With the return of Reacher I’d like to gently remind some of my liberal friends that there are multiple books in the Reacher series where the entire premise is “local cops corrupt, Feds are lazy and stereotyping”. It’s okay to let people like stuff without the lecture.
My brother lives next door to me.
Im away atm.
Today my brother txt me. He told me that for the first time in their lives our neighbors are buying guns.
I was rattled. As far as I know nobody in our street ever owned a gun.
The first "joint" book read like something Andrew had already written and then shoved Reacher into.
The next ones have been an improvement, which is damning with faint praise, but at least the effort is there.
He's not a good writer and if he didn't have his brother handing him a massively established franchise, he'd have never been published.
Have you misplaced your car keys lately?
That use to be a thing before cell phones became a thing to misplace
Not sure now who has bragging rights in being lost most
Vehicle Keys or the phone?
The aluminum frame or the carbon fiber to recite wisdom or prose therapy on demand need
of a proper lectern of high regards
Also GNU Sir Terry.
I enjoy old James Bond movies, pretty sexist by todays standards and well I still watch them.
But it is fiction!
these people don’t travel and have no idea how good they have it in the US. FAFO will land hard for them.
This is also why I don't much like the 'copaganda' label, esp. when applied to shows like B99.
Reacher is a more effective Luigi.
Not sure why any liberal would be against the TV version.
I mean, does watching a horror movie make you pro-murder?
After all, one of the primary reasons I consume fiction is to escape reality and it's nice to think of a world where police actually help people.
don't want lectures? pay me equal to the avg. tenured professor
don't want a healer? pay me equal to the avg. surgeon
don't want a Jesus? Give me one trillion USDollars
don't want a tyrant? Approve me for infinite credit and assume payments.
I thought there was a new Supernatural series coming.
I'm that old.
People get to enjoy life and everything isn’t political.
Except JK Rowling. Big fat nope on that hateful garbage person.
1/ while it’s true that not all art is inherently political, intention & interpretation matters
2/ What’s happening in our world right now is beyond politics, it’s literally impacting every facet of our life
There are only four Colter Shaw books, so you can just start with The Never Game when you get time and you'll feel right at home.
*sigh* Some people...
We can't escape who we are.
"They really wanna go, heh...?"
I've never read a Reacher book I didn't enjoy. Didn't like the movie...