A great deal of trouble we face now is that those in power assume everyone working for the public good has to be part of a grift because *they literally cannot conceive of a public good*. They are broken, deranged people, almost to a one. I'm struggling with the response to this.
a good job is a good job : feeds families, pays mortgages, buys piano lessons, soccer & prom gear, dentist appointments, & pays tithes to places of worship
why is a gub*ment job a bad thing??
i don’t get it
these folks are trained to be the purveyors of information we need!
i love ‘em!
It also feels like the end stage of Reaganism
We cannot do anything else, grown men hardly ever change. So we shouldn't expect them to change, nor expect that anything we can do will change their ways. We're not responsible to fix them, cleaning up the mess they leave would be a herculean task itself.
If science existed anymore, there should be a study.
"Um. Warm fuzzy feelings and a sense of community?"
i can’t even finish a drawing anymore
i’m no longer a real artist
there’s nothing to look forward to
everyone would probably be relieved they no longer have to put up with me
it would be better for everyone if i was gone
having melatonin and trying to go to bed
Your empathy and sense of justice is so valuable. You are valuable.
Instead we relentlessly shred their fragile fantasy by focusing attention on its freshest, most obvious vulnerabilities:
+ Corrupt, dangerous hijacking of FAA to serve + pay Musk
+ Betrayal of our allies, especially Canada
Mr Ford: It's a gift.
Banker: A what?
Mr Ford: A gift.
Banker: Oh a gift!
Mr Ford: Yes.
Banker: A tax dodge.
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My fucking middle fingers.
But what I'm best at is shitting on dickheads that deserve it.
For a lot of people, really.
We all think that what we see in our everyday life, especially our parents' habits, is 'normal', regardless of whether it is or not. Perhaps we're seeing the results of US society having to 'chase the buck' harder and harder.
"Unless somebody trusts somebody, there'll be nothing left on Earth excepting fishes."
If it can't be profitable, what's the point?
Money, for instance, is valued according to the work one has to exchange to obtain it from the society that uses it. To YOU it is your personal work
Now consider what happens when someone obtains money from their ownership of something rather than from work. The society is forced to give them money, representing work, in exchange for their right to "own"
When money represents work, it is limited by the laws of Thermodynamics.
When it represents debt with interest, as it currently does, it is limited by our gullibility.