I had the measles shot 29 years ago, im 30 now. My parent over 52 years ago. What is the hang up over the measles vaccine? Now non vax parents are getting their kids vaccinated because of the deaths.
As someone who is old enough that as a child I had the measles and remember what having the measles was like, let me just tell some of you younger folks:
In developped countries, we have them put either at school or during regular pediatric controls. Actually, in many countries, vaccine records are required to enroll to school.
For adults not vaccinated when childs, you just have to ask your family doctor.
1 in 500 kids die from Measles, 1 in 500 go blind, 1 in 1,000 go deaf. Vaccines stop that. Not vaccinating is like walking into every elementary school of 500 kids, shooting one, blinding one and taking a 50/50 shot of making another deaf.
Having the measles resets your immune system. Kids infected w/measles are significantly more likely to fall ill & die from other causes. A study in 1995 found that vaccinating against the virus reduces overall likelihood of death by between 30% and 86% in years afterwards https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20211112-the-people-with-immune-amnesia
That incident inspired a study to determine if the MMR was protective. It was inconclusive, primarily because covid shots came out. They did find that those who had gotten MMR shots had a better immune response to the Covid shot than those that hadn't. Interesting dive, thanks for bringing it up!
Ask anyone who was a child post 50s when vaccines were pushed as a civic responsibility and are still alive. I so want to gather up all these anti-vaxxers and put them through a meat grinder or a chicken de-boning machine, either works for me. These are absolutely evil fucks.
"First we asked you to sacrifice Grandma and Gramps for Trump. Your first, second, third, etc. child is a small price to pay for the majesty that is MAGA."
Republican Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick
There until yesterday there had not been a measles death in TEN years, and RFK Jr is like, meh, there’s an outbreak every year. I guess that’s the same rationale for delaying the start of the process for developing this fall’s flu vaccine….
Oh... I'm aware. Popehat isn't one to suffer fools. However, answering an obvious falsehood earnestly and honestly is sometimes necessary in today's times.
Sometimes, satire isn't funny when a good chunk of humanity honestly thinks that way.
Depends on how their state interprets religious freedom. If you “because God” in Idaho for example, you can kill or leave your child permanently crippled and you don’t even get a misdemeanor.
I will be very surprised if 2 deaths is the total.
Measles SUCKS.
Get your kids the fucking vaccine.
Drs can't find vaccines are dangerous, but Road Kill Bob has questions
My recent COVID + season FLU I have in my CVS (drug store) app. My doc probably has others, but measles!? Polio?
A lot of boomers may need an MMR shot, according to the CDC.
For adults not vaccinated when childs, you just have to ask your family doctor.
Fearmongering ->......-> dead kids
It's time to ask:
is the NYT an FSB tool?
by Emil Bove
RFK Jr. can suck my left nut.
NOW’S the time?
AFTER the dead kids start piling up - THAT’S the time?
New York Times 👎
Republican Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick
2018: "Russia trolls 'spreading vaccination misinformation' to create discord" https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-45294192
2018: https://www.texasobserver.org/how-greg-abbott-got-played-by-the-russians-during-his-jade-helm-freakout/
Biden never had and does not have Parkinson's.
5 people who caught the measles were vaccinated.
He'll probably tell me they cost $500 and Medicare won't cover it.😏
County with the most vaccine exemptions and most home-schooled kids.
If that isn't the answer Bret came up with, he's lying and should be treated as such.
Sometimes, satire isn't funny when a good chunk of humanity honestly thinks that way.
be arrested?
Child Neglect
Endangerment of a minor
Yeah, “because god” clause will be in effect.
Been some fiery ones coming out of this @ of late.