For me, that would be about 89-93 and once I began dating about 90-91 I always had a big pack of Big Red or Juicy Fruit (back when Juicy Fruit was gray but tasted good).
I still have some that I use for art stuff. Mostly holding supplies like needles and buttons, bits of wire findings, earring backings, stray beads. I have one dedicated to my ear gauges.
My tin of Altoids in high school was emptied and had a mini-altar inside consisting of a small birthday candle, a mini shell, a penny and a sparrow feather 🤣🌙 #witchsky
My 14 yo dancer insists on them. He’s terrified of having to partner with a girl in ballet class and having her say he has bad breath! Anything to get teens focused on hygiene is good in my book!
As adult. For about a decade. If they made one with xylitol and Stevia, I would carry it around and TicTac’s made an extreme mint called X freeze that was strong like Altoids. I bought up all the stock at all the stores
Holy crap. I literally just posted something about this the other day on another platform. For like a month it seemed like everyone had Altoids and if you didn't, you were a loser.
Like I wanted it in case of cramps and didn't want to deal with the school.
In my high school it was cigarettes
it's where I kept my weed and joints.
drug dogs at school never caught me