/5 So I guess I have to revise it to “it’s only an impeachable offense if Congress and the Chick-fil-A-sack-lunch-eating fascist motherfuckers of the Federalist Society want it to be.”
Some Republic.
Some Republic.
(Pardon my pedantry)
An ex of mine once told me: “if you weren’t such a pedant, we’d have far less arguments.”
I said: “Fewer.”
Just a feeling I get, one that it seems other like-minded randos are also getting.
Because it's absolutely terrible for you, messy enough that it can easily be terrible for people around you, everything about it is completely made up, and it isn't even on the menu any more.
if you can keep it
if you want it
in its present condition
Stopping fascism now is way easier than stopping fascism later.
2) Clean SCOTUS
3) Replace the executive.
many folks still have no clue.
If it gets that far it comes down to what common soldiers views are
idiots - would turn on *them*.
I've been wondering, in US law, is there a law that defines acts of treason?
I ask because it seems that from #Felon47's empty oath taking, he & nearly every member of his administration have committed acts of treason.
Everything Trump has done since he was sworn in is impeachable.
I’m not going to cede the meaning of words to the lawless.
Just need to clean the court before starting on the president
I'm not sure what happens if the Vice President insists on his right to preside.
(But hey, I've never understood how executive privilege winds up in the courts, and isn't considered a courtesy extended to the executive branch by the legislative at its own discretion, which is none of the courts' goddam business.)