had a "video game" talk at work and someone mentioned the new assassin's creed game and how "ubisoft made everyone in japan mad." i had to calmly explain to my coworker how asmongold videos and facebook video game groups are not legitimate new sources.
Japan is not this progressive open minded society like maybe you're envisioning.
They are still very much nationalistic and patriarchal.
If Twin towers were used Americans would be mad.
Even with the Tori gate I was like "Damn Ubisoft what are you thinking we already got people calling it woke because the MC is black, the ninja is a women and you can be gay". Even though Homosexuality and even pederasty wasn't taboo during the period.
It's almost like there's a different word they want to be using.
the controversy over yasuke is stupid but why do you feel the need to lie in order to prop up some corporate product? youre just like the ppl defending sabra
please actually play video games before barging into a discussion about 'em and trying to use "maybe ubi are cowards or morons?" like it's a gotcha and not something entirely uncontroversial to even tourists with a passing knowledge of the us game industry within the last decade
This guy thinks Ubisoft represented feudal Japan poorly:
Same as this guy:
I'd argue it wasn't even so much the tech difference between new and old crossbows... but ease of manufacture.
It seems like a perfectly legimate use for a light crossbow. You can even add a line about how Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad is terrible with an actual bow.
like It would have been cool for Altair to have one but I can see why I might have been cut (Might not have had a place in the toolbox anymore)
All three of them that are left, anyway.
Also, the above story didn’t happen, did it?
Because it would suggest that you’re employed.
Weebs: "I bet the Japanese are so mad they made a BLACK MAN a samurai!"
Japanese people: "Oh cool, Yasuke!"
Fuck off, and try again. https://www.tokyoreview.net/2021/05/ramseyer-and-the-right-wing-ecosystem-suffocating-japan/
Even if that's true, since when is the expectation that art can't be critical of religion?
KCD is pretty dang irreverent of Catholicism. Don't see people talking about that.
Still waiting for them to show a Japanese forum or Japan twitter being mad about it
Like, there's a reason the corpos are kicking the release date can down the road.
I am just more fuckin aware of the than you. You utter and absolute ignoramus.
And so far, I've seen more genuine outrage from them due to Ubisoft's mishandling
The advertisers need to reckon with how that doesn't match their desired demo.
Most of the there are actual criticisms of this game as corporate slop but culture warriors are just being racist and bigot because the MC is black
If he looked like a cockroach, used a dead rat as an alarm clock, had more mold than JK Rowling, but voted against Trump, he'd still be more reliable than ~50% of US population.
I joke but it's hard to imagine if he was a Let's Play-er from 2008 or did comedy skits like JonTron.
dude just has questionable gaming takes sometimes lmao
To be apolitical is to not have a compass
It's one thing to not profess politics, but the moment you step into politics, you are on a side, and apolitical is just a refusal to stand against what's wrong
Them being a nazi or a nazi sympathizer, or just a generic piece of shit, that's a different topic
Pokémon has been the same game, over and over and over, for almost THREE decades, but nobody ever seems to mind.
I'm probably going to catch mad hate just for saying this much.
Besides, I do remember quite a bit of upset at the new 3D Pokemon games for having extremely small rosters and generally looking terrible.
But almost nobody says "GEEZ, HOW MANY TIMES CAN YOU CATCH A BUNCH OF ELECTRIC RATS IN BALLS AND STILL ENJOY IT" the way people will criticize, say, Far Cry for having you climb towers and liberate settlements over and over.
But people DO enjoy that.
I mean, what does it matter to me? If anything, it makes sense for one house to specialize in several repetitive series.
I can get different games elsewhere.
Look at ID, would anyone play something from ID that was not a fps?
Pokemon is itself a pretty good example that making small improvements each iteration can work really well. Why expect developers to completely reinvent the wheel?
I'm the end-user. I'm looking get high quality versions of the games I want, hopefully made by the experts in that genre or type.
They also dislike a lot of changes.
He talks about how new games are shit... But HIS only contribution to the scene was a FLOP with shit reviews on steam.
I genuinely think he is bitter about being so impotent and unable to contribute to his favorite hobby. It sucks to suck!
It would actually be really weird if normal adult people got inflamed over a work of fiction not being 100% accurate.
Just some online idiot making controversy out of layers of made up non-sense.
Every pantheon they've featured have turned out to actually be a precursor race that created humans as slaves.
Destroying a shrine doesn't seem as big.
good work
just read some of the comments here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qIodt9Js4I
(Spoilers they actually loved it, and the mangaka of the original anime was in tears over such a famous actor playing his character)
No one batted an eye then 😂
But add a WOMAN or BLACK PEOPLE?! That's ahistorical!
Meanwhile Yasuke is actual historic fact.
Its just racism (by white supremacists)
Like, the narrative of Assassin's Creed is fiction, so that'll all be made up.
But the guy is history. He's in over a dozen games for a reason. He was a real samurai.
But its like how the secretary of defense is called the secretary of defense. But you wouldn't say "oh he's just a secretary!"
But maybe they can't read.
And I hope I get to see that. Revel in it.
(fight me, motherfuckers)
But one thing is for certain, Asmongold eats his lunch from inside a dog's asshole.