Everyone on r/asktransgender just posts about how they're doing this with their family, and I reply and tell them, fuck that, forget your dipshit mother and her opinions, she's one fucking person - and they just ignore it and keep imploding in on themselves forever for Mother and Father Transphobe
Reposted from
The Onion
Man Waiting Until Parents Die Before Doing A Single Thing That Makes Him Happy
i have literally never regretted it for one single moment
Well not much, it turns out. Some people are just hateful assholes, and that includes them.
So either you stop them from telling you what to do
Or you start telling them what to do
I miss feeling like I had a home/family. I don't miss anything else.
It shouldn't have taken 18 years to start my journey.
Survive until you can get out is the order of the day.
i can unequivocally say it's better in every single way to live an authentic life than to continue to put up with abusers, no matter your circumstances.
i figured out my family didn't love me before I turned 10 years old
i think these people are conflating love and want
I've explained the difference so many times, some people just don't get it. Only real love can fix them.
Absolutely floored that this needed to be said to her.
My mom has passed now, though, and all the sophomoric fun and giggling shall be had.
Just fuckin do it
“Enough to know that if you give them an inch they’ll steal ten years from themselves.”
Parents are people and some people are trash. Fuck 'em