Luigi discourse is cursed, and frankly a sign of political infantilism
Reposted from
Cooper Lund
All of the people cheering on Luigi and saying that he did nothing wrong when he executed a premeditated murder make me really uncomfortable. Once you say that he’s justified, I can’t trust that you aren’t going to say political violence against more people is justified, and that’s a real bad path.
The answer to which is, 💯
Luigi is a folk hero to people b/c American laws (& frankly liberal legal tradition) have trouble w/ violations of the rights of collectivities. Systematic small wrongs like UHC’s denials of care are allowed, despite their great harm
-Individual harm (punished - Luigi’s in court) vs collective harm (unpunished - UHC still going strong)
-Procedure (Luigi’s actions were illegal) vs Justice (“play stupid games, win stupid prizes”)
By all of the known facts he should be an alt-right hero. He is a drug addict gun nut that thought feminism had gone too far & voraciously consumed Tucker Carlson, Elon, Rogan content. Plus he's a trust fund kid that got anything he ever wanted in life.
Hero of the downtrodden!
What "side" doesn't believe in western medicine, again? Becoming hard to tell anymore...
He might end up being a bellwether.
I suspect that if we lived in a world where the rich and powerful saw justice on a regular basis, there would be more outcry and less satisfaction with a cold blooded murder.
(That’s also a tacit admission that the speaker believes there is an acceptable bodycount a “good” person can rack up before becoming a bad one.)