Spock says with toddlers, if you need to get somewhere put them in the stroller. If you are just taking them for a walk, let them take their time, looking at every flower. I used to let mine wander up people's driveways, as long as they didn't pick the flowers.
i wonder if spock had any notes on keeping two of them safe at once on a leisurely examining-things walk when they want to go in opposite directions constantly
my middle one was a runner, and for at least a year I never opened the house door or the car door without her stroller ready and waiting for her. She would run right into the street, or into trees, she didn't care. But she grew up anyway, and now she nannies two toddlers.
we went on a .6 mile walk on level terrain and i had to apologize to two neighbors who were out pruning about how much the lads were crying their eyes out because i wouldn't let them run up into strangers' yards whenever they felt like it lol
"that's someone else's car. we don't touch it. it's private property. yes it's parked on the street which is public property so it IS sort of like someone just left their soccer ball in the park and we'd be allowed to kick it around but it's a car and has an alarm so it's different"
they are ON leashes already lmao. they just pull as hard as they can against it when they decide to go in another direction until they fall over and wail
Yeah I can’t say it was working out well for them either. I ask myself, what would I have responded to at that age? And the answer is, probably nothing
ya know, you could have asked for something simple, like how to reconcile General Relativity with Quantum Mechanics, or an explanation of non equilibrium thermodynamics
but no, right off the bat you start with the tough questions
Not possible. Like trying to herd cats. What always amazes is me is how they always seem to be heading into a collision, yet manage to veer away at the last second, most of the time.
You could also try the hold-a-ring walking rope method.
I truly do think most of it is
a.) giving them something to do, not just something not to do.
b.) tiny barriers that don’t actually restrict freedom but create physical reminders of a task/goal when they get distracted
they might honestly just be too young to understand "our goal is to walk to that yellow car 20 feet away" i tried some of that and they still just fell over and wailed. they're extremely good at gross motor skills but have no idea what the hell they're doing at any time
My grandma told me when a child learns to walk to help them understand the point of walking is to get to the bathroom! It's like immediate potty training- my kid has CP and does not walk, but it's an awesome concept if you ask me! I've seen it done 🤯
Nope, they are your drunk overlords keeping you guessing at every second if the steps they are taking are towards the abyss or you! Seriously though, walking is not automatic for awhile, each movement is a conscious choice their brain is making without a body that is firm enough to respond reliably
One thing that helps them walk “better” is allowing them to be barefoot as much as possible, or using shoes that are soft soled. The the feet are looking for feedback and the less distance between their foot muscles and the ground the better. I loved this brand: https://www.robeez.com
My 14.5 month old child is so delightful, so opinionated, so expressive, so eager to explore, and so completely lacking in life experience, judgement, or restraint. Which is as it should be, but oooooof
Step Two: Point and release.
Also, you have to make time so they can stop and be curious so they don’t grow up to be jack booted thugs who only follow orders
You got this!
but no, right off the bat you start with the tough questions
ouch !!
A smart one
I truly do think most of it is
a.) giving them something to do, not just something not to do.
b.) tiny barriers that don’t actually restrict freedom but create physical reminders of a task/goal when they get distracted
'No plan of operations extends with any certainty beyond the first encounter with the main enemy forces.' - Field Marshal Helmuth von Moltke, 1871
i could pick him up and put him on the grass / snow and he'd just stand there "trapped" until I put him back on the sidewalk 😅
they only walk in a direction if they have an Objective