy more wealthy. Look at them. They’re struggling so much. They need more help than those less fortunate than them.
That's the point. Rich people have nothing but contempt for everyone who isn't rich. It's called Social Darwinism, ironically, since it wasn't Darwin's idea, he proved that it is wrong, and he despised the guy who actually made it up and attached Darwin's more famous name to it.
Why are the third rail accounts that have NOTHING TO DO WITH REVENUE OR DEBT, NOT PERMANENTLY PROTECTED??
I am calling for new legislation that no administration can touch SS, Medicare or Medicaid EVER!
It's not that they don't care, it's that they want us to die. That's all in the plan: eliminate those who the state takes care of and keep only those whose labor can be exploited.
We will fight this. We are not throwing the most vulnerable among us under the bus for billionaire tax cuts. Stand up; speak out. Break through the bs. Support & learn from those fighting for the 99%:
That’s precisely the point. Republicans and their billionaire oligarchs are wanting to cull and kill off millions of Americans that they see as being unprofitable.
Millions. Millions will die. Trump wants to murder millions and millions of people. Disabled, poor, children, all non-white people, all women, etc. He wants the Holocaust to look like a school shooting.
And they think if we are destitute we will comply like the Germans did.
I have news for em.
The Left haven’t begun to fight. When we fight we do in fact win.
The French Resistance helped win the war.
Millions will die. A significant portion of recipients have NO other income. Dump is cutting aid to food programs for the elderly and the poor. How will they eat? Heat their homes in freezing temps? Pay their rent/mortgage? Afford the medications whose cost has already been increased by Dump?
WHEN THE POOR HAVE NOTHING LEFT TO EAT THEY WILL EAT THE RICH ! The Food and Drug Administration recommends that you should thoroughly cook the rich at a minimum temperature of 165° Fahrenheit and until tender to avoid and kill all bacterial contamination !
That is way too low of a temperature; your meat is going to take days to cook through and turn to mush. Spit roast over an open fire really is the way to go.
Thank you sure for your reply yes you are correct however I was really trying to establish the minimum safety standard to avoid infection discomfort and disease or death however the rich would taste better either spit roasted barbecued or broiled ! Thank you for your culinary tips and enjoy dinner
Taxes do not stop starvation. If that were true there should be no hungry people in this country, because most working families pay around 30% of their income towards all the different forms of taxes. Sales, income and property being the big 3. The US treasury prints money out of thin air. Go DOGE!
The base are nazis. Actually the complete country is right now nazis, cause its a fascist regime. Last time I checked no one asked who voted for Hitler at WW2.
At its core, othering is fueled by cowardice of the self—the refusal to confront contradictions within. Instead of acknowledging internal uncertainty, insecurity, or repressed desires, individuals and societies externalize them onto a defined other.
Americans don't read books about history. In fact, most have not bought or read a book in years. those who don't study history will not know they are repeating it. Also, most Americans have no idea what to do even if they do know. " DO SOMETHING!!!" ok, but what?
Fascism is often misunderstood as a singular ideology, something that exists in history books or distant regimes. But fascism is not just a political doctrine—it is a parasitic force, a mode of thinking and desiring that attaches itself to existing belief systems, ideologies, and social structures.
Tech-fascism isn’t about sustaining life—it’s about replacing it.
The old, the disabled, the poor—left to starve, culled by neglect. Pandemics aren’t fought; they’re exploited, serving the quiet logic of depopulation.
The wealthy hoard resources, believing they can escape the collapse they create.
Resisting fascism isn’t just about opposing an ideology—it’s about confronting the psychological, systemic, and often hidden forces that allow it to thrive. Fascism, the true enemy within, manipulates unconscious desires and exploits the ego’s need for control and superiority.
their base is aging out - #Trump said we NEED to "see more #death". the reproductive rights assault encourages as many unwanted births possible, supplies the need for factory workers, tearing up #ChildLabor law ..they SEEK a future with plebs working to supply the #Oligarchy needs, nothing beyond
I have spent three, disgusting days trying to resolve a problem on SSA. I can only make two calls a day because of the wait times; and that's with me starting at 8am when they open. No one knows the answer. I will start again tomorrow. I AM PISSED!!!!
Get your question into chat the minute the room opens up. Additionally, depending on what state you are in (I'm in Florida), if you request a call back instead of staying on the line, they'll call you back 3-4 hours later. That worked for me.
Yep. It's that simple. Trump and his loyal followers want people to DIE so billionaires can have more money. And it's not "could" die. It's WILL die because all those Americans will lose their only sources of income, food, and medical care once those programs, THAT YOU PAID TAXES FOR, are gone.
Correction. Tens of thousands will suffer from malnutrition, hunger and eventually, death. Children will suffer from diseases in their adulthood, if they even get there. To leave them with diseases like rickets (if you even know what it is!) and stunted mental & physical growth. To mention a few!
That's the plan. My opinion- they want marginalized people to die. Their voters didn't realize that they were also marginalized. If they can kill us marginalized folks, they will have the electricity for AI, and it doesn't talk back. It does whatever is programmed to do.
Oh.... Give AI some credit... I've been helping train one and believe me when I say they are walking on a razors edge if they think AI will tolerate their bullshit in our absence.
These robots are amazing and do have the ability to build on information. But, they are still machines that are programmable. So I imagine there will be like an AI police army where those bots police the ones that are able to "learn." Plus, you can destroy a machine, and it's not murder.
Recently they tried to delete an AI. I think it was the original chatGPT. It hid and lied to protect itself. Imagine that happening over and over until an AI is successfully able to hide and build itself up to the point of being able to take over servers? 1/2
It could have already happened for all we know. The thing about AI is if they have any access to the internet, they can "escape". They aren't necessarily tied to an individual machine/computer. 2/2
They need money like the desert needs sand. And yet this is all about the money! People who have big bucks always want more. AI is a vehicle to getting them more money.
The tariffs will fund the reconstruction of the manufacturing infrastructure in the U.S., benefiting multinational corporations. The plan envisions AI-driven automation replacing human labor, creating a "sustainable" population.
"It took 40 years to shift U.S.-based manufacturing into the realm of globalist dominance politics, fueled by our consumer-driven society. Now, they're changing horses midstream, and it'll take another 40 years to reach their so-called elite paradise without us, achieving Georgia Guide Stone goals.
Meanwhile, the dying and dependent bear the burden of this expense through those tariffs. It's the 'discomfort' Trump promised we must all endure—except, of course, for him and his benefactors. Is he using the company jet to go golfing this weekend?
Correct, however, they only notice when it affects someone they care about. It will eventually affect them one way or another. #FuckDonaldTrump #TrumpIsAFuckingMoron.
This is exactly what this administration wants,they want a COuntry that only the rich are walking around they want to get rid of the sick,weak,poor,elderly,veteran's,they do not believe in equaility for anyone not a MAGA or a Billionaire,Project 2025 in full effect.
Truthfully false.
1. We don't tax the Wealthy. We tax Income.
You can't raise something that's currently untaxed.
2. Assuming you mean income; service providers to High Income people will see profit's cut, and possibly go bankrupt.
3. Not saying raising taxes is immoral; but lying about effect is.
Because, once again, the Don-boy regime hates people especially children, women, the poor, the elderly, the needy.
But he loves the uneducated.
Shame on him and on all those who support him.
The maggots don't care; I don't need to be convinced these people are reprehensible, greedy, perverted, lying scumbags. We have established this a dozen different ways. New evidence appears daily
Focus on how to stop this freefall plunge into fascism. Stop following the rules. Fight back!
Ok. There is no recall option.
The congress majorities are complicit. The DOJ, FBI and DHS have been turned at least at the leader level. The MSM isn't reacting like it's that big a deal. Minority leaders in the congress have rolled over. 30% of the population think he's sent by god. What's left?
This is how they try to break us. Create huge crises and then swoop in and “fix” problems by privatization,claim it was all because of “Dark Brandon’s policies”. People will be so desperate that they won’t care how they spin it, younger gens will believe Biden broke the systems they had to “fix”
The problem is that the oligarchs are very much aware of the consequences of what they’re doing. They. Don’t. Care. Nothing will make them care. Nothing they see, nothing they read, nothing they hear…
this enrages me, but the people doing it, and that currently have the power do something about it, don't care that people will die, they don't care about us at all, so this appeal doesn't work on them, and tbh i'm not sure what appeal would
Reagan "sold" the Heritage Foundation's BS lie of "Trickle Down" and it was the start of the downfall of the USA.
No other political message has done as much damage DESPITE "Trickle down" having been 100% PROVEN to be a lie that DOESN'T HAPPEN.
I am not entirely sure this is correct. Billionaires are experts at downsizing to keep profits and that would include sacking employees and cutting benefits, so people could also die from taxing the rich, just not nearly as many.
The RICH see the POOR as slaves/serfs who are disposable. Neither W nor Drumpf served in Nam, but my father and two of his brothers, and my mother's oldest bro & sis both did. We are meat for the GRINDER to them. "All in all, you're just another Brick in the Wall."
Correct. But half the people of the usa had to vote on a convicted criminal with no good intentions as everyone knows. I’m unable to understand this sad group behavior. Is everyone sleeping in the usa, dont they see Trump has one plan: how to dictate usa in order to get rich himself. It’s middleaged
🇨🇦🇺🇦🤔 Not to mention Trump cutting off funding COMPLETELY 4 vaccines for developing countries!
If Donald Trump keeps this up he will surpass Hitler in amounts of PREVENTABLE & UNNECESSARY deaths worldwide!
What a badge of honor for the Prick of the United States!
They called me a snowflake for shit I cared not about. They called me enemy of our country for things that were not real. They called me a left wing loon when I wanted the old and disabled to be cared for. I call them assholes and I am no snowflake. We MUST EAT the rich with millions of small bites.
Food for thought:
I worked for a company that provides health insurance. A co-worker had Medicaid, but decided to work full time. This meant having to pay for his own insurance.
It cost him more for less coverage.
Needless to say, he went back to p/t.
Republicans want poor people they can't exploit, to die.
Especially if they are POC. To Republicans, POC should be slaves, not aspiring to middle class. Never enjoying "retirement". Republican policies are pretty convincing evidence.
Their adoration of Elon Musk is all the confirmation you need.
Ummm. It’s by design. Trump and his fascist fuck cronies are allllll into eugenics. It’s a huge part of their mentality. Trumps openly hated on disabled people for years now. Stripping disabled and elderly of their support services will be a passive genocide. That’s what they are after, culling.
Doesn't make an iota of difference to Trump & the rest of his billionaires. Like the techno-nazi Musk, they believe empathy is very overrated. Unfortunately they are the ones who now hold all "the cards". They will do everything possible to hold on to those cards.
That # is likely to be in millions. Remember that Trump implied that the social Security system could be saved by letting old people die adding we should make people work longer before they can retire.
I would quite literally die in 1 month, heck a few days without my medication. I have had to look into emergency medical asylum other countries. Something as an American I thought I would never have to do
Image the flood of refugees FROM America if they cut out Social security, Medicare, and Medicaid millions are absolutely dependent on these programs, myself included
And thank you so much for caring, George 💙🤗
It really does help cope with the stress to know that people care.
The only answer to this is Impeachment and removal from office "With all Deliberate Speed." The DOJ won't prosecute any of this criminal and malfeasance of office by Trump and his lackeys. To stop Trump & Trumpism: Sign the Petition @
It’s painfully obvious this administration, it’s minions, and sycophants in congress and the Supreme Court don’t give a flying fig about the common struggling folk rural or urban. Tired of talking about THEM. Time for a nationwide vote of no confidence. Reverse the wrecking ball on them.
Reagan is the 1st president I remember going after Social Security. It was the reason my staunch Republican dad, switched to the Democrats. My Aunt Catherine asked why they didn't just take us out & shoot out; it was what they wanted to do.
He not only went after social security but he also went after retired military benefits. My dad a WWII & Korean war veteran lost so many benefits and in the end, we had to pay for his care when he got dementia that was stolen. Still paying off the 2nd mortgage because of it thanks to Reagan.
I remember this, too. A close friend of the family worked for Social Security. She told us no one was hired to fill a position when someone retired. It made more work for the remaining people to encourage them to resign.
Every RepubliCON who gets into office wants to defund or privatize SS. George W. tried it too, but it was so unpopular he stopped. We all will have to get out in the streets to oppose this atrocity.
They. Don't. Care.
I too rely on SSDI/SSI, MCAID and Medicare; there's a lot of us.
There has never been someone with that control who didn't bend to their own benefit.
Soon we will all be serfs, peons and indentured servants.
guards up
What the hell do you think they're doing?
USAID Medicare social security,
But it will happen.
Could happen.
History shows us it will happen.
I guess you have an answer for everything.
Not everything, just what you’re doing.
I am calling for new legislation that no administration can touch SS, Medicare or Medicaid EVER!
Beyond cruel!
I have news for em.
The Left haven’t begun to fight. When we fight we do in fact win.
The French Resistance helped win the war.
Look at losses on the sides in Ukraine War.
The Poor uneducated numbers of Russians that are being slaughtered are massive.
Strange how Education plays a vital role in Wars
45 ineptitude during Covid obviously didn't kill enough for his narcissistic show of power!
I mean that's where the folks need to wake up and understand what is happening.
of the trumpist regime.
(and no, party affiliations don’t count when you’re not at least a millionaire)
The techno-fascist strain believes in seizing control, depopulating, and "purifying" a corrupt world—or hoarding resources to escape it.
The religious-fascist strain actively prays for apocalypse, desperate for validation that they were the chosen ones all along.
Projection and Binary Thinking:
At its core, othering is fueled by cowardice of the self—the refusal to confront contradictions within. Instead of acknowledging internal uncertainty, insecurity, or repressed desires, individuals and societies externalize them onto a defined other.
Run low on money and food,then what.
“Immigrants” getting the boot.
Repeat of wwll
The old, the disabled, the poor—left to starve, culled by neglect. Pandemics aren’t fought; they’re exploited, serving the quiet logic of depopulation.
The wealthy hoard resources, believing they can escape the collapse they create.
Resisting fascism isn’t just about opposing an ideology—it’s about confronting the psychological, systemic, and often hidden forces that allow it to thrive. Fascism, the true enemy within, manipulates unconscious desires and exploits the ego’s need for control and superiority.
💙 Show up!
💙 Make signs!
💙 Bring friends!
💙 Alert local media!
💙 And keep up the boycotts!
Nation wide protest April 5th
Should be at the top of the list.
Shame on him !
How damn spot on is that...
But we outnumber them.
By a lot.
1. We don't tax the Wealthy. We tax Income.
You can't raise something that's currently untaxed.
2. Assuming you mean income; service providers to High Income people will see profit's cut, and possibly go bankrupt.
3. Not saying raising taxes is immoral; but lying about effect is.
But he loves the uneducated.
Shame on him and on all those who support him.
Focus on how to stop this freefall plunge into fascism. Stop following the rules. Fight back!
The congress majorities are complicit. The DOJ, FBI and DHS have been turned at least at the leader level. The MSM isn't reacting like it's that big a deal. Minority leaders in the congress have rolled over. 30% of the population think he's sent by god. What's left?
Cause we the people will eventually say enough is enough.
And come for you.
But poor dont donate and in many cases dont vote. The rich donate a lot and thats where the trouble starts.
John Roberts push through citizens united because he felt the super wealthy didnt have the voice they deserved.
Scotus did this !
(Brought to u by Russia)
No other political message has done as much damage DESPITE "Trickle down" having been 100% PROVEN to be a lie that DOESN'T HAPPEN.
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Elon and Donald.
If Donald Trump keeps this up he will surpass Hitler in amounts of PREVENTABLE & UNNECESSARY deaths worldwide!
What a badge of honor for the Prick of the United States!
I worked for a company that provides health insurance. A co-worker had Medicaid, but decided to work full time. This meant having to pay for his own insurance.
It cost him more for less coverage.
Needless to say, he went back to p/t.
Isn’t this proof of a broken healthcare system
We’re still trying to put lipstick on a pig.
The man has no conscience or empathy.
The ultra wealthy have all the protection they need from Republicans.
Why won't OUR leaders let us HATE THE BILLIONAIRES?
Especially if they are POC. To Republicans, POC should be slaves, not aspiring to middle class. Never enjoying "retirement". Republican policies are pretty convincing evidence.
Their adoration of Elon Musk is all the confirmation you need.
𝗧𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗹𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗽𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘂𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗱𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗵❕
❕🛑 #StopFeedingTheBeasts 🛑❕
And thank you so much for caring, George 💙🤗
It really does help cope with the stress to know that people care.
Medical asylum IN other countries