There's so much bad in this paragraph it's hard to know where to start. FAA is now controlled by Elon Musk. He's awarding himself this contract. That's not what a conflict of interest means. This is simple looting.
Not to mention a gross violation of the FAR (Federal Acquisition Regulations).
Drug addict Elon
Stood with the cabinet,
Searching for DEI;
He gutted the goverment,
And stole 3 billion,
And said "What a cool guy am I?"
This is very, very bad.
Like are they not hearing from lobbyists from Tesla/SpaceX competitors, Boeing, the airlines, etc...? Business travelers? I know they're all scared of their own psycho voters but is there no point too far?
to describe Trump 2.0. Extraordinary almost always = illegal.
Our Constitution is no longer in effect