Tremble men of a certain age! I just emptied out a whole drawer of cables. Gone are my extra USB-As to USB-Bs, my mini USBs, my micro USBs. Away with controllers I no longer use! Heck, I even threw away my cheapest HDMI cables.
Feels good! :)
Feels good! :)
Until you need, and can't find, that cable you kept safe for so many years...
Happens every time you toss cables, it's a cruel curse to punish mankind for its hubris.
(I'm reflecting my packrat-fueled fear onto this post. Please pardon me.)
My drawers can now store Magic cards, binders, less used board games!
But I respect the feeling my friend, I've had it for years.
Don't throw away your precious assorted cables.
They fell out of use when I got my Stadia controller.
I should clean them up and sell them.
...30 years ago.
you could daisy chain 127 devices !!!!
I tried a daisy chain of 4 or 5 on my Windows ME laptop and it nearly croaked
Earlier this year I threw out my SCART cables.
(Well done. Kudos.)
USB C to lightning adapter for charging my headphones
So I now can toss out the old lighting cables too 😺
Narrator: he wasn’t sorry
Most likely to dump the hardware I'd "need" it for. 😁
I'll probably need one of the dead, 20 year old iPod chargers in there one day! 😂