Curious if they can identify the far-left policy and messaging that they think was the problem in 2024.
New: Last month, a group of moderate Democratic consultants, campaign staffers, elected officials & party leaders gathered in Loudoun County, Virginia, for a retreat where they plotted their party’s comeback.
We got their takeaways.
We got their takeaways.
Small dollar donors whose…blah blah blah
There is so much wrong with that statement alone I wouldn’t know where to begin.
They brainstormed, "we should ignore our base"???
You can't understand economic stress if you've never actually felt it.
Which is a big problem for Democrats.
We don't have to listen.
This is who *needs* to be primaried
these folks hate winning.
What you want is a healthy ecosystem AND for whales to not take over the messaging bc they have more resources than the whales/billionaires.
Don't worry about losing votes, try to win them.
Instead, we could recognize that America’s large cities are highly desirable places to live—so much so that the crisis is affordability and equity.
- _because_ they are busy controlling what the broader electorate hear and telling them what to fear.
Think back to all the "Pro-Life Dems" who kept super majorities from passing a codification of Roe.
"Voters are in open rebellion over GOP complicity in a malign plot to dismantle our global standing, domestic prosperity, and basic civil society, so NOW'S THE TIME to avoid taking a clear stance on anything!!" gtfo
Stop accepting the premise of GOP criticism as being in good faith.
I can recommend some good churches and tailgates, but why aren’t libraries and gay bars and soup kitchens and antiracism orgs and cultural celebrations and drag shows (etc.) on the “real” list?
I wouldn’t give it so much weight.
But most of this stuff sounds really similar to what IS coming out of Democrat leadership so...
6 of 1, half a dozen of the other...