Standing like that elsewhere, the underqualified Secretary's ears started burning! Was it another brainworm nibbling in just the right spot?
RFK Junior's Beef Tallow Sense alerted his to frying being done! Quickly, he scampered to the nearest...SnS
Thank goodness he is protecting us from seed oils (as an aside, notice the lack of protection from saturated fats in the steaks) while there is a measles epidemic going around that has already killed two people.
Taking a look at the menu and the butter steak burger and double chili cheese fries don’t exactly sound like the healthy food this dude believe will help America ward off measles.
It’s mostly that they did a Nazi symbol dogwhistle over the weekend and now one of them has to drop by. He’s the current bottomest bitch in the rogues gallery, so he had to make the appearance.
Here's the thing, the "power pose" does work as a psychological tool, it *can* boost confidence.
But your feet should be planted in line with your shoulders if it isn't going to look weird as fuck. These people do not know where their shoulders are positioned.
I recognize that stance. I see it a lot at work (I work in a bar). It’s the “I’m gonna go wide stance so I don’t fall over because I’m fucked up”. Maybe the ghost of the brain worm is fighting with the roadkill he ate earlier for control over his body?
There is an always empty Steak N’ Shake in my town for no other reason than our mayor likes their food so just gave them a shit ton of tax breaks & incentives to build here. I’m curious to see if this boosts their business considering I’m deep in red area here (if the mayor story didn’t clue you in)
You're wondering who I am (secret secret I've got a secret)
Machine or mannequin (secret secret I've got a secret)
With parts made in Japan (secret secret I've got a secret)
I am the modern man
I hear the brain worms RFK Jr has are contagious and passed through contact at casual dining establishments… The new Steak N’ Shake slogan is “come for the beef, stay for the brain worms”
He also wants to take your electronics and send you work in the crop fields all day. You'll either burn it out of your system or be glad it'll end you sooner.
Just saying....
Standing like that elsewhere, the underqualified Secretary's ears started burning! Was it another brainworm nibbling in just the right spot?
RFK Junior's Beef Tallow Sense alerted his to frying being done! Quickly, he scampered to the nearest...SnS
But your feet should be planted in line with your shoulders if it isn't going to look weird as fuck. These people do not know where their shoulders are positioned.
I thought the font was a silly little accident. I was curious about those new beef tallow fries.
I can't save their marketing dept, man. I do not know how they think Wormatouille is a POSITIVE endorsement for a food establishment.
I'd rather pick a bank that SBF recommends.
Maybe they’re actually all just fucking aliens remember the bugs in the skin suits in men in black?
Similar vibes from Bob.
A subway?
Bluebloods need to be bottlenecked out of existence.
Sad life
Machine or mannequin (secret secret I've got a secret)
With parts made in Japan (secret secret I've got a secret)
I am the modern man
No no I don't look hard enough
Okay so is it fine here
He’s probably never eaten a meal that costs that little- not counting the roadkill.
* You may not be old enough to get this reference.
Reality is so false these days!
Also, he knows that everything served there will give you colorectal cancer, right?
That cherry face spells trouble for alcoholics