As says, we need to stop chasing the Medicare For All / Public Option fairy and go after achievable outcomes:
✅ Medicare for all kids
✅ Age of enrollment to 60
✅ Add dental, vision
Other ideas: Combine Medicare and medicaid? Boost reimbursement to primary care?
✅ Medicare for all kids
✅ Age of enrollment to 60
✅ Add dental, vision
Other ideas: Combine Medicare and medicaid? Boost reimbursement to primary care?
brother, lemme stop you right there
welp, i'm not reading that
Giving up on improving health, health care and health care affordability in the US is what we must not do.
The only thing keeping things "unachievable" is Matt Yglesias' bullhorn to gullible and corrupt people who enjoy reading him. Particularly those in office
Possibly government reinsurance for the most expensive conditions to lower overall costs.
The only thing that makes it not achievable is the resistance to it from elites, while the people are in favour.
License healthcare pros at the federal level.
Preempt state corporate practice of medicine laws.
Pass a federal law explicitly repealing / preempting laws that prevent negotiation over pricing.
Medicare for All: a Citizen’s Guide
we also think you’re idiot negotiators, tbf, but we aren’t laughing about it