More than the fact that it’s evil, what weirds me out about New Twitter is just the sort of banal insanity of blue check accounts. “Dream guy” said to this deranged post. “Realest man” in response,” “truly a dream guy”
Like it’s probably AI but that don’t make it feel better
Like it’s probably AI but that don’t make it feel better
It took me a second to realize it was not, in fact a coincidence.
70 unopened text messages (he reads the first line and calls)
No emails, pre installed apps..
I just use the phone to call people he said.
Cults like #Twitter purposefully say crazy shit because conformity=power.
Sane people that respond "wtf" are targeted and hammered down by cult, while conformists are rewarded.
#BlueSky is a safer place for us #Freethinkers
You always looked very italian to me
Strangely, I couldn't find an example just now, so I wonder if Facebook found a way to block them.
It just might be that the most efficient way to do that is to "that's so true" the original post.
Capitalists only know how to create the gray goo.
I would just love to see it be AI and become an endless loop...
This is no fucking AI or psyop, this is how a lot of normies genuinely think relationships work.
Girl please get some help
I disagree with that framing
He thinks this is how women talk because he doesn't know any who aren't his mom.
100% chance this is a conversation between bots.