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(he/him) just a guy with a youtube channel
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president's day ass sale too sexy for bluesky

A piece of concept art in the Art of Super Mario Odyssey book is overlaid with the text "Note: Relief is temporary." While it actually refers to the fact that the design of the relief carving is not finished, it inadvertently appears to make an existential statement instead.

health of videogames notably declined when they stopped putting surfing and skateboarding into everything

(me watching burglars break all the windows and climb into my house) “Just give it time. They might cut their hand on the glass.”

All that needs to be said about #emiliaperez

the most common answer to my question 'if trump is this big fascist threat to democracy, like the democrats say, why would democrats vote for his cabinet picks/bills?' seems to be 'norms.' as in it is the norm for some dems to back fascism, i guess. & i mean i agree there i just think that's bad

Check out my new analysis/LP of #KINGDOMHEARTS with my friend Xeph experiencing it for the first time and using their philosophy degree! It's super fun! This time it's the beginning of Kingdom Hearts II!

Check out my new analysis/LP of #KINGDOMHEARTS with my friend Xeph experiencing it for the first time and using their philosophy degree! It's super fun! This time it's the beginning of Kingdom Hearts II!

Just finished #FINALFANTASYIII 3D today, and I likef it. In a world where Square Enix had infinite ressources at their disposal, I would love for them to give this the #FINALFANTASYVIIREMAKE treatment.

a solemn rip to the kh fan incapable of playing a kh game without basing their entire enjoyment on "but is this kh2 enough"

Right on time

I mean yes, you are correct that these ppl are hypocrites, but you also have had nearly a decade to realize they do not care about you pointing this out *at all*. which makes all these posts feel a bit masturbatory

It's been pretty enlightening that Trump has been in power for like four days and liberals are instantly treating the totally unchanged policy as a horrific escalation, purely because someone wearing a red tie is doing it. "kids in cages" all over again.

US liberals talk about protecting democracy a lot but they seem to revile it in practice. the idea that a politician should ever be required to do anything to win votes, rather than simply represent an amorphously 'good' or 'bad' team, is treated as some sick heresy

"oh ho, but just last year you said running people over with with a big steamroller was wrong!” I exclaim delightedly as my enemy fatally runs me over with a big steamroller. it seems I have won this battle of wits

disrespectful that people are spreading this image around of the president looking at his own penis while urinating

I am horrified by how much time my children spend rotting their attention span on TikTok. I've set a rule that after every fifteen minutes of TikTok, they have to watch one hour of TV.

oh ho ho! looks like gobungo shut down and its users are migrating to florp. you’ll find us elder florpians don’t take kindly to you savage gobungans

‘The problem with US politics is that we hold the democrats to way higher standards than the republicans’ Nope! Super close, though! The problem is that we’re supposed to applaude democrats for doing the barest fucking minimum - and sometimes they even stumble over that hurdle (see Palestine)

"the democrats sure fell for that obvious trap" "ah but remember - it was their sneaky political opponents who set the trap!" oh right okay. i mean who else would have

A non-fascist country doesn’t support genocide.

The real lesson of Zuckerberg and Musk is that some people are just born with loser stink on them that no amount of wealth or power will ever scrub off

waaaaay too many people in the middle imo

i hate the discover feed libs mocking elon musk in bigoted ways for the obvious reason but also because it stems solely from him being on the wrong 'side.' if he did all the same shit but in support of biden they'd be buying cybertrucks. "we've got the world's greatest inventor on our side!" etc

Very early premiere because I am very excited and definitely not nervous. Pre-emptive likes and shares would be massively appreciated on this one gang 💙🧡

I love this website

Writer: We need a name for what jazz music is called in Star Wars George Lucas: Jizz Writer: Really? Um. Maybe instead it could- Lucas: (eyes glowing, voice booming from the heavens, speaking an inevitable truth older than time itself) Jizz

I love Jeremy Culhane on #dropout. He has such a mischievious energy about him. I DEMAND HIM IN MORE THINGS!

Love Actually (2003) is a beloved Christmas classic but what many fans don’t realise is that the country it’s set in, “England”, wasn’t just made up for the film - it actually exists! It has a population of 69 million people and its chief export is gas turbines.

It would have been so crazy if JFK dodged the bullet at the last moment thus activating Witch Time and allowing for a powerful combo counterattack. But unfortunately that was not possible back then

it really is the same (non) story every time

When it comes to Witcher IV it's so funny came and basically explained the whole thing before it even happened

GALADRIEL: (glowing green) In place of a hard roll, I would have whole wheat—beautiful and terrible to behold! DELI GUY: #3 on wheat. G: (coyly) You offer it to me freely. DG: No, Galadriel. You have to pay. Every day with this

Seriously, sometimes relationships are so important to you, you're already mourning them when they're not over.