It's got a more classic/arcade feel to it and I genuinely have a better time with Rise than I did World, but it didn't keep me hooked as hard. Go for it.
Hell yeah it's good!
I love World, Rise, and Wilds each for their own reasons but all three are great
(just be prepared to relearn your classes cause controls seem to change with each one lmao)
It’s great but its different than Worlds/Wilds. It’s like a fighting game in some aspects and still has alot of QoL upgrades to it that modern MonHunts have. The expansion is extremely excellent and where the game really stands out.
Wait and it’s on game pass? Yes 100000000000%. Somehow they got it running on Switch which is where I played it. No chocobo but there’s a dog and also something about swinging around in the air that I never quite got the hang of with the switch controls djdjjdjd
The DLC did a wonderful 180 on the title. It cut a lot of the fat (those tower defense raid quests) and realigned back on what makes the franchise work best. Likewise, Malzeno wound up being an absolute amazing flagship monster for Sunbreak and one who I would love to see return in a future title.
That's not really fair of me to say for World, which is still an excellent game.
World was the first "big" home console game in the series since the first one, so it focused a lot on expanding the environments. Also it was planned as a fresh new direction, so it pulls back a bunch of the minutia.
Meanwhile Rise goes in the opposite direction and creates what is the fastest game in the series. Your character in Rise has access to the most tools (at once, anyways, GU has some stuff). You've got the most mobility and the most capability.
Also you've got like a grappling bug to fly around with.
But whatever you pick between Rise and World, You want to make sure that you are playing the expanded edition. It'll be called either Sunbreak or Iceborne respectively.
There's more stuff for your weapons, and a third tier called after Low/High Rank called Master (G rank in games before World)
Also Generations Ultimate, if you do have a switch handy, is kinda like Smash Ultimate in the sense of "we're gonna cram as much of the goddamn series (from before world) as we can into this goddamn thing"
Yes. It's a much better game than Wilds in my opinion. Much faster and demanding gameplay, better endgame structure with more focus on builds and learning your combos.
Played through it all the way to its expansion, definitely a good modern MH to play on the go besides Stories which I feel a lot of folk sleep on and/or hate unnecessarily.
Hopefully you don't mind having nothing but Dango, which is one of my few gripes with it.
Kind of a no-brainer for a Game Pass subscription. Really refined gameplay/combat mechanics over World but the more barebones old-school corridors-and-arenas level design suffers in comparison to World's much more organic dense/sprawl aesthetic
I love World, Rise, and Wilds each for their own reasons but all three are great
(just be prepared to relearn your classes cause controls seem to change with each one lmao)
Every Monster Hunter, regardless of gen, has its own specficities that makes each one unique while not losing most of what makes MH good
Your options here are Rise and World, with World being like Wilds 0.5, and Rise being the "Arcady" game between them.
You could also go for Generations Ultimate if you've got a switch handy.
World was the first "big" home console game in the series since the first one, so it focused a lot on expanding the environments. Also it was planned as a fresh new direction, so it pulls back a bunch of the minutia.
Also you've got like a grappling bug to fly around with.
ALSO it looks at all the cool stuff you can do in Rise and gives you a bunch of much more reasonable versions of those moves.
There's more stuff for your weapons, and a third tier called after Low/High Rank called Master (G rank in games before World)
But it's still a handheld game at its core.
Hopefully you don't mind having nothing but Dango, which is one of my few gripes with it.