My best friend and I do it every day as a safety check ever since that story about the daughter who went to check on her mom after she didn't do her daily Wordle exchange and found she was being held hostage.
Absolutely still playing it! Why quit now when there are less and less words that it could be? Some day I'll get in one try! Doubtful but have to have a tiny bit of hope these days.
For reasons indecipherable to me, I've never got into Spelling Bee. I wish they'd bring Numbers back though! I enjoy all the Tiles patterns apart from one - with apologies to Paris, my heart sinks whenever I see it.
Maybe I should get back on the Wordle horse. The thing that took me away is Worldle- it's about countries and I love it. It actually teaches me things.
obits, wordle, connections, spelling bee, & recipes are the the only reason I still have a NYTimes subscription & it gets harder to justify but its for mental health.
I was harshly scolded for replying on a post with a Brit about the differences in spelling compared to the US. Said objectioner “it’s bad form to reveal an answer before we have the puzzle solved.” That took my joy 🥹
It does provide a much needed shot of serotonin first thing in the morning. (Though I am reciprocally aware that one of these days I’m going to break my current consecutive wins streak… and it will ruin me.)
except for the day i missed playing, that ended my streak at 533...
Wordle 1,333 1/6
I have decided to continue to do Wordle every day - at least - until my standard first word is THE word lol
Got it in 2 today!
Started doing crossword on USA Today. No hassle.
Do you have a favourite Tiles pattern?
Wordle 1,337 4/6
Skill 94/99
Luck 32/99
Wordle 1,333 2/6
Wordle 1,333 3/6