Besides being adorable tactical assault possums, ALMOST ALL ARMADILLOS ARE BORN AS IDENTICAL QUADRUPLETS. (sorry, I *have* to shout this)
It's a quirk of their reproductive system called polyembryony, an adaptation to an incredibly small implantation site in the 'dillo uterus.
It's a quirk of their reproductive system called polyembryony, an adaptation to an incredibly small implantation site in the 'dillo uterus.
so glad i follow you
Still, perhaps they can beat Texas.
The leprosy isn’t that cute though.
To evolutionarily incentivize three more!
But also have to note that although this is definitely true of the one species found in the US, it is not true of most genera of armadillos alive today (of which there are 7-8).
You’d have to spend a lot of time with an armadillo to get leprosy. Washing hands, clothes, and not keeping a dillo as a house pet should prevent development of mycobacterium leprae infection. It is very slow growing.
Also it should be noted that it curable these days.
I gift you with my favourite fun fact in return: aphids can give birth to live, pregnant young!
I put up bird feeders and planted native plants that have berries to feed birds. It helps get them to eat a lot of the bugs. Lots of fat birds.
There will be a few more hatchings so it takes about three blasts about ten days apart.
Also, Go Ladybugs!
(I’m going to nature hell.)😿