Just restating the simple point: President lacks the constitutional authority to close a department created by Congress. Full stop. Both the creation and on-going funding of these Depts are LAWS not suggestions. This is criminal conduct. https://www.wsj.com/politics/policy/draft-of-trump-executive-order-aims-to-eliminate-education-department-5315c3a4?st=i92oTT via @WSJ
By the time it’s settled, the department will be gone.
For the president (at least this one) nothing is illegal
-'do whatever you want until someone stops you, it's lawlessness. They have NO respect tcfor any justice system, nation or law of the land
Lets do it!
This is true.
Any Executive Order contrary to laws passed by Congress should be challenged by the Courts and Congress itself.
Congress can pass laws
Congress can override Presidential veto
Congress can impeach, convict and remove a President
I can't wait.💪💪💪💪😎
The idea that the legal system is a real check on him is dark comedy at this point.
Ready to step in.
Because it's not Donald Trump. And it's not Linda Fucking McMahon.
So WHO IS IT?????
And why?
WSJ is asking questions, many pointed questions and calling out the danger to the economy loudly.
Americans are quite clear regarding the problem.
That’s not the point. The point is that no one is stopping him. No one is forcing this to be over.
Knicks Win in OT
New Tay Tay on the Way!!!
Media covers the revolution...
US Constitution. From classroom learning to nutrition and a multitude of other programs, the Public Education Dept has helped
the Republic for decades.
This is class warfare...
Despicable and Evil
Following illegal orders will be HER UNDOING! Think of Rudy Giuliani as just one example of how Trump gets others to commit crimes!
What would be the infraction? Civil or criminal?
What's the charge, and punishable by what?
Seriously. He needs to go. I no longer care how.
It's just completely shameless capitulation.
Now espionage, on the other hand...
Arrest #trElump
“Just Say No” to #Nazis #gop
TO The tЯ☭mpublican Traitors supporting Traitor tЯ☭mp & P☭tin! Remove THEM ALL!
#VerifyTheVote!! StarLink
Since Donald Trump acknowledges he benefits from VOTERS who are poorly educated, shouldn’t we double or triple the size of the Department of Education… not work to destroy it?
Otherwise, "when in the course of human events ..."
I had hopes.
Government being run not just like a business but the very worst of business.
And, I’m not sure you see what’s happening. We don’t have that long.
Twilight Zone shit.
Will Congress legitimize his unlawful behavior?
This junta lacks the constitutional authority to do anything. And yet they're being allowed to steal everything in broad daylight.
Without these defined, aren't laws effectively just suggestions?
stay focused...rest laugh cry sleep....we can do this
So the EO tells her to ....lobby Congress?
paying though?
So did the bursar just not sign the check
How could he have turned of the funds so easily and quickly.
Who gave him the authority and how did he do it?
@democrats.org @democrats-judiciary.house.gov
@aoc.bsky.social @repjasmine.bsky.social
#WTAF ‼️💥
Now, could someone please explain this to all the Democrats who didn't bother to vote in 2016 & 2024 presumably because they couldn't accept the concept of a woman president?
If the American public doesn't think THIS is illegal....
Now, let's talk about sexism and the third of our voting public who didn't bother to vote in 2016 and 2024.
Now, what the role of congress?
Article I of the United States Constitution established the legislative branch known as the Congress. Congress enacts laws that influence the daily lives of all Americans and is intended to serve as the voice of the people.
That is their cowardly out.
I hope anyone who didn't vote or voted third party suffer as much as those who voted for this.
Fight back!
I texted 43367, Volunteer
Now, Congress must not cede its powers!
How ANY DEMOCRATS can vote with them absolutely floors me 🤢
It’s a critical time
So let’s not even think about what to do if it does happen.
Democratic leadership advisers
Should have added:
So says democratic advisors.
Roll over and play dead? Wtf?
Democrats are fundraisers, mot fighters.
They aren’t telling us the Truth.
American democracy is dead.
Its over.
We ARE a fascist oligarchy.
But who is going to stop him and enforce the laws?
There ample precedent of a US president cutting wasteful spending.
What the FUCK are our Democratic Congress Persons doing? What was that pathetic display on Tuesday night? Are they making their exit plans for Europe?
That justice is available to Fuck Face as soon as he wants it!
Eternal Justice may come sooner. We can pray for it🙏🙏
They believe the Empowerment Law of 1933 is the law of the land, and trump didn't even have to burn the Capitol for that.
"Illegal" doesn't exist, unless someone's skin is brown.
There are lawful ways to halt a Constitutional crisis. The chances that it will play out like this are almost nil, but the article is an interesting read.
Yes, I know I’m yelling, but I’m getting older, so I’m feeling my old people vibes and taking them out for a fucking spin.
If the spending is cut by EO who needs an actual new budget when they can have an actual budget via EO?