Dear Americans,
I know it’s hard - when my American friends speak (even as a non-religious person) I think, “there but for the grace of god, go I.”
When Canadians post about being threatened, don’t - DO NOT - say it’s harder on you.
We didn’t elect him - 🇺🇸 made him our problem - respect that.
I know it’s hard - when my American friends speak (even as a non-religious person) I think, “there but for the grace of god, go I.”
When Canadians post about being threatened, don’t - DO NOT - say it’s harder on you.
We didn’t elect him - 🇺🇸 made him our problem - respect that.
The US rarely shows empathy for anyone else, they really shouldn’t expect much sympathy to be forthcoming.
In a watershed election between democracy and fascism only 31% voted for the only option that could give..
The other 69% either voted for fascism or for 3rd party candidates that couldn’t possibly win or didn’t bother to vote at all.
Many people didn’t even bother to register so the support for democracy is even lower than 31%.
This is not just Trump. This is the US.
This is our mess and it's spilling out into the global community. We have a lot of work to do to fix it & we will have a lot of work to repair the scars we caused worldwide. We will need to work hard to regain trust.
We have a lot of work to do. A LOT.
Thank you.
I am of Mediterranean heritage, I lived in Spain & Italy during my 20s, & was a Spanish professor in my first career.
The average monolingual American is provincial & ignorant. They really do see the USA as the center of the world.
Now here we are. I am so sorry.
It was refreshing for me to read.
Thank you!
It’s a sidestep and it insults you all.
We are sorry and if you’d like to make the west coast your 11th province we’d be grateful 🙏🏻❤️🇨🇦
It’s all a sham he dreamt up with master to look like a hero
Just know that MOST Americans HATE the Orange MoFo.
He wasn't elected. Musk installed him... Sane America despises Krasnov as much as the rest of the globe.
I wish our Congress would understand the difference and act in it.
It may well not have been.
Those in power have proven they only speak 2 languages - money and mass outrage. The only way out is through
When Trump started up his shenanigans, there was a leftward shift in the overall rhetoric coming out of Canada. I was just trying to describe that change
But no, I'm too disorganized to lead. Severe ADHD, diagnosed. I'm spreading news, protesting, being conscientious about my spending... and if it comes to violence in my area, I've got some plans if people need to be hidden or moved
Americans need to listen, and act.
It is the time where they have finally pulled the masks off and revealed their true intentions: fascism and darkness for all
We are sorry Canada, and the rest of the world. We trusted in leaders who had been bought out, and we’ve endangered so many
We need to step up!
Bertolt Brecht
It's also noted that it's been regular, normal Americans who've done so, not those with a bully pulpit incl on social media. Not a peep even as we Cdns stand by them & fight for democracy.
I support & everything in the party program. I believe in global human rights& climate justice. I have no allegiance to any country or empire. I support no war but class war. No support at all for any imperialist policy of or votes for either party. No exceptions
Canadians seem to be taken it very seriously that the US has gone AWOL.
I have empathy for Canadians who have been victimized by the USA.
I believe the election results here were falsified.
I do not accept responsibility for his being in office. I’m not on the side of the fascists, and I am their victim in my own way.
What more can I do?
I believe that your election was screwed with and that fat hunk of crap never won.
Americans not believing Trump is how we got here in the first place.
I don’t quite understand how you (Canadians) don’t seem to believe we (USA) are in as much danger as you are.
I won’t ever fight for fascism.
What can we do?
Elbows up.
I’m sorry….
His first term he was an embarrassment, now I am totally outraged.
trump was elected by GOP-voter and none-voter.
Together they are much more than the DEM-voter.
You have to fight against them to get your democracy back ... or you will loose it for ever.
And I support every dem-voter and wish them from the bottom of my heart that they can get USA back on a democratic track.
From my perspective you don't have long time to rescue your democracy. That's why the pressure.
I worked hard for Harris/Walz but I feel a white hot anger at “all Americans”
And I’m one of them!
Trump/Elon cheated to win the 2024 election, and the Democratic Party is not being assertive as we scream the obvious and demand hand counts.
We are DEEPLY sorry about Trump's horrific actions and are fighting back without any meaningful support from the Democratic Party.
We have WAY too much entitlement down here.
WAY too much.
I am so so sorry you all have to be the nice neighbors living above a meth lab.
And we're much more limited in what we can do in response. I don't have reps or senators I can call. I can't protest in the US.
A MAJORITY of you either voted for him or not at all. 33% voted against.
For the love of all that is good & holy ENOUGH with the oppression Olympics.
Middle age white women are the WORST (I'm one- simmer down)
We are the villains (No. Really.) so stop demanding to be treated like a damsel in distress.
When white women put their fear and discomfort at the front of the line? You not only are a lousy person?
You enable misogyny.
You send the message you are not strong. You must be managed. You are not equipped for power or responsibility.
Cut it out.
Did ALL Americans vote for the Felon? Of course not.
No one in Canada is claiming that every single eligible American voter voted for him.
But a lot of Americans did.
Exactly zero Canadians voted for him & yet they're still being threatened.
So just stop!
#Elbowsup #Glovesareoff
FEAR of a DICTATOR running our country, talking about detention camps!
Trust me. Kamala Harris supporters are living in FEAR!
Maybe find Canadian compassion😏
"Me, me, me, me"
However, there is no way to wake someone up who responds to their nations aim to end the identity & culture of 40,000,000 people with "we got enough shit to deal with".
But acting like only the USA deserves compassion is bad form when your country is threatening others.
#FuckTrump like Meryl Streep said
Signed -
One of the 92%
He’s destroying our lives☹️
This is sadly not just Trump. It is the US.
The free world to which the US no longer belong is all under threat from the US.
The “not all of us” defence is not likely to win much support.
The alternatives might be between a civil war in the US or a World war.
“If you choose not to decide you still have made a choice.” - Neal Peart
mic 🎤 drop...💣💥
the blame stops with you ...
90 million Americans thought it'd be a-ok to skip the most important vote ever.
MAGA is irredeemable.
If this is how the U.S. is going to behave I don’t want any part of it. I hate it here, and I’m only American because I’m stuck here….not by choice.
Meanwhile, China’s so thrilled they’re toasting with baijiu by the barrel, and Russia? Forget the glass, chugging vodka straight from the bottle!
two million people fuckin DIED in his first admin, and this shithole full of apathetic, racist fucking ship said "yeah the insurrection-fomenting rapist is a good idea!"
miss me with this shit.
We Yanks (Southern, Northern, East or West) have been resting pretty easy on the backs of those we displaced as colonists, capitalists, evangelists, expansionists, etc.
Please know that the vast majority of us do not feel that way. We realize he is a threat to the entire world.
That's your dog, so you have to pick up it's 💩. I didn't invite your dog to 💩 in my yard or for you to leave it there.
We as a country failed to keep him in check, and there’s plenty of blame to go around, so when Sane Americans speak, please know that we’re very introspective about what happened & that it comes from a good place.
Love when they demand you feel sorry for them but they declare they don't owe you empathy😂
Haven't seen any other ugly Canadians yet, but in today's epidemic of narcissism I won't be surprised if I see more
Hang in there!!💙
My sister in Christ your country is actively attempting to destroy ours and threatening us with military force. And you think you can tell us how to talk about it. Because when the chips are down the most #Resist #VoteBlue types STILL think the world owes them deference.
It is ALL about supporting one another.
Kindness and understanding. Encouraging.
What I'm reading here is very unsettling..
"He who acts to save his country from tyranny, terrorism, and radical right wing criminals, violates no laws.”
But we voted for Kamala Harris. We, sane ordinary Americans tried to stop Trump 2.0.
We didn’t know 49% of Americans are hopelessly stupid, misogynists & racists! 😢
I won’t forgive Trump voters! 🤬
Americans know and understand.
AmeriCONS do not. They are the whining bitches that cant deal with their REALITY.
America is fucked up!
But I do believe, as trump admitted himself - several times - fElon rigged the election!!!
Maybe media isn't covering it, but it's happening!
Sorry about him, we are trying to fix it.
Those who didn't are with you.
He's the worst thing to ever happen to America.
How many couldn't be bothered?
Sorry but we simply can no longer trust you.
He's not threatening Mexico with becoming a US state.
We're a less populated country.
He's an effing bully, so of course he's threatening us with extinction.
Why can't you get that.
We can’t fix your mess. We are under attack economically, our sovereignty is threatened daily.
These threats are devastating. We’re close to being on a war footing. We are worried sick about our children’s futures.
Please don’t minimize what your country is doing.
Against Americans. Killing each others kids, because y'all wanted cheaper eggs.
Yes, we are freaked out...but ELBOWS UP. Fuck you, Trump. 🇨🇦🇨🇦
There’s no hiding from this.
So very sorry.
Thank you. Thank you. I bet it will go hard on any American helping *after* bullets fly.
Sun Tzu says the smart general wins by not fighting. I am trying all that I can to do that.
Never forget that.
Fix this. Now. Canadians should not have to be scared for their kids because you’re too scared to stand up to him.
This was written bc many of us have read posts that underplay the risks that have been foisted upon us. This commentary hurts, the general disaster and particularly the threats on our sovereignty have impacted all Canadians. We have no say. So all we can do is fight for our country
The actions of the administration are ruining the lives of millions everywhere. Our government has been stolen from us.
Americans can stupidly deny Trump's gonna do what he threatens, but we Canadians take his threats deadly seriously. He's clearly gearing up to try to take our country, spouting his "51st state" crap for months
Protests wouldn't do anything.
The last time we were invaded, was 1812. It did not end well for the invading forces.
Your entire democracy is being dismantled, people are being "disappeared" - where are the protests??? WTFU before it's too late.
It is ridiculous but also the source is the United States President and he's saying it directly to Canada's Prime Minister and calling him Governor so we MUST take it seriously.
Canadians do not appreciate Americans making 51st state jokes either.
Trump/Vance/GOP/MAGA = fascism.
They are not going to simply hand back power.
The next election will be a sham.
Trump might not last past the 4 years but the regime might last a lot longer.
We elected a failed businessman whose primary talent is coercing morons, cretins and imbeciles to vote him into the highest office in the US.
Get with the EU and CRIPPLE the US economy if you want everyone to turn away from MAGA.
The u.s. citizens are quick to turn on us.
The other one I’m done hearing.
Calm down
The yanks would be losing their minds if we were threatening to conquer them
Not all men
We deeply apologize and are trying to right it.
"He who acts to save his country from tyranny, terrorism, and radical right wing criminals, violates no laws.”
Neither victim asked for this, neither is at fault for what happened, and it’s inappropriate for either victim to downplay the suffering of the other.
There isn't a shred of evidence WE elected him either. Musk had the money, tech and goons to buy an election so he did and now trump works for him and putin.
You had it right with, "there but for the grace." Count yourself lucky it was us (this time).
Many Americans are part of the #RESISTANCE against #Trump, and we realized that this threat is real.
We will keep fighting to get our country back from this Autocrat. We support #Canada 100%. Stay strong!
No American has a right to complain about the consequences.
Everyone was warned. So now it is FAFO season.
Canada- do what you must to protect yourselves. We deserve the consequences.
Instead we get mad the individual who’s causing the pain and do something about.
Let’s work together to take down the whole regime.