Question for immigration practitioners: say ICE and the administration, being sloppy, thought Khalil only had a student visa when they came to arrest him, and only learned then he had a green card. Would that impact the legality of the arrest? Did they need judicial pre-approval?
They are fascists and we goddamn well better start reacting like it
I hope that answered the Q
A quick Google search turns up estimates all over the board, with the *low end* being "almost 40%."
So what has he been charged with?
And why is there a difference between cj and immigration systems on this issue?
I am definitely not the expert on this, but others have written about it.
His "crime"? According to Trump, it's simply that he publicly expressed an opinion that's different from / opposed to current US foreign policy.
So it's like all of us who demonstrated against the Vietnam War or against the Iraq War.
I’m pretty sure we know that he’s “charged with” holding together some amount of “Jewish support” for fascism-ascendant, against the backdrop of rising antisemitism due to courting and enabling rw extremists globally.
Unaccompanied minors have been treated the same way for years, right down to flying them across the country and away from their families and support system.
It's like if the police stop you on the highway because they think you look underage to drive, but you show them ID saying you're a licensed 18-y-o.
Point is ICE is acting like they can do it on the spot so constitutional protections don't apply.
The Dems are basically useless. The game plan seems to be "trust Federalism to ride it out in bastion blue states until he falls over dead".
Do you think any green card holder would be risk-averse enough to go through the citizenship application process with the extra layer of xenophobic and political scrutiny that these fascists will bring to the process?
If they're allowed to do this, they can do the same for citizens, who can also be stripped of citizenship via a legal process. In other words, any of us can be disappeared.