The in-fighting within the various parts of the left and progressives (as it ever was) is about the pain and tension of different paths amidst the fear. I struggle because I have empathy for any way forward that lets you sleep at night, and helps you take care of the people you love. It’s all valid.
Yes, it will hurt them some, but it makes a big tent on the left possible, which hurts MAGA and the GOP a lot more - the fiscal conservatives can divorce from the evangelical antichristians.
You need to consider that the Democratic Party did not DO enough to WIN those votes. That they’re the ones who signed their own death warrant.
They're busy playing nice on the hill now.
And we're left out.
I’m starting to wonder if I’m complicit in the continued failure of this party by voting for it.
I mean, wtaf is going on here?
If an actual threat, you failed to respond. If not, you lied.
The busy people, underfunded, building awesome projects are not arguing dumb shit