DC U.S. Attorney Edward Martin says his office will not consider applications for government jobs from people affiliated with Georgetown Law, or other schools that espouse disfavored views on diversity.
I’m writing to urge the disbarment of U.S. Attorney for DC, Ed Martin, for his unethical attack on the First Amendment rights of Georgetown U.
I’ll let his own threatening words suffice as argument for his unfitness to argue in any court of law:
“It has come to my attention…” etc.
The DC bar should be moving to disbar literally every lawyer serving this administration, because every one of them is by definition unfit:….
Of course, the DC Bar would never stand up for the rule of law that way; they’re the quintessence of fatuous institutionalism. If anyone has lawyer brain, it’s a bunch of lawyers. But it’s worth letting them know!
This is just a shortcut to pre-civil-rights hiring.
Think he'll find out a thing or two..
never do you offer even an opinion on what I can do
fuck you you worthless toad
so you all are not worth what we pay you
JUST KIDDING Ed Martin is a 🤡
He’s a fucking psycho
1. He is president of Phyllis Schlafly Eagles and president of the Eagle Forum Education & Legal Defense Fund.
2. He represented Americans United for Life.
3. Martin co-authored The Conservative Case for Trump with Phyllis Schlafly.
Welcome to fascism, it only gets worse from here before it ever gets better & getting better requires violence & bloodshed to remove the fascism first.
Americans about to find out what its military has been doing for centuries in other nations on its own soil with its own government…
Will be quite the lesson for many of them that have ignored history & thought this was all just a team sport.
Of course Elon and Trump will not be the ones shouldering the cost of the chaos.
This is Muskrump discrimination, pure and simple.
When can we get a government of people that understand basic civics?
Meet the US Attorney.
They left “acting” or interim out of the headline.
Every accusation is a confession
"Come work for me! It's great!You might get disbarred for continually making obviously false representations to the court, and everyone with a brain will think you're a fascist!"
Go fuck yourself Martin. Loser.
Two can play this game.
If stupidity were a crime, Ed Martin has run into the precinct station, brought evidence against himself, confessed, then committed the crime again in front of police witnesses.