I'm happy for the people who use and enjoy traditional bikes, but for me, it was ebikes that brought me back to bikes for mobility.
If you're put off by memories of traditional bikes and don't think it would fit your current life, try a proper pedal assist ebike. You'll be amazed.
If you're put off by memories of traditional bikes and don't think it would fit your current life, try a proper pedal assist ebike. You'll be amazed.
Completely changed my point of view
even if you're doing ~zero effort (and that's a choice), merely getting outside and spinning your legs for 20 minutes is more movement than you're getting sitting on a couch or in a car, and your body _feels_ that
A lot of us grew up with cheap bikes: grinding gears, terrible brakes, poor fit, etc... (1/2)
Ebikes are great too. Just saying — if your experience is like Huffy kids bikes and Citibikes, you may not need to pay for the "e" to have your mind blown.
My rad MINI 4 would stay locked (2 locks though) all day on the rack in front of the office , on a downtown street, then also for errands at downtown stores. Only if leaving ov'nite at the intercity bus station would I rent a locker.
I love my capable gravel bike. It’s an adventure machine!
I love my mountain bike. It’s a rock rockstar!
I love my folding bike. It’s a road-trippers dream!
I love my e-bike. It’s a reliable workhorse that gets me where I need to go!
This is also why I have a special little place of rage in my heart for the spandex bros who constantly rag on them